Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1246: best seller

   Li Tian was particularly surprised. He just appeared on a new task, which is related to the best-selling book.

   And the editor just got it, and when talking about the "Three Kinds of Life", Li Tian felt that this idea was very good.

  The special mission did not mention that it was a new book or any subject matter, and this big-fire movie did have value that could be used continuously.


   Coincidentally, Li Tian did not hesitate, but agreed.

   It was very late at night, and he didn't mean to go to bed anymore. Before the computer, he took out the script of "Three Life" and read it again.

  The style of the script and the writing style of the novel are naturally different.

   Fortunately, Li Tian is no stranger to both styles of writing, but his subsequent extended writing is not his proficient style.

  The skills of master screenwriters and the writing style of online novels are not suitable for the writing style of physical books.


   is not only to complete the task, but also Li Tian to be responsible for his work. He is not sloppy, even more serious than usual.

   300,000 words is not too small, even if Li Tian writes very fast, but this time is not a short time to finish writing.

   Fortunately, everyone is very busy, and no one will bother Li Tian.


   The box office of "Three Life" is getting higher and higher.

   And the 9.8 praise has never dropped, although the number of ratings has easily risen to hundreds of thousands.

   400 million box office on the second day, 600 million box office on the third day, 780 million box office on the fourth day, and 1 billion box office directly on the fifth day.

   1 billion box office in 5 days, this is an extremely dazzling achievement at home and abroad.

For a time, Weibo, forums, major chat groups, entertainment media, etc. were all reported in succession. This is a remarkable achievement. At the same time, the better news is that at various film festival awards at home and abroad, "Three Life" have been successfully selected.

Domestic Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flower Award, Golden Goblet Award, Golden Statue Award, Golden Horse Award, etc., foreign Palme d’Or, Golden Bear Award, Golden Lion Award, Golden Shell Award, Tokyo Award, St. George Award, etc., " "Three Life" all hope to win.

   For a while, even overseas entertainment media began to pay attention to this movie.

  Especially in Asian countries, because the comics of "Fantasy Different World" have gone abroad and are selling well throughout Asia, and the comic awards have been softened.

   They all know the original author of this adaptation of the comic, and now he wrote the script of "Three Life", so when it is reported in the media, it will be familiar to everyone.

  【This screenwriter is really amazing and a well-deserved storyteller. 】

  【When will this movie that has a higher praise than "Shawshank's Redemption" be released in our country? 】

   [It's coming soon, I heard that many publishers have asked for cooperation. 】

   [I heard that in a few days, the film will begin to be shown worldwide. 】


   On Li Tian's side, he finally took a week to successfully expand the script of "Three Life" into a novel of more than 300,000 characters.

   When the editor of the novel website learned about it, he was shocked. He didn't expect Li Tian to write so fast.

   Before they started to read it, they still worried that Li Tian would not write very well.

   After all, the writing method of the script is completely different from the writing method of the online novel. Not only that, the writing method of the online novel is also different from the physical publishing.

   And when the editor finished reading what Li Tian wrote, he was amazed: [As expected of a platinum writer, your writing is so great, I will discuss with several editors immediately, and I will promote it to you as soon as possible. 】

   Then it came to the issue of translation.

   The quality of this book, coupled with the popularity of the adaptation of the film, is not a problem for selling abroad.

   Li Tian thought for a while, although the next plan was purely to increase the difficulty of the work for himself, but for the quality of the work, Li Tian decided to say: "Let me do the translation work of the novel."

  【This, is this all right? …Don’t get me wrong, we are not distrusting you, but not only English, but also French, German, Japanese, Korean and so on. 】

   Li Tian thought, this job is really difficult.

   However, in order to pursue perfection and the best quality, Li Tian still resolutely said: "Let me all come."


   The editors were all surprised.

   "You can promote domestic and foreign ones first, and it will be passed to you after I finish the translation."

   Li Tian is not joking.

   He also has the skills to teach foreign languages. In the next time, even if he particularly wants to relax himself, he will resist it and start with English translation.


   Sun Xiaoxiang is still on a business trip abroad. She called and contacted the crew. "Three Life" was naturally very successful, but she would still worry about science fiction movies.

   As expected, she was not on the crew, and Li Tian that **** disappeared immediately.

   She was very angry. She felt that Li Tian didn't pay enough attention to it. Just when she was about to call and berate him, something unexpected happened to her.

   Even her mobile phone is also a pop-up news, it turned out to be a novel of the film of the same name in "Three Life" original screenwriter creation, wonderful presentation.

   "Could it be..."

   Sun Xiaoxiang didn’t call Li Tian. She got on the plane, turned on the phone, and started reading the novel. It only had more than 300,000 characters, and it didn’t cost much to read.

   Sun Xiaoxiang knew that Li Tian did not have this novel when he was a screenwriter.

   She is still worried about whether this novel will not work.

   After all, the manga adaptation of "Fantasy World" is well received, but the original novel is somewhat unsatisfactory.

  If this is the case again this time, it will affect Sun Xiaoxiang's promotion of the film at foreign film festivals.

   However, it was beyond Sun Xiaoxiang's expectations.

   is really beautiful.

   "Not bad, this Li Tian has two brushes."

  Sun Xiaoxiang stayed up late and finished reading this novel. It is not only the pure pursuit of online novels, nor the boringness of scripts, but a moving story with very good emotions, very good writing, and written in one go.

   It is worth reading patiently for every reader.


   Domestic websites of various sizes, starting point, QQ browser, QQ bookstore, etc., are all highly recommended for this novel.

   Countless readers are beginning to rush over, they watch this novel, they are full of emotion.

  【This book will definitely become the greatest book of the century like this movie. 】

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