Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 13: System level three

   "Happy and happy~"

   Li Tian couldn't help but hummed: "I really miss you, your watery face, the bits and pieces of the past, as if in front of my eyes..."

   He also forgot when this song was, anyway, at this time, he just wanted to sing it.


   He sneezed again. "I'm not catching a cold, am I?" He quickly fastened the clothes he had put on. Then he didn't care if his hair wasn't dry yet, just continued to look at the system seriously.

   He has just opened WeChat and received the 500 cash red envelopes, can you be upset? 800 plus 500, but 1300 yuan. Adding to the 800 yuan earned in half a day in the morning, that's 2,100 yuan.

   earn a number a day, even if the owner of a hotel, the net profit of a day can not reach this number.

   Li Tian has full confidence in his future.

   Looking back at the system again, the system was upgraded to level 3. Not only did the page become a lot taller, but the fonts were also much neater. Check out the second item of the level 3 award: 200 draw points.

   Li Tian sat down, his heart couldn't help but jump a few more times. In case there was another cash reward, I couldn't imagine how happy he would be.

   However, when the lottery compass, which seemed to be hidden by a mosaic, stopped twice.

   [Congratulations, you have got 1 level 3 mission, please click to view. 】

   [Congratulations, you have got 1 level 3 mission, please click to view. 】

   Li Tian smiled dryly, and said to himself: "It's good to be like this, you can't be too greedy." He changed his sitting position and opened these 2 level 3 tasks.

   [Task 1: Dig 2 plots and reward 600 yuan in cash. 】

   [Task 2: Use chemical fertilizer and urea to fertilize, and reward 1,000 yuan in cash. 】

   The awkward smile just now, he grinned immediately, Li Tian yelled two happily.

   "It's great. To complete these 2 level 3 tasks tomorrow, you can get a cash red envelope of 1,600 yuan at once."

   "The future life is full of hope!"

   This is the skill. A text message came from his mobile phone. When he opened it, he found that the 800 yuan he transferred just now has already arrived. Adding the previous one, the total is 1323.5 yuan.

   Li Tian was sitting like this, looking at the numbers on the SMS, his mouth couldn't close.

   But, I thought that he was 28 years old and that he could only see such numbers until today. He felt that he was really unpromising enough, and even felt a little bit crying after thinking too much.

   Raised his palm and looked at the two blisters that had been rubbed off the ground, Li Tian smiled.

   He felt a little tired, dizzy, just fell on the bed, pulled on the quilt and fell asleep...

   Until, there was a knock on the door. Even if it was an ancient door, Li Tian could guess who it was immediately when he heard the knock on the door.

   As expected, after the knock on the door, sister Li Yuxin's nice voice came in from outside the door. "Brother, hurry down and eat."

   Sister Li Yuxin’s voice conveyed her feelings for her brother, and her tone of voice was slightly higher than usual. I don’t know if it was because in the morning, her brother Li Tian took the car to school and gave her an English workbook.

   "Brother, I heard my mother say that you have cut your hair today and changed into a handsome dress... Come out, let your sister take a professional look."

   On the bed, Li Tian smiled immediately after waking up.

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