Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1121: This result did not expect

   The next scene was full of drama. When I saw that boy brother who was so cool just now, he immediately burst into laughter, just like crying and crying, one expression package can let him enjoy half an hour of uncontrollable emotions.


   This is supposed to be a very happy emoticon package, which makes people's emotions constantly enlarged in happiness.


   Even if the person is happy, 5 minutes is enough, but this son can't stop at all.

   4 emoticons go down, it is 2 full hours, he has to laugh for more than 2 hours, it is estimated that only he knows the taste.

   "You are too cruel, you dumped me, are you so happy?"

   Pu Yanhong just cried out of anger, and this young man is simply not a human being.


   However, Young Master wanted to answer, but couldn't stop smiling.

   was originally a very serious picture, but because of his open laugh, the atmosphere seemed to be funny.

  Sun Haoyu couldn't stand it. He wanted to beat the man, but the result was unexpected. Because the son of the son got cramps with his smile, his expression was extremely scared and extremely uncomfortable, but he still laughed loudly.

   He greeted the driver. "I...haha...I can't stop laughing...hahaha...I don't want to laugh at all...haha...send me to the hospital..."

Brother   's exaggerated body movements made him finally say what he wanted to say.

"what happened?"

  Is this a laughing meat? Why can't it stop.

   But the situation of the son-in-law was obviously wrong, the driver did not dare to neglect, he immediately drove the son-in-law away, and all the way, the son-in-law laughed in pain.


   Sun Haoyu and Pu Yanhong were both stunned.

  ‘Is this young man acting? ’

   "Sun Haoyu, sorry...I..."

   Pu Yanhong was so wronged, she threw herself into Sun Haoyu's arms and started crying.


   Sun Haoyu was stunned. He had thought about countless endings. His purpose of squatting all night was also for complete relief, but he never thought of this kind of ending.

   Li Tian didn't expect that with his personality, such a woman would never want it.

   "Sun Haoyu, it's time to go home."

   Li Tian reminded.

   But at this moment, Sun Haoyu finally let Li Tian see what is incurable, he turned around and said to Li Tian: "Thank you for your company, I, I will go back later... don't worry about me."


   Li Tian felt absolutely amazing.

   "Sun Haoyu——" Are you so unpromising?

   This woman hurt you so much last night, and today is... Now suddenly I am sorry, and then I feel aggrieved and cry in your arms. You feel completely softened?

   Your boy's self-esteem and dignity!


   Li Tian watched Sun Haoyu's loss of soul last night, and now he is still reborn. He didn't know what to say.

   This kind of person, really.

   What kind of love is it, it can be so humble?

   Is there no woman in this world?

   "Well, don't be thinking about doing stupid things... I'm going to work, and you will take the initiative to call your dad later."

   Li Tian gave out 1,000 yuan. "You didn't sleep overnight. If you don't want to go back for a while, find a hotel to rest."

   Pu Yanhong looked at Li Tian in surprise.

   "Uncle, I can't ask for this money."

   This Sun Haoyu treats feelings really humble to humble, but he did not bow down to money.

   "Because I lent you this, you can pay it back when you have a good future. I am not the son of brother..."

Li Tian looked at Pu Yanhong and warned: "I know you are a woman who worships gold. What you want to do is your freedom, but please be gentle with Sun Haoyu. This child is humble enough. You have cried countless times. If he really does something stupid, you can't blame it. If you really don't like him, tell him directly, don't give him hope, don't hang him."

   "Sun Haoyu, I have told you everything that should be said, and please be a man..."

   But when Li Tian saw his eyes that stayed up late last night, but still stared at Pu Yanhong, Li Tian knew that the child was not saved.

   Li Tian is not a **** either, he can't control this kind of thing either.

  Pu Yanhong, this girl, is also very interesting. Last night she said she didn't like Sun Haoyu, but after being dumped by the son, she now regards Sun Haoyu as a straw to rely on.

   "I, I will treat Sun Haoyu better in the future... Sun Haoyu, I am like this, you, do you still like me?"


   Li Tian can't stand it anymore, how could there be such a deformed relationship between men and women?

   However, this Sun Haoyu even nodded.

"be careful…"

   Li Tian really doesn't want to stay longer.

   He stayed with Sun Haoyu all night, because he wanted him to grow up and stop being a licking dog.

   But now, watching him finally hug the "goddess", although others eat leftovers...but this is probably the best result of licking a dog.

   The classic quotations of the scumbag are circulating on the Internet: If you are tired of playing, find an honest person to marry.

   Undoubtedly, Sun Haoyu is the so-called honest person now.

   Because Pu Yanhong knows that Sun Haoyu really loves her, she can be unscrupulous.

Li Tian, ​​as someone who came over, knew that such a restless woman was destined not to be with Sun Haoyu in the end, unless Sun Haoyu grew up to make a small fortune, at least up to an honest financial standard, otherwise, at this moment, Sun Haoyu It was only a life-saving straw for her Pu Yanhong.

   After this incident, Pu Yanhong will definitely show her true face again. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   However, for Sun Haoyu, licking the dog for a year, finally eating the leftover bones from other people's eating, it can be regarded as the final destination of the licking dog.

   For a licking dog, this is a success... right.


   Li Tian has been numbed by the scalp of these young people's love He really doesn't bother to mix things up.

   just left when driving.

   When I arrived at the hotel, the Cantonese chef did not expect to sleep well last night. Li Tian just briefly talked about the situation.

   The master of Cantonese cuisine also scolded his own son who was not promising. How could he give birth to such a cheap son?

   Although Li Tian was also disgusted, he could only comfort him. "How many of the young people are pure now? Maybe Sun Haoyu is a kid. Although the girl was played by the rich second generation, it is still cleaner than most girls who broke up after dating for months. …Oh. And, this time he got his wish and returned the beauties. Although he felt uncomfortable, at least he had a result as an ordinary background."

   "Hey, I can't control it, I really can't control it. How can he have a good future when he is going to school all day long and doing this?"

   Li Tian can only sigh. "I just hope that he has learned his own way. Master, you have time to enlighten him and talk to him. The child is older and has some emotional problems. He has no experience. Maybe his choice makes us seem incomprehensible, but it is also There is a defect in his character. I know that your mortgage is under pressure, and the burden of family life falls on you alone, but if your child gets crooked and something goes wrong, even if you earn more money, you can’t make up for it. That’s right." New 81 Chinese website updated the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Li Tian is not the kid's father. Just care about it for a while, care about it for a while, it's the mood, not Li Tian's job, and in a few days, after completing the task, he will leave here.


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