Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1130: There are regrets in life

   This wonderful journey with Zhao Ruxue undoubtedly deepened the relationship between the two people, so that now the queen Zhao Ruxue, who has caused countless businessmen to bend down, lay willingly in Li Tian's arms. Starting

   Li Tian is naturally bubbling with happiness.

   It has been more than ten years apart, but at this moment I still feel that happiness has come too suddenly.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

After all, some men may never meet a decent goddess in their lifetime, and some men have a goddess they like like Sun Haoyu before, but they have no way to get close. When they can get close, maybe he is the honest person who takes over. people.

   There are regrets and sufferings everywhere in life.

   But Li Tian is lucky, Zhao Ruxue is so perfect, even after more than ten years, she is still so good, and Li Tian can finally grow into what she wants to be with the help of the system plug-in.

   can also embrace the goddess who has loved for so many years.

   This kind of happiness is beyond words.


   Most people do not grow into the way they want to grow after they reach adulthood, even into middle age.

   is far from the future expected by young people, and even out of reach.

  Through hard work alone, Li Tian obtained his current wealth and status, as well as supernatural abilities, which most people cannot achieve in middle age.


   Time is in a hurry. Although Li Tian and Zhao Ruxue have not reached the last step, their feelings are still warming up rapidly.

On the second day, Zhao Ruxue accompany Li Tian for a day. This day is completely different from the day back in time. Modern life, all kinds of exquisite materials, and the bustling metropolis, but the two people are the same, Li Tian and Zhao Ruxue It was very enjoyable.

   At the same time, because of the influence of returning to the past, the mentality of the two at this moment seems to be a lot younger.

   But the only regret is that Zhao Ruxue's status is too high now, she can't always show her youthful and beautiful face like she did in middle school.

In the evening, the beautiful sunset rendered the entire city a layer of filter. Zhao Ruxue said to Li Tian: "I am leaving here tomorrow. I didn't try my best this time. Li Tian, ​​do you remember the island before me? When your top chef finishes this time, I will also put away the work on my hands. Shall we go to the island for a good holiday for a week?"

Of course Li Tian is willing. Although he is very busy, he has many things, including this time, in order to complete the task of top chef, he did not even personally participate in the major events of the new loofah listing in the rich agricultural park, but he can accompany Zhao Ruxue. At this time, Li Tian still has to squeeze out.

   "Great, I'm looking forward to it, Zhao Ruxue, can we just...hehehe..."

   Of course, Zhao Ruxue understands what Li Tian means. Men are all lustful, and this Li Tian is not surprised. He looked at Zhao Ruxue's eyes and wished to swallow his entire body of beauty.

   "You're so bad... I'll look at it later--"

   Zhao Ruxue turned around blushing.


   That night, Li Tian still slept on the sofa, while Zhao Ruxue slept in the room.

Although there have been feelings for more than ten years, there is no doubt that this time the progress is too fast. If Li Tian's face is dead, it is estimated that Zhao Ruxue will not refuse, but Li Tian still wants to succeed. He is not a virgin now, that kind of thing is not Especially urgent, the reason why it is difficult to control Zhao Ruxue is because she is the goddess of Li Tian.

   The psychological touch is different, so Li Tian is looking forward to the life on the island after the mission.

   He hopes that he can be truly romantic with the goddess, and happy together.


   The next day, Zhao Ruxue was busy at work and left early in the morning.

Before leaving, her bodyguards looked at Li Tian differently. Many of them have been very loyal to Zhao Ruxue for several years, but they also know that Zhao Ruxue is like jade and cleans himself. There are wealthy, handsome, powerful, and powerful, but no one can approach Zhao Ruxue like Li Tian.

   It is no exaggeration to say that in the business world, Zhao Ruxue is the star of the entertainment industry, Sun Xiaoxiang, who is beyond the reach of countless bigwigs.

   So this Li Tian really took a huge advantage.

   Li Tian can naturally understand the eyes of men. He pretended to be low-key and touched his nose. If he got cheap, he would naturally be good.


   After Zhao Ruxue left, Li Tian was a little empty, but fortunately he had many women. He had experienced this kind of short-term separation too many times and was used to it.

   Li Tian is not idle either. This time the top chef mission is the most complicated one since Li Tian has done it, and at the same time the highest welfare one. He dare not neglect, but also save time.

   He still has a lot to do, and he can’t delay this task for too long.

  The new loofahs of Furao Agricultural Park have been on the market for a long time, and as the chairman of the board, Li Tian, ​​most of them can only check the situation on the Internet through mobile phones. He was even embarrassed to call Zhu Lian and Shi Jinglin, Zhu Lian needless to say, the last time Li Tian called her was to ask for money from the company, asking for 10 million, and then to the manager Liu who returned to the past to change his fate. Make investments.

   And not only the matter here, the previous hybrid breeding laboratory's plan to develop a third new vegetable tomato project was also stranded because of this sudden large-scale mission.

   At the same time, Li Tian has almost no time to participate in the agricultural park project that he cooperates with Mrs. Zhao Jiazhao overseas.

   This made Li Tian finally realize why Zhao Ruxue is already so rich and why he is still so busy.

I also understand why some business leaders want to take the initiative to retire, because if they can’t let go of their work and are reluctant to give up power, then the entire day, month, or even year, ten years will be spent on work. .

   Fortunately, Zhu Lian, who grew up with Li Tian, ​​is trustworthy. Li Tian can now be the shopkeeper and go out to be a top chef. Otherwise, it will be too difficult.


When Li Tian returned to the 5-star Suzhou cuisine hotel where he was rushing to recruit Li Tian by There is naturally more than one type of cuisine in this large hotel, but because the cuisine is local. The dishes are naturally very authentic.

   Li Tian received a warm welcome again, not only in the upper floors of the hotel, but also in the back kitchen.

   As long as Li Tian has any requirements, he will be satisfied as soon as possible.

   Two days ago, Li Tian was naturally studying.

Before, he used a notebook to record at night. Now he is blatantly taking notes during the day while watching, using [Top Chef Skills] to analyze his favorite Su dishes, treating each dish as an equation, accurate to even a grain of salt , The amount of a sugar.

   The accompanying chef read Li Tian's notes and was amazed. At the same time, the local chefs will study hard and don't let go of Li Tian's cooking skills. Because after Li Tian, ​​the top chef of Su cuisine, cooks, Chef Li Tian will leave, he must be replaced by another chef.

  Because it is more public this time, even Li Tian hasn't started cooking on the stove. The chef has already begun to discuss who should replace Li Tian.

   They didn't hide from Li Tian, ​​so when Li Tian learned about it, he couldn't laugh or cry.

This time, because of the openness and transparency, after the discussion, the competition mode adopted is not sure which chef, as long as the local Soviet cuisine chef has the opportunity. During this time, see who cooks the best dishes, learn from Li Tianda The essence of the chef is the most, and finally the most suitable top chef successor to Li Tian is selected by voting.


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