Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1087: Braised sea cucumber

Li Tian helped his top hat and started to stir up fire.

The first is a product of tofu, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, sliced ​​ginger, Qingjiang vegetables, egg skin, salt, sesame oil, etc., plus homemade tofu.

Coupled with a special fire and slowly burning, Li Tian's extraordinary performance in his body, after all, this is his first battle to become a top chef.

A product of tofu, the taste is light, tender, soft and mellow.

It is a classic special dish, belonging to Confucian cuisine. This dish is white and tender, rich in nutrition, and is popular with people.

Because it was serving time now, and there were not many back chefs onlookers, when Li Tian finished making it, he put the lid on and he was taken up.

When the first boss who ordered Li Tian, ​​after looking at the dishes on the table, he immediately picked up the chopsticks and tasted it.

Yipin's tofu has a crispy skin. As soon as you bite into the outer meringue, the snow-white tofu and the sauce spread in your mouth. It is fragrant, tender and delicious, and it is simply endless aftertaste.

It seems simple to make this dish, but in fact the chef’s technical requirements are extremely strict. A little bit worse, the taste is very different.

It is a great skill to make ordinary homemade tofu delicious.

After tasting the first piece, the distinguished guest picked up the snow-white napkin and wiped his mouth, and then directly commented on the young and beautiful female service.

"This first dish is really good. I have eaten several tofu brands. The one you made is undoubtedly one of the best. I like it very much."

The waitress breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "Your satisfaction is our sincere service."

Li Tian started cooking the second course here.

Grilled sea cucumbers with green onions, although working hours are not as crowded as last night, the executive chef and general manager are here.

They watched Li Tian doing something on the stove, and nodded in agreement. This Li Tian's craftsmanship is really good, and he is not to look good.

Even in their opinion, if Li Tian's company goes bankrupt, Li Tian will not die of starvation. It is very easy to be a top Shandong cuisine chef in a 5-star hotel with a monthly income of 20,000 to 30,000.

After all, chefs are easy to find, but there are very few who dare to be known as top chefs.

The average chef does not have such a big tone.

Grilled sea cucumber with green onions, this Shandong dish is also a great dish. It is known as one of the eight treasures of ancient and modern. The sea cucumber is fresh and fresh, has a mellow green onion fragrance, and is rich in nutrients. It nourishes the lungs and kidneys.

The taste is: salty, fresh and slightly sweet.

The choice of sea cucumbers can be liao cucumber, black jade cucumber and sea cucumber.

Since Li Tian is ready to cook these 11 dishes, he naturally prepared them early. Pour the ingredients into the pot and cook them carefully. When the dishes are on the plate, they are not only delicious, but also particularly beautiful.

Seeing that another dish was brought up, the distinguished guest couldn't help but start using his chopsticks.

"Delicious, delicious, delicious."

The diners could no longer find an adjective, and could only show his thumb. "The top chef of your hotel really deserves its reputation. This dish should be more expensive."

The waitress was also very surprised. The new chef is really amazing. With only 2 dishes, it has conquered the taste of connoisseurs.

You know, it's hard to adjust, even if it is delicious, some people will not like it.

This Chef Li Tian is really amazing, I really want to marry him!

A rich and capable man is simply perfect.

However, the waitress still intimately informed: sea cucumbers are rich in nutrients such as protein and calcium, while fruits such as grapes, persimmons, hawthorns, pomegranates, green fruits, tomatoes contain more tannins, and eating at the same time will not only cause protein to coagulate and be difficult to digest and absorb. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may also occur.

Sea cucumbers should not be taken with licorice.

The diners nodded.

When Li Tian planned to start making the third dish, three shredded shark fins, another table of ordering menus came down.

There are a lot of dishes on this table, not only a dish of tofu and green onion braised sea cucumber shark fin, but also sweet and sour yellow river carp steak with raw shell abalone and prawns braised in oil.

There is no doubt that there are a lot of customers at this table, these dishes are ordered, a lot of money.

Li Tian didn't dare to delay, he had to start to speed up, otherwise it would be bad if the list piled up for a while.

Many diners have listened to the recommendation of the young and beautiful waitresses, the name is still very attractive, and most of the people who come to eat here are not bad for money.

Yesterday, the little handyman who still questioned Li Tian now looked at Li Tian with a look of admiration. He really didn't understand that Li Tian was able to create a company as large as a fertile agricultural park. Last night, he checked on the Internet. This company made a fortune with agricultural products. Now the newly developed vegetables are selling well all over the country.

But it's such a big boss, who even cooks in the back kitchen of a 5-star hotel now, this is simply a god!

Three shredded shark fins, sweet and sour yellow river carp steak, raw shell abalone, braised prawns, classic and characteristic Shandong dishes, are made one after another in Li Tian’s cauldron. Not only is it beautiful, it smells good and it tastes good. It's delicious, absolutely absolutely.

The diners who ordered the dishes were full of praise after tasting them.

Many of the lobby managers in front were also very surprised. I thought that Li Tian’s identity was not simple, and his cooking would definitely be unsatisfactory. I don’t know that even if the price of the food is one-third more expensive, it is almost 100% praised. At first, some women The waiter is still afraid to recommend it. After all, who knows if the new top chef is really reliable, if the customer doesn't buy it, it will be over.

Tricky and thankless.

Nowadays, the praises received by diners are beginning to recommend. 11 dishes, more than 20 copies of each dish were prepared in advance, and they were all sold out at noon.

Li Tianshi has been cooking on the stove for nearly three hours, almost busy with his hands and feet, and his sales at one noon at this stall has exceeded hundreds of thousands.

Not only was the executive chef shocked, but also the chefs who were in the stalls. Good deed, this is too fierce.

The general manager even came to comfort him personally: "Chef Li, or let's take a break first, you have been cooking for more than 2 hours in a row, and your body can't help it."

The back kitchen of a 5-star hotel is equipped with air conditioning and heating, so it is not simmering in it. However, Li Tian’s high-intensity work is also sweaty. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with a special towel to avoid dripping sweat from the pot. It affects the taste of food.

He is not doing work, he is doing tasks, so he is very careful, even if he has been working hard for so long, he is not sloppy.

"I'm fine!"

Li Tian smiled and said: "There are still 7-8 dishes, but you can't make customers wait for a long time. They will all be served and fried."

The chef on the side wanted to help, but Li Tian refused.

Generally, chefs can help each other, after all, it is impossible for every stall to be equally busy, and some are free to help.

Li Tian refused because he was afraid that they would smash his own brand, and the mission requirement must be a top chef.

"Thank you, I can do it."

The aunts came over to fight when they were done, they were surprised to see Li Tian's back.

"Hey, Boss Li doesn't seem to be a muscular man by his side, and he doesn't even have a beer belly. How come his body is so strong, for more than 3 hours..."

"This is perfect!"

Today, at just one noon, Li Tian is well-known in the entire 5-star hotel.

And he made so many dishes, some of the same dishes were fried in one pot, and they were all well received. The only one who gave a bad review was a rather tricky customer who waited for more than 10 minutes and got impatient, although In the end, the dishes were good, but the serving speed was too slow.

The waiter explained that today is the first day of work. The front and back add up to more than 200 dishes. A chef, even if one pot fries 3 dishes, requires 66 pots. More than 3 hours of continuous production, this is already difficult.

Generally speaking, a chef who is a little slower can't do it at all.

However, the general manager came over at this time and said: "Dear customer, if you still want to eat food made by top chefs at night, and don’t want to wait too much, our top chefs can make reservations in advance. And the dishes are limited. If you order late, maybe We have to wait for tomorrow."


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