Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1156: 3 times in life

   When Sun Xiaoxiang came to find him, Li Tian was still devoting himself to work. The light in the house was not turned off last night. The scene of working so hard made Sun Xiaoxiang a little moved.

   She came quietly, then quietly walked out.

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   Sun Xiaoxiang came over at noon. Li Tian was still busy at work. He drank a glass of water next to the computer.

   Sun Xiaoxiang thought about it and poured a glass of water over.

   Until dark, Li Tian finally finished writing a script.

   After Sun Xiaoxiang took over the script, she was shocked just by reading the beginning. "Suspense movie?"

Sun Xiaoxiang never thought that Li Tian would give her such a script. At this moment, she was a little unbelievable, and at the same time she was particularly powerless: "Li Tian, ​​you have worked hard all day and night without eating, I know that, but you Can't you give me such a script?"

   Li Tian was still eating with his head down, and before he could speak, Sun Xiaoxiang was all about putting forward various opinions.

   "Look at the current movie market. There are still people making suspense horror dramas? Even if they are shot, the box office will not be very high."

   Li Tian has been hungry for a long time, so now I am eating liquid noodles with fist-sized seafood. Li Tian took a sip, and then laughed: "This is after I did an investigation in advance and finally decided to write this."

   "Then you explain well?"

  Sun Xiaoxiang was extremely helpless.

   "First of all, the core of this drama is suspense and reasoning, not horror. Movies with horror elements are really hard to sell, but suspense can be."

   Li Tian pointed to the computer. Among them, "Detective Chinatown 2", which ranked 6th in the domestic grossing box office, had a box office of 3.371 billion yuan, which contained elements of funny, suspense, and crime solving. This movie was very successful.

   "At present, there are very few movies of this type in China. I think I can dig deeper. If you don't ask for more than 3 billion box office, you can reach 1 billion."

  Sun Xiaoxiang poured cold water directly: "I find it difficult. This kind of film is unavailable, and do you know how much it costs? 300 million, should we also use 300 million to shoot?"

  Sun Xiaoxiang only wants to make small-cost movies. Her film company has just started. She doesn't want to invest so much money from the beginning.

   There are many other film investors, and everyone shares the risk together, but Sun Xiaoxiang is different here, all of which are funded by her.


   Li Tian smiled and said, "Believe me, I am a professional. The cost of this movie will not exceed 50 million. You can see the whole script."

  Sun Xiaoxiang wanted to tear up the script directly. Yesterday, I was with Li Tian on a date. I thought it was a youthful love movie. At least this kind of film can attract some lovers if it is made well. Any couple who will go to the cinema to watch the suspense if they have nothing to do.

   However, when Sun Xiaoxiang patiently read Li Tian's script, she couldn't help Chen Si for a long time, and then she sighed: "Will this theme be too heavy?"

   Although Li Tian just gave an example of "Detective Chinatown 2", his script is completely different from that style.

   If "Detective Chinatown 2" can be regarded as a realistic movie with a hilarious style, it is commonly known as a popcorn movie.

   Then Li Tian’s suspense movie is too heavy, and it also contains some magic.

   Suspense is just a narrative technique, what really suppresses is the horrible life.

   is very heavy.

  The story begins in a rural area. There is no electricity, no roads, no culture, no dreams, and every day is to live hard to live. First release https://https://

   The thoughts that permeated the two girls are, live, and then marry a good family.

   However, because of mediocrity, I can only marry in the house of a man who has been farming all his life in the village next door, and the children born to recycle their lives.

   The suspense magic that laid the foundation for this part was that when they were very young, the villagers refused to let them go to a place, saying that the place was terrible.

   Because of instinctive fear, they finally did not enter.

   However, time goes back and forth. The sisters become little girls again. They find that their lives have a new beginning. This time, even if the villagers discouraged them, they still got there.

   The atmosphere of suspense here is very heavy. The second life is human, and the mood of the audience is full of curiosity about the mysterious place from the depression at the beginning.

   However, once the camera turned, it turned out to be a school.


   Sun Xiaoxiang couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

   "Are you suspenseful? You are obviously funny, do you learn to change your destiny through suspense metaphors?"

   Li Tian slobbered and smiled, "You continue to look down."

   Sun Xiaoxiang glared at Li Tian.


In the play, the two little girls start to choose a completely different life. At this time, a lot of ugly darkness turns into seductive things one by one, such as early love, such as skipping school, such as looking for a rich uncle outside... etc. social problems , Has been expressed metaphorically in this movie.

   In the end, the fate of the two sisters is to become working girls in the factory...

   In the end, they lived a normal life and yearned for a big city, but for the housing and prices of the big city, the indifference of the big city made them find no warmth here.

   In the end, his life passed quickly.


   The whole story progresses very quickly, but compared with the first story, this second story is as depressing. The feeling of being held on the ground by fate, unable to resist, and unable to resist, is simply extremely uncomfortable.

   "Li Tian, ​​if your story is filmed, if the box office can break one billion, I will stand upside down and drink water."

   Sun Xiaoxiang sighed weakly, who would spend 1 to 2 hours idle and go to the cinema to watch this kind of things with dozens of dollars.

   Li Tian smiled and said, "Don't rush to drink water first, then look down."

  Sun Xiaoxiang is helpless, this suspenseful story is the third one.

In a blink of an eye, I went back to the starting point. After the two sisters entered the school, they resolutely refused all temptations and spent all their time studying. In the end, the two sisters were sent to a famous university with extremely excellent results. An extraordinary life.

   Here they are exposed to the most exciting things in the whole world. This is a paradise for the talented and rich second generation. They cooperate with each other, start companies, do research, and do things that can affect society and the world.

   "Li Tian, ​​your third story is a bit ordinary."

   Sun Xiaoxiang was a little bit emotional. Compared with the first two extremely depressive lives full of despair and numbness, the third story is too smooth and too exciting.

   Knowledge changes destiny is arranged in this script like preaching, it is difficult for the audience to pay.

Li Tian smiled and said: "It seems that you have not read the true core of my script. The story is secondary. I want to express the status quo of people at different levels of society through the film. The path of life is chosen by myself. The final result will be fully reflected in the movie."

"The most important thing is the sense of substitution. The subject matter of this movie is destined to be a niche movie. It does not meet the symbols of all popular movies, but what I want is that people of different social levels enter the cinema to see this movie, and they can be thought-provoking. Everyone can find their own shadow in movie clips."

"Whether it is resigned to the fate, continue to inherit the poverty inheritance of the parents, or receive education, the result is not firm, and finally can only work part-time or receive higher education, and finally invest in the medical and high-end technology industries to become a boss or corporate executive ~ www.wuxiaspot. com~ This is a society. The magic is that it has three reincarnations, while normal people don’t have three times and only one life. So although the movie is a comedy at the end, different people can see different results."

"Mediocre people see tragedy, because the movies are fake, and the two little girls in the first story are already dead. People who work hard see hope, because there are still many choices in life, and there are still opportunities to continue. Work hard. What successful people see is sigh, because they see their own shadow in the third story, unless they are born in the second generation of the rich, no successful person is not without hardship."

Li Tian smiled: "The movie I understand is not only entertainment and culture, but also education. The reason for telling stories in a suspenseful way is because life is the same, always full of unknowns, but it is like being fixed by others. It’s the same, and it’s never free. Suspense can keep the audience’s attention tightly held in the movie. In this movie, the story’s appealing technique lies in suspense. Screenwriting ability, don’t worry about this, the rhythm of the story must be no problem."

"Magic is an opportunity. Life is just a few decades, and there are not many big opportunities. Three opportunities are given in the movie, but there is only one real life. The last thing to be passed on to the audience is [a good-looking educational film] The blank of the movie box office rankings is that there are no excellent educational films. I want to use the script written by the screenwriter for the first time in my life to deeply interpret the importance of education."

   "Learning is really important, not only in school, but also in society, people cannot give up learning, cannot give up themselves."


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