Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 117: Signed writer

Li Tian was completely taken aback, what's the situation?

Only 4 chapters have been updated, and there were even more changes in the middle, and the results are so bad that you can sign a contract?

Li Tian even wondered, did he not wake up?

Having just gone through all kinds of blows, even the updated system tasks are so difficult, but now, when I was planning to write a novel, I sent a short station to sign up.

Did the editor shook his hand and gave the wrong point?

Li Tian confirmed it several times over and over again, and was finally convinced that he was not dreaming, all of this turned out to be true. He wrote a novel for the first time in his life, and he was still writing a fantasy novel. He only wrote 4 chapters. A novel with extremely poor grades, even successfully obtained the qualification for signing a contract.

In other words, Li Tian immediately fills in the contract to make the novel become a contracted work in the true sense. Next, Li Tian only needs to work hard to update to 30,000 words, then his special task can be considered as completed, and he can get 5000 cash red envelopes and 500 Lottery points.

Li Tian wiped his eyes. To be honest, he still felt dreaming.

It's not that he is arrogant, but that his novel grades are really poor.

Although he is familiar with "Recitation", his writing is full of literary atmosphere, but his novels are really not wonderful. If you look for a work on the best-selling list, you can compare Li Tian's novels. Hundreds of streets.

But I didn't expect that my own novel "Fantasy World" with a relatively tacky title could actually be signed.

"Huh? Wait."

Li Tian suddenly felt a flash of light from his mind. Last night, he seemed to have used the extremely precious one.

‘Does it have something to do with the signing of the novel today? ’

The more Li Tian thinks about it, the more he realizes it is possible. Otherwise, how could he get a contract with such a bad result?

After refreshing Li Tian's mobile phone, it still added 1 collection. I don't know if it was edited or not. Anyway, adding Li Tian's own, there are already 2 collections.

"Amazing data..."

Li Tian didn’t hurt the spring and the autumn anymore. He quickly opened QQ and chose to add a responsible editor and a signed editor. To be honest, Li Tian checked it for a long time before he understood that the responsible editor is the editor responsible for the content and the shelves of the novel. General novel issues You can find the editor in charge.

The contract editor is just the editor responsible for the novel contract.

I don't know if it was because of Monday today or because of last night.

Li Tian added quickly, and then talked to the responsible editor and the contract editor respectively.

The editor in charge told Li Tian that it was enough to write the book well, and that he would be arranged for recommendations. Li Tian naturally nodded happily. In addition, I told Li Tian to sign a contract with the signing editor first, and let the words displayed on the page of the novel, so that readers who like the novel can give a reward, and also told Li Tian to interact with readers and ask for a recommendation ticket. UU Reading www.uukā makes the data of the novel look better.

Li Tian nodded as he listened, but when he saw his empty book review area and the two collections, the corners of his mouth were slightly bitter.

Chatting with contract editors is a bit complicated. First, confirm the copyright of the novel, the number of characters planned for creation, and whether you are willing to sign a contract with this website.

After Li Tian answered all the questions, the signing editor gave him an electronic contract online and sent another message like filling in the contract. Then, he told Li Tian to take a good look at the contract and confirm that there are no problems. After filling it out, send it again. In the past, she checked.

The electronic contract is very long, but it is very standardized. This novel website is currently the largest novel website in China. Li Tian trusts it very much. He didn't read it more and just followed the requirements to include personal information, address, bank account number, account opening address, mobile phone number, etc. Filled in.

After checking it again, send it again.

After waiting for a while, the signing editor said: "Okay, there is no problem. You print this contract in duplicate. Remember, the signature must be handwritten, and the copy is also in duplicate."

(End of this chapter)

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