Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1219: Isn't this a joke

The popularity of the Rich Agricultural Park was expected by Li Tian, ​​but he did not expect that it would be so popular.

It may be because of the foreshadowing of the first two products, it finally broke out on the head of this third product. In addition, tomatoes, vegetables, were originally more popular than celery and loofah.

On Li Tian's side, he and Shi Jinglin enjoyed the joy of victory together.

Li Tian didn't turn on his system until the night was getting deeper. He naturally did not forget that the reward for completing his last performance department mission had not yet been checked. Now that everything is complete, he can finally take a look.

The total experience value is 31751. As long as one more task is completed, Li Tian's system can be advanced to level 1, and he feels slightly happy.

The next step is to start the draw, and use a good luck card before the draw.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 1,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 1,000 yuan in cash. 】


It is the beginning of this familiarity again.

Li Tian continued to wait.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one [Good Luck Card]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one [Dangerous Prediction Capsule] 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one [rainfall card]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 1,000 yuan in cash. 】


At the end of the lottery, there were no big surprises, but there was no particularly big loss. Li Tian collected all the lucky draw gifts and fell asleep sweetly.

The next day, Li Tian promised Shi Jinglin to play with her.

There are many fun places. Shi Jinglin and Li Tian are having a good time together. The success of the new tomatoes has made her admire Li Tian even more. She has done almost no publicity, but she has been able to achieve such high achievements.

The key is that this man can still be calm and gentle. Shi Jinglin has seen many business people. If they can achieve the level of Li Tian, ​​they can't wait to show off to the world.

However, Li Tian didn't. His attitude seemed to take things for granted. Shi Jinglin even felt that Li Tian's focus was not on the company.

There is no doubt that Shi Jinglin's feelings are real. Li Tian's real focus is the best small farmer system. He wants to upgrade the system to level 50 in his dreams. This is simply too important and important.

Of course, for the company, what Li Tian values ​​is not making money, but product quality.

Therefore, the company has made great commercial achievements. Li Tian is not happy to go everywhere to promote and do interviews. In fact, Li Tian refused many interviews. He did not want to be famous because of too many women.

But now Li Tian faces a problem that makes him a headache.

He has a special professional mission, and he also intends to add new tomatoes to science fiction movies, which must be publicized, and it is conceivable that as long as Li Tian gets angry, his emotional history will be exposed.

You know, how many rich people in the world, many rich people live an emperor-like life, and there are so many women around them, because they are low-key and make a lot of money, so many, many outsiders do not know.

Li Tian originally planned to live that kind of life.

But now there is a task.

A few days later, the sales of new tomatoes were still in short supply, but the popularity on the Internet gradually weakened. After all, the Internet is changing and various events are emerging in an endless stream. It is impossible for a hot topic to maintain constant discussion.

On this day, Li Tian dressed up and appeared in front of the superstar Sun Xiaoxiang.

Sun Xiaoxiang raised his head, looking at Li Tian with an overwhelming face. "What? Have you considered it?"

"Think about it."

Li Tian nodded.

"You have to be prepared. A large-scale production movie may last for two years. Since you want to participate, you must first sign the contract."

Li Tian looked at the contract that Sun Xiaoxiang had pushed over, and his face changed slightly.

After reading it quickly, it turned out that the various rules and regulations are particularly strict. Basically, as long as you sign, it is equivalent to buying a body.

Li Tian frowned and pointed out two of them: "You know, my identity is not just an actor, so I may have other things to do. The time limit here is unreasonable."

"Why is it unreasonable?"

Sun Xiaoxiang asked back: "Is it that such a big production and so many people will only wait for you in the end?"

Seeing that Li Tian was still silent, Sun Xiaoxiang continued: "The contract is a contract, so it must naturally follow the rules and regulations. But people are alive, and some special problems can be treated and dealt with specially." Sun Xiaoxiang fully affirmed Li Tian’s acting skills. After all, he has seen Sun Xiaoxiang's graduation work in the Performance Department of Fuxing University, and even Sun Xiaoxiang herself can't show that kind of performance.

Therefore, if Sun Xiaoxiang ridiculed Li Tian to join at the beginning, then later, she sincerely hopes that this special talent will come.

Moreover, the script was written by him. His control of the whole story, rhythm, and understanding of the core meaning is definitely beyond others.

Strictly speaking, after Sun Xiaoxiang has watched Li Tian's performance, it is almost difficult to find something better than him.

"Okay! I sign."

Li Tian once again strived for the greatest benefit and said: "The premise is good, new tomatoes must be added."

"Well, it's up to you."

Sun Xiaoxiang didn't care.

Now even Sun Xiaoxiang is aware of Li Tian's evil sect, and with his joining, he might be able to create new miracles even if he has added wings.

Zhao Ruxue is here She has been busy recently and didn't pay attention to Li Tian's situation, but the new tomatoes are so popular, she naturally heard about it and bought a lot of them. After eating, she really deserves a reputation.

However, when she saw the contract Sun Xiaoxiang brought, she was shocked.

"In this science fiction movie, the heroine is your Sun Xiaoxiang. I am not surprised. After all, no one is more suitable for this role than you."

Zhao Ruxue raised her voice and said: "But can you tell me what happened to this actor Li Tian? Is the same name? But I haven't heard of a powerful male star named Li Tian in China!"

Sun Xiaoxiang smiled suddenly: "You are not mistaken, this Li Tian is the Li Tian we know——"

At this time, the expression on Zhao Ruxue's face was particularly wonderful.

Because Li Tian’s image at the beginning did not give Zhao Ruxue a sign that he could be an actor, and this sci-fi movie was a big production. Sun Xiaoxiang didn’t dare to invest alone, so she also invested together. The heroine Sun Xiaoxiang played the role in person , To ensure the popularity and box office of this movie, but does the quality of this movie need to be supplied by people like Li Tian who had not participated before?

Isn't this a joke!


Sun Xiaoxiang smiled and said, “I’m not going to sell it anymore. You’ve been busy recently. Maybe you haven’t paid attention to Li Tian’s recent affairs. You think he has been busy with the new tomatoes in the fertile agricultural garden, but it’s not actually the explosion of new tomatoes. It was completely self-fermented, and Li Tian has been studying in the Performance Department of Fuxing University for more than half a month, and he has created a miracle again in a short time and successfully obtained his graduation certificate."

"Come on, I know you don't believe it. I have a few high-definition videos of his performance exams. I will show them to you and let you feel them."

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