Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1169: Li Tian's parents were shocked

Li Tian's goal is to maximize the effect of smart glasses, so he has been busy until more than 10 o'clock at night. The chairman of other companies like Li Tian is the salary, food and beauty at the wine table.

But Li Tian took a group of his men around the chicken factory, from food and water to the new living environment.

Under the guidance of Big Boss Li Tian, ​​everything was redeployed.

To be honest, if they were not accompanied by aquaculture experts, they would really think that Li Tian was in a mess, but every change Li Tian gave had a truth in it. They didn’t understand, Li Tian just told them to understand. .

Even the quality of the air, where is better, where the sun is more abundant, etc. Li Tian always talks about the data.

In the end, even the experts couldn't help but sigh, "It's worthy to be a big boss who has made the rich agricultural park on its own scale. The professional level alone is not comparable to ordinary people."

Han Xiang and Xiong Yunhong are also very impressed.

It seems that this time Li Tian wants to increase the sales of the factory, he is going to really move.

To be honest, Li Tian never thought that this smart glasses could be used in this way.

It is indeed practical.

Until the smart glasses disappeared completely, Li Tian was still reluctant.

After all, as long as he completes one more task, the system will be upgraded. The new level must be a new item. In other words, there is only one item in Li Tian's system inventory. If it is used up, there is really nothing left. .

Maybe the lottery will appear randomly in the future, but the probability of appearing should be small.

When Li Tian only had dinner at 11 o’clock in the evening, Li Tian’s parents were not asleep yet, and his mother Dong couldn’t help complaining, “Li Tian, ​​you really are. It’s hard to go home. It’s almost the New Year. Still busy like this."

Li Jianping also said a few words on the side.

Li Tian smiled and said, "It won't be anymore. Today is a special situation."

"It's only your special situation."

The Dong family couldn't help sighing. Although Li Tian's achievements are getting higher and higher now, no one knows her son in the ten miles and eight townships, but it is not easy to get all this. Obviously he is rich now, why I still have to work so hard, and I’m busy until 11 o’clock in the evening without eating. I don’t think anyone will believe it if I want to say it.

At this moment, Dong started to talk about the topic.

"Li Tian, ​​your eldest is not young anymore, when do you plan to let me hold my grandson?"

Dong did not want to force marriage, but this Li Tian was happily outside. He just didn’t give birth to a big fat boy. He looked at the New Year. Now Li Tian can’t be said to be in his twenties, but thirty. A year-old man, and he is not anxious at all, it is naturally anxious to be a mother.

Li Tian coughed awkwardly.

"Almost soon."

Li Tian’s father, Li Jianping, saw it more thoroughly. He poured cold water and said, "What's faster? You have so many girlfriends, all of them are beautiful and beautiful. You have a philanthropic character, and no one is willing to hurt. As a result, everyone hurts. You It’s not that you don’t want to get married. You don’t dare to get married. If you don’t get married, you don’t dare to have children."


Li Tian smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, Dad, as long as you know it, you don't need to say it."

Li Jianping also said, "The purpose of what I said is that we are not urging you to get married now. You are in a special situation and you can handle it yourself. But you have to pass on your family? It is not convenient for your girlfriends with status to have children, but you have Convenient."

"That's it."

Dong also said, "The Hanxiang you brought back from our factory is getting more and more beautiful nowadays. She is your Xiaomi's identity, and almost everyone knows it. She is honest, and no one wants to be named. , You guys work hard, it’s okay for your husband’s children."

Li Tian almost squirted out a mouthful of rice.

The old couple used to look forward to Li Tian getting married, but Li Tian is too romantic, and there are really too many girlfriends. If you don't get married, everyone will say he is romantic. But if you get married and still look like this, your reputation will be bad.

So Dong and Li Jianping stopped urging Li Tian to get married.

However, since he is a 30-year-old man, he can't even give birth to a child, right?

Han Xiang, they have been paying attention for a long time. At first, this girl was a bit plain-faced, and her ability was not outstanding. But now, Hanxiang went out, not to mention beautiful.

Many people even talked privately, saying that the chairman of the rich agricultural park really has a vision, and it is so beautiful to find a Xiaomi.

"Mom, Dad, stop talking nonsense."

After Li Tian drank a mouthful of water, he reluctantly said, "My relationship with Hanxiang has not yet reached that point. I admit that letting her be my Xiao Mi's rumors was actually spread from me at first, and my purpose is to warn those who feel about themselves. Good young people, don't pester Hanxiang, don't make her mind."

The flower Hanxiang was cultivated by Li Tian. Although Li Tian hasn't eaten it yet, it's not something others can eat.

"Come on!"

Mother Dong turned her eyes unexpectedly. Sure enough, her life is superior, and she talks a lot. "I saw you sneaking into Hanxiang's bedroom several times, and it took several hours to come out after you stayed there. You even pretended to be pure, saying that your relationship hasn't gone far.



What this said, not only Li Tian blushed immediately.

Even Li Jianping looked embarrassed.

"You old man, what are you blinking? What kind of stuff our son is now, don't you know, there are a lot of women outside, and this kind of thing is still used to save him? Besides, it was yesterday afternoon, Li Tian Go into the Hanxiang room, you also saw..."

Li Jianping stopped talking, just turned his head, he didn't want to comment on his son's private life.

However, since Dong's words have been spoken, she no longer cared about it.

"Li Tian, ​​tell mom honestly, are you not good at that?"


Li Tian really wanted to find a rock and hit him directly.

"how is this possible!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are not functional, I mean you..." Dong Shi was also a little embarrassed, she also coughed twice, and then said, "I checked it. Medically, it is called chromosome defect and life schedule. Well, you know, it's your fault anyway."

There are many details that Dong can't go on, so he just said directly, "So, I suggest that you take time to go to the hospital for check-ups. It can treat us and actively treat it. It really doesn't work. It's OK to do IVF... as long as it's your child. ."

"What and what is this!"

Li Tian feels his head is big, he pulls Dong Shi down and sits, and then said earnestly, "Mom, your son, I have no physical problems at all. On the contrary, my body is stronger than anyone else, and there is no problem with that. As for why there are no children, it’s because I don’t want children yet."

Li Tian explained carefully, "I understand that you want to hug your But, it's really not right now. I am struggling in many careers now, and you also know that my private life is messy enough. One day it will be very exciting and troublesome to be exposed, and there will be a lot of talk about having a child when it is time. It will be bad for me and the mother of the child, and the child will also live in a bad environment."

"Moreover, I can't give any woman status right now. I'll just tell you directly. Maybe the second elder, you still stay at Zhao Qi, Yang Chaoxi, He Yun, Hanxiang, etc., who are my girlfriends. But in fact, Now, even Zhao Ruxue and star Sun Xiaoxiang are my girlfriends."

When Li Tian said this, Dong and Li Jianping were both stunned.

"So, if there are rumors in the future that Zhao Ruxue and Sun Xiaoxiang’s gossip boyfriend gave birth to children out of wedlock, that’s a bad reputation! Don’t want children now, doesn’t mean you don’t want them in the future, waiting for your son I will become a domestic, no, the whole internationally renowned big man At that time, even when the scandals are fearless, I would consider having children with all my girlfriends."


This time it was Dong's turn to wrap up her head, she muttered to herself, "At that time, I will not be able to take care of more than a dozen or twenty children~"

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