Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1105: private detective

   While talking, the two of them have already arrived in the cafe. The environment here is not bad. They ordered two cups of coffee, which is not particularly expensive.

   found a corner, Li Tian just explained to Manager Liu.

   Because of the previous layoffs, the chef has been worried about retaliation. He is one of the few in the kitchen who has not been retrenched. It was a coincidence that he knew that his daughter had an appointment with a netizen tonight.

   His daughter was playing with her mobile phone in the living room that day, and suddenly ran to the bedroom to get something, and the chef just passed by.

   Recently, my daughter was obviously a little abnormal when she reached puberty. Sometimes she kept holding her mobile phone and smiled silly. It's all people who come here, and this is still clear.

   peeking at the privacy of his daughter’s mobile phone is naturally not good, but he is also trying to understand his daughter and avoid her being deceived.

  Usually his daughter’s cell phone is locked, and she can’t read it even if she wants to. The man who was chatting just sent a text message. From this point of view, the chef was thunderous on the spot, and the man wanted to meet her daughter! !

   You must know that his daughter is only 16 years old. As a father, she was very angry at the time.

   But in the end, he still managed to hold back his anger. Once when he went home and watched TV in the living room, he was tricked by netizens into becoming a mischievous girl, or pyramid scheme, through the news that young girls did not love themselves.

   However, his daughter was indifferent and said, "It's those women who are too stupid."


   Is the fundamental problem that you should not trust netizens?

   The conversation was very unpleasant. The chef deeply felt that the generation gap between himself and his daughter was so big.


   Originally, he wanted to deal with this matter alone, but it happened that there was something in his hometown and he needed to go home.

   And he noticed that at this time, his daughter actually planned to privately meet male netizens at night while he was not at home. The chef hated the daughter.

   But the daughter I'm considering has a more extreme personality, so she might run away from home after a curse.

   Later, I talked to Li Tian about this matter. Li Tian was originally unwilling to be nosy.

   But if the vampires who were sacked really took revenge, he would not be able to ignore it. The average person may have to hide, but Li Tian is not an ordinary person.


   Manager Liu was silent for a while after hearing the ins and outs.

   "Could it be that you are too nervous?"

   "It's normal to see netizens between men and women now..."

   Li Tian disagrees. "It's all at night now, is this normal?"

   "This! It's a bit..."

   Manager Liu was silent for a while. "This girl saw male netizens at night when she was 16 years old. If she was a pure girl, she wouldn't do this. I guess, this girl should be that kind of comparison..."

   "It's more open, right."

   Li Tian pointed to a short distance, a girl who was very young, but dressed more maturely and had a thicker face.

   "That's her. It seems that I have already talked to my boyfriend."

   Li Tian is very direct.


   Manager Liu thought a little more, she said: "I only talked about it in college..."

   Li Tian smiled. Instead of taking the topic, he took a sip of coffee and said, "That man is here!"

   Actually, Li Tian is not opposed to seeing netizens. After all, he and Xiao Weidian met on the Internet, and they have never seen each other.

   But, it’s not so good to meet male netizens at night.

   And not every man is Li Tian. Some men are very disgusting and will specifically target students.

Manager Liu also looked over. The man didn’t seem to be very old, he was only in his early 20s. Although he was not particularly handsome, he looked rich, he was dressed in a famous brand, and he threw the Mercedes Benz key in after sitting down. On the table.

   Manager Liu coughed again.

   "When my first boyfriend was in college, I not only fancy his money, but also..."

   Li Tian smiled bitterly: "You don't need to be nervous, don't think too much, tonight is not for you."


   Manager Liu was silent again, she regretted coming over.

   As expected, most girls have no resistance to the kind of rich guy who is good to her.

   Although they just met, the ‘excellent’ guy just made the chef’s daughter laugh constantly.

   looks like a wonderful love begins.

   Manager Liu didn't want to watch more, because it was ironic to her.

   Li Tian was indifferent. He had been paying attention to the guy. Through his careful observation, he felt that there was something wrong with the guy.

   As expected, nearly an hour later, it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening. What this man said to the chef's daughter was to take her into the car.

   There seems to be some gift in the car. Anyway, he coaxed the chef's daughter very happily. Li Tian can observe it through [Heart Eye].

   "Go, let's follow."

   Manager Liu is a bit difficult. "Li Tian, ​​it's not good for us to follow along like this."

   Li Tian said: "That man doesn't look like a good person."


   Manager Liu wanted to say, which one of your eyes can tell?

   Besides, it's obvious that the lone men and widows come out to meet in the big evening.

   If a man is too honest, he will not take advantage at all.


   Li Tian followed all the way on an electric car, very hidden, not let the man who drove noticed.

   Manager Liu was very helpless. She felt that Li Tian at this moment was just like Cha Xiaosan’s private detective, but Li Tian was still serious.

   As expected, the man did not send the chef's daughter home, but entered a bar. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   The inside of this bar is very messy. As soon as the door is opened, you can hear loud music, and there are all kinds of people coming and going here.

When    got out of the car, the chef's daughter obviously rejected this place, but she couldn't match the man's rhetoric and finally went in.

   "Li Tian, ​​shall we go in too?"

   Such a messy bar, Manager Liu really doesn't want to come.

   "I have followed here, so naturally I can't give up."

   However, what surprised Li Tian was that this place seemed to have some thresholds. When entering the door, the security guard asked: "Fresh faces, who introduced you?"

   Li Tian smiled and said, "Can't you come to consume if you have money?"

   "I have seen people who drive over to consume, ride electric bicycles, hehe... well, you can go in, but to avoid accidents, we have to search."

   Li Tian body search is not against but when they plan to search Manager Liu also.

   Li Tian grabbed the security guard's wrist.

   "Brother, Lianjiazi?"

   The security guard was surprised, Li Tian's hands are not weak.

Li Tian smiled and said: "I practiced three-legged cat kung fu when I was young. This is the girlfriend I just talked about. It's not appropriate for you to search in front of me. I feel that in this world, there is nothing that money cannot solve. Yes, that means less money."

   Talking, Li Tian found a gold foot with a total of two thousand yuan.

   "Brother, this money is a bit hot! Are you an uninvited guest?" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Li Tian smiled. "If I really am, do you still dare to stop?"

   "I dare not dare to do business seriously, I immediately called our manager to come over."

   After the bar manager came over, he knew that Li Tian was not an undercover agent, but his identity was a bit mysterious, but when he opened the door to do business, Li Tian was willing to spend money, and went in and bought a few thousand yuan worth of drinks.

   This kind of big native, who doesn't kill him, just opened private rooms for Li Tian and Manager Liu.

   "Li Tian, ​​the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes here is so heavy, why are you spending money indiscriminately."

   Manager Liu is a decent person, she never came to this kind of place before.

   Li Tian smiled bitterly: "If you don't spend money, you won't be able to get in."

   Of course, this is because Manager Liu came here. If Li Tian was alone, there would be no such trouble.


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