Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1147: Noble system

   is when Li Tian is off work. The two discussed the game together for a long time. Originally, these words should have been discussed by Li Tian in Zhao Qi's company.

   But because of his status as a top chef, he is now a bit of an afterthought.

   But Zhao Qi still likes to discuss this with Li Tian. Li Tian has some ideas that many people in the industry do not have. It was Li Tian's intention to make the game three.

   Of course, the game is so successful now that it has almost nothing to do with Li Tian.


   That night, Li Tian and Zhao Qi naturally stayed in the same room. Li Tian, ​​the top chef of Anhui cuisine, had not finished his mission, and there was no way to leave here.

   The two haven't seen each other for a long time, but they didn't kiss me first.

   Instead, I downloaded this game first. It is really popular. The game downloads list is the first, the praise list is also the first. The reviews are almost all [This game company does not want to make money, bad reviews]

   Paste and copy, but the stars hit are all praise.

Now many games want to make money and want to be crazy, I can’t wait for each player to recharge tens of thousands of tens of thousands, and this game is such a cowhide, such a popular IP, as a result, 1 yuan, noble 1 a month, 2 noble 2 , A month.

  The key is that you don’t play virtual, just a dollar, you have a lot of different fashion props, the pictures are exquisite and beautiful, there is no perfunctory ingredient, and every detail is super hard.

   6 yuan is the top nobleman, there is no higher.

   is really amazing, this game is the lowest consumption of others, and it becomes the highest consumption here.

  The rich local tyrants fill up their money and can only buy fireworks and firecrackers, which are completely useless in the game.

   However, this is the only place where you can consume.

   You can only recharge up to 60 yuan a day.

   It is this kind of game. It has a monthly turnover of 500 million and a net profit of 100 million. It has been praised by countless game users.

   In this game, there is no high-end consumption, even if there is, it is painless and unsustainable, such as fireworks, name cards, and tree planting.

   Anyway, consumption that has nothing to do with the content of the game, in the game, you are a millionaire, or a civilian student player, completely invisible.

   Only by adding friends and entering the other’s home can you know that the opposite is really a local tyrant. Just put a piece of fireworks and firecrackers for 1 yuan, 60 yuan for a tree inside the door, money for watering, flowers, and dogs. Here, local tyrants can apply for noble treatment.

  Submit the identity information and confirm that it is not the case that children spend their parents' money, starting from 60 yuan per day, you can recharge 100 per day, and the highest is currently only 1,000.

   And your consumption and noble services are hidden. Unless a civilian player adds your friends and enters your game home, you can know that you are so rich. Raising a top beast can consume 10,000 yuan a month.

   But the beast can only stay at home. When you go out to play the chicken game, your avatar and fashion show are also at most 6 top nobles.


   King of Glory can also see good skin and V8 nobles.

   In Zhao Qi’s game, you spend 1 yuan a month for a 1-star nobleman, 2 yuan a month for a 2-star nobleman, and 6 yuan a full-level nobleman.

   Even if you finally activate the super aristocratic treatment and spend 10,000 a month, but you are still a 6-star aristocrat in the game, other players can only see the fashion show for 6 yuan on you.

   Therefore, this game can be said to be the only game that is most friendly to the people on the market. At least in the game, it consumes 6 yuan a month, and everyone enjoys the same game happiness.

   As for the local players, he can enjoy the fashion family show rankings.

   Plant flowers, raise grass, raise animals, and decorate your own home.

   This function can only be displayed when 10,000 yuan is turned on, and it is not open to the public.

   and consume 10,000 yuan per month, can provide fashion show rankings within the nobility, from district ranking, to city ranking, to province, and national ranking.

   This ranking is not open to the public. Only the local tyrants know about it. Let them spend super high in the game and get the experience of pretending to be dark and cool. However, he can only wear the clothes of the top nobleman for 6 yuan when he goes out.


   No matter how you do it, it is impossible to be completely fair. This kind of high consumption without public disclosure has already maintained the fairness of the game to the maximum.

   Because as long as you spend 6 yuan a month, everyone enjoys the same treatment in the game.

   The high-level aristocratic treatment is not open to the public, and the consumption of no more than 10,000 a month, even the ranking function is not available.

   Therefore, those real local tyrants can spend money in the game like crazy. A house with 100,000 houses can be ranked first in the district, but in the city, even the top ten cannot enter.

   So this ranking is a real local tyrants ranking. If you smash in a few million, you can become the top few in the province, but it is not permanent. It is updated in real time. If other local tyrants consume high, the ranking will naturally go up.

   There are privileges in the internal local tyrant function, such as ancient beasts in novels, legendary exercises, secret treasures, etc., only after reaching the top 10 will there be rewards.

   And these things can only be used inside their local tyrants, they can't be taken out at all outside the game. In the chicken-eating mode outside, only level 6 nobles and items of level 6 nobles are displayed.

Therefore, in this game, you can’t tell who is rich at first, but after being added as a friend, you can enter the other’s home. If it’s just an ordinary 6th-level noble family, then it means that the game is an ordinary player. Local tyrants, who can't be reflected, may also be big bosses, but they don't want to recharge.

   The key is that this game is too troublesome to charge.

   Others filled up with money, hoping to point their fingers, and went in.

   This game is really troublesome to charge up.

   1~6 yuan is very simple.

   60 yuan a day needs to be recharged 10 times, and can only buy some useless items such as fireworks and firecrackers.

   1,000 yuan recharge still needs to be applied, and students can't get it through.

   (This one, students can’t spend more if they want)

   Then there is the super aristocratic privilege, 10,000 yuan a month, this also needs to submit an identity certificate to confirm that your monthly income reaches 50,000 yuan or more, before it can be activated, otherwise it will not be discussed.

   So it’s so troublesome to recharge a game. Many rich people don’t bother to recharge it. If you charge 6 yuan, it is enough to show the top nobles in the 99.9% map of the game.

   And the only fashion home show that shows 0.1% differently, you still need to be a friend to be able to see it.

   Although there is a ranking of the fashion family show, it takes 10,000 nobles to watch each other. This kind of local tyrant circle, which is difficult for ordinary players to see, is an invisible function.


   But after the game has been around for a long time, the local tyrants, in order to show that they have consumed more than 100,000 in the game, are to post screenshots on Weibo and other places to attract female game players to add him as friends.

   game Li Tian can live together and get married.

  The local tyrants have high consumption, but they can only be seen through ordinary players and friends, so in order to pretend to be forced, only screenshots can be posted online.

   At this time, countless gamers knew that this game still has such a pit of money.

   ranks first in the province. You have to consume more than 2 million a month to be the first, and then you can receive the legendary props in the original comics and novels.

   But this item is useless in the% game map, and it can't be displayed. It can only be used in the noble circle.

   Outside the game, it is still a top aristocrat with 6 yuan, no higher.

   Even if you top up 10 million and become the top 10 in the country, in the map of the game, your profile picture is still a top nobleman for 6 yuan.

   Only when ordinary players add your friends, get permission, and enter the noble house or cave, they will be surprised to find that this is a real tyrant.

  Any beast is more than 10,000 yuan.

   Fortunately, the game sets the local tyrant's fashion, which can only be displayed internally, otherwise it has to be taken into 99.9% of the game outside, and it is estimated that countless gamers will have to explode.


   But this kind of game routine was finally exposed. Although everyone understands that it is impossible for a local tyrant to play games for only 6 yuan a month, this kind of rankings provided for local tyrants still makes many people feel uncomfortable.

   Although this ranking is not public at all.

   But local tyrants can take screenshots and send them out!

The popularity of the game is so high, when everyone sees that it ranks first in the country and has recharged 30 million in a month, the top family, no, it is no longer a family, nor is it a cave, but when they used money to create a fairy world, countless 6 Top players for a dollar are jealous.

   But there is no way. 98% of gamers can't even apply for 1,000 yuan a month's recharge permission.

   Not to mention 10,000 yuan, but also provide some identification information.

   Acid to This game, except for the top local tyrants ranking that outsiders cannot see, the rest of the game area is very fair.

   Even if the remaining 40% of gamers do not charge 1 yuan, the game experience is the same as that of the 6-yuan top nobles.

   is no skin, some fancy clothes, etc.


  The final score of the game is 4.0.

   A game that can make millions, tens of millions of rechargeable local tyrants, play so frustrated, only through screenshots, many game netizens know, everyone can understand the good intentions of game planners.

   You know, it’s not so troublesome for local tyrants to show off their wealth in reality!

   Millions of luxury cars can be driven casually in reality, but the million beasts in the game can only be taken out in the rankings and at home, and 99.9% of the games cannot be released at all.

   And because of this strict recharge system, it is almost impossible to pretend to be a big money to cheat girls in the game.

   The first 10,000 yuan noble application will be able to remove 99.9% of gamers. If the monthly income is less than 50,000, you can’t get the 10,000 yuan recharge function.

   Therefore, those who can enter the rankings are real local tyrants.

   is made of real money, nothing is imaginary.

In the game, they are both top nobles for 6 yuan. If you become a friend at first sight and enter the other party’s home as a guest, you can see, fucking, there is even a city ranking, don’t panic, yes, hug your thighs, this is almost a real name Certified true local tyrant.

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