Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1045: Recently stressed

Li Tian brought flowers and came to He Yun with joy. What he didn't expect was that he saw an angry scene downstairs in the company. He saw a super sports car parked there with the back cover opened. All of them are flowers.

At first glance, he is the second generation of super rich, looking down at his watch.

This kind of style is quite common in this neighborhood, but I don't know why Li Tian feels that this guy came to He Yun.

Sure enough, He Yun, wearing sunglasses, walked down coldly.

Li Tian approached and heard the conversation between them.

"Sao Leng, I have said that how many times, I have a boyfriend, please respect me and stop doing this kind of thing."

This man called Leng Shao actually smiled evilly. "I just give you a little gift, is this also wrong?"

Although Li Tian is not a righteous man, he rushed up violently at this moment.


Without saying a word, he went up to give that Leng Shao a punch.

"I'm He Yun's boyfriend. You are entangled with my girlfriend. I have opinions."

Who is Li Tian? With this punch, Shao Leng was knocked to the ground on the spot.

"Li Tian!"

He Yun was shocked, and she hurried over to hold Li Tian. "How did you come."

"Don't be afraid, no one dares to pester you with me."

Li Tian will never allow other men to worry about his women.

"I'm fine..."

He Yun wanted to speak again, but at this moment she was still standing on Li Tian's side, and said to Leng Shao: "You go, he is my boyfriend, don't show up here again."

"You have a kind! I grew up so young Leng, no one dared to beat me, you wait for me."

This Leng Shao also knows that a good guy doesn't suffer from immediate losses. This Li Tian doesn't look particularly burly, but the strength of this fight is obviously much stronger than him, so he got up, wiped off the blood from the cracked mouth and ran away.

In a society under the rule of law, Li Tian can't kill people either. It is no longer reasonable to beat him, so at this moment he can only let him leave.

But Li Tian noticed his cold eyes before he left, and he guessed that this kid didn't plan to admit it just like that.

"Sorry, Li Tian, ​​I caused you trouble again."

He Yun didn't want this. Although she was a big internet celebrity, she was destined to unavoidable some messy things, but this kind of result was really not what she wanted to see.

Li Tian comforted her, stretched out his hand to stroke her hair and said, "It's okay, trust me."

With that, he picked up the flowers that had just been placed aside, and walked over to He Yun's hands. "Give it to you."

He Yun smiled. "I really like."

After going upstairs, Li Tian took out the diamond ring again. Although it was not a marriage proposal, when Li Tian put the diamond ring on her finger, He Yun almost cried with joy.

When Li Tian knew she was alone, she must have suffered a lot of grievances.

Holding her comforted.

Sure enough, after some greetings, Li Tian and He Yun communicated, and they gradually understood who this Leng Shao was.

He turned out to be a rich second generation on the same level as He Yun's cousin. He also knew He Yun before and knew that she was very beautiful, but at that time, he felt that she was a little internet celebrity. There are as many as she wants on the Internet.

But just the night before yesterday, He Yun’s live broadcast room actually topped the list of live broadcast platforms. Many self-media and entertainment news reported this news. The total gifts in the live broadcast room reached tens of millions. Obviously This is already the ceiling of Internet celebrities in the live broadcast industry.

It is even comparable to a first-line celebrity. At this time, this Leng Shao just broke up with the nth ex-girlfriend, only then did he notice that there was such a stunning beauty beside him.

Ever since, the scene of today appeared, in fact, he also came yesterday, but He Yun did not come down to see him.

Today he came again, driving a super sports car, attracting a lot of people to watch. He Yun didn't want to make a big mess, so he could only come down to see him and let him give up.

However, Li Tian beat him without saying anything.

Li Tian was a little depressed after hearing He Yun's explanation. "Your cousin Gu Jie, how could he know such a friend?"

Moreover, in Li Tian's impression, Gu Jie is a mad demon guarding sister, this shouldn't require He Yun to come forward in person.

"My cousin’s company has had some problems recently, I don’t want to bother him. And this Leng Shao is a friend of my cousin’s friend, not my cousin’s friend."

It turned out that there were difficulties.

No wonder Li Tian felt a lot of pressure on He Yun's face.

"What's the problem? Can I help?"


When He Yun was about to explain, there was a rapid knock on the door.

He Yun opened the door, and it turned out that Gu Jie's cold face appeared. "Where is that Leng Xiao?"

"Li Tian"

When Gu Jie saw Li Tian, ​​he was taken aback.

"Cousin, long time no see."

Li Tian said hello with a smile. "That Leng Shao has been beaten away by me."

A ashamed smile appeared on Gu Jie's face. "I've been too busy lately to protect He Yun." As he said, he turned to He Yun and said, "You clean up a little bit. In the last two days, it's best to move immediately."

"what happened?"

When Li Tian heard this, he didn't expect the problem to be so serious.

Gu Jie hesitated and told Li Tian the truth.

It turns out that Leng Shao is not terrible. It is the Leng family behind him. They are in the energy business. Gu Jie recently invested in new energy. This project burned a lot of money. Not only He Yun also invested a but It's a drop in the bucket. Later, Gu Jie went to the doctor for illness and found a friend to borrow a lot of money. When Gu Jie stretched out ten fingers, Li Tian was shocked.

1 billion?

Because Gu Jie wanted to be bigger and stronger, the money was invested in the R&D department, but it was only later discovered that he had been scammed.

It turns out that the real boss behind the loan is the Leng family. They want to use this method to acquire Gu Jie’s company. Although his new energy company is far inferior to their Leng family, their R&D capabilities are very strong.

Gu Jie naturally did not want to see that he put in a lot of hard work and eventually became someone else’s wedding dress. Therefore, he kept looking for a way, and he almost sold the iron, repaid 600 million, but there is still a gap of 400 million ~ ~If it is still not up, the problem is still serious.

Maybe Gu Jie and his company are going to get a lawsuit, but at this time, their family's cold young, taking advantage of the vacancy, knowing He Yun's residence through the relationship, they began to harass her.

This Leng Shao knew that Gu Jie couldn't move him in this city, so he dared to be so blatant.

"It turns out that it is, 400 million. Although it is indeed a lot, why don't you find me?"

Li Tian asked.

Gu Jie smiled bitterly: "Your company has just started, and there are wolves before and after tigers. I don't want to drag you into the water. This Leng family is like a hungry wolf. Many companies that oppose them have gone bankrupt. , I want to fight it down by myself."

Li Tian patted Gu Jie on the shoulder and said seriously: "You are too far-sighted to say that. I am He Yun's boyfriend. Since you have been scammed by someone, how can I stand by."

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