Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1249: Become a world masterpiece

   The popularity of the "Three Life" movies has faded temporarily, but as long as they wait for the awards of various film awards, they will be hot again.

   At the same time, the novel of the same name is still selling well at home and abroad. According to the current popularity, it should be able to sell for a few months. A conservative estimate is that there is no problem with selling 100 million copies worldwide.

   Because of the classics and the legendary translation, many readers are willing to buy one.

In addition to the traditional world masterpieces, many middle school teachers even have a must-read masterpiece, and now there is an extra copy of "Three Life". As long as students read carefully, first of all, the structure of this novel is better than traditional novels. You can read it from beginning to end. Down, it is as fascinating as an online novel.

  Secondly, the educational significance contained therein, at least in the last 1 to 2 centuries, students of any level can see their own future.

  The profession I will pursue, what kind of life I will face in the future, and how to change my destiny. First release https://https://

  From beggars to kings, it is very difficult to get rich overnight, and there is no way to get rich overnight.

However, what the book teaches is education. It is not only reflected in the classroom, but also in interpersonal communication and work experience. As long as you don’t give up and are not discouraged, it is difficult to transition from the first life to the third life. Don't go too far. Starting

As long as you work hard, from the first life to the second life, from this generation to the next, as long as the world is not in turmoil, as long as the disease is not entangled, as long as accidents do not come, everyone has 90% hope. successful.

   And if you give up yourself, muddle up every day, don't think of progress, don't know education, don't know how to learn, then you will inevitably be unable to make progress in your life. The first life can only stop in the first life for a lifetime.

   But there is no strict preaching in the book. The first kind of life also has happiness, but the proportion is relatively small.

   However, this generation is happy, but the next generation will start working hard from the first life.


  Life is an evolutionary process. From the moment I am born, I am constantly learning, learning to eat, and learning to speak. Learn words, learn arithmetic...

   to learn bicycles, electric cars, driving four-wheeled vehicles and so on.

   Even if you are old, if you don’t learn, you can’t play with smartphones. Education is essentially learning.


   Therefore, the novel "Three Kinds of Life" is not just as simple as a best-selling book. Its appearance and birth even subtly changed many people around the world.

  Traditional people are divided into three, six or nine classes, which is too complicated.

The three kinds of life have a very simple structure. They are three classes, three thoughts, and three kinds of life. However, they include as many as a hundred people from all walks of life from the upper, middle and lower classes. There is no element of random fabrication. In contemporary society Next, its appearance is to give countless confused children a [Life Outline].

   Let them recognize where they are currently, and then combine the different lives in the book to plan their future life paths.

   Don’t have bad academic performance and dream of being a scientist and contributing to the world’s science and technology. It is unrealistic and unrealistic.

   should change direction, find a way out from the first life, and then smoothly transition to the second life.

When they have a certain economic foundation in the future, they can give their next generations a better education. If they have the hope of becoming scientists or outstanding talents, they must vigorously train them and show them "Three Life". They start from the second life. From the beginning, a little bit of evolution to the third most outstanding in life-the great man.

   The cruelty of the three kinds of life is to make everyone recognize their own fate.

   But it also gives hope for education and learning. It is very difficult to evolve from 1 to 100, and most people cannot do it in their lifetime.

   But it’s not that difficult to evolve from 1 to 10. Even if you work hard and luck, the life of evolving from 1 to 50 is also very exciting.


   The three kinds of life are education, that is, to live oneself, so it is not only a best-selling book, it is also a life guide that is read by countless country's primary and secondary schools, and even high schools and universities.

   Even some classic fragments in the book have been excerpted, as fragments in the texts of primary and middle school students, not only recitation, but also recitation and understanding.

   Of course, Li Tian knew about these changes and appearances.

  He was very pleased.

   originally thought it was just to write a famous film history film, but didn't want to, a best-selling book, has become a classic article in the texts of elementary schools, middle schools and even high schools in various countries.

   But this is not obtrusive. Whether it is English, French or Japanese, Li Tian personally translates it, and the quality is quite high.

  Secondly, "Three Kinds of Life" was originally a book with suspense and magic as a condiment and education as a food material. It is not the same as the bestseller of the pure entertainment book "Harry Potter".

  The key is that it is many times better than the average world masterpiece.


   The big science fiction movie shot by Li Tian and Sun Xiaoxiang is also coming to an end.

   But this is a big science fiction movie. Almost the entire investment of nearly 1 billion content is big scene special effects, so the later stage of the film is also a huge project, unlike "Three Life", which can be released immediately after the filming is finished.

   And the sci-fi movie is finished, the later stage is the highlight.

   This production is also a long process, even in some places, Li Tian and Sun Xiaoxiang have to come back to continue shooting.


   The shooting at this time was not as rushed as before.

   There are some sci-fi special effects that need to be done in the early stage. Li Tian can only put forward his own appreciation opinions as an audience.

   After all, he is only an actor and screenwriter now, and other things, he is not omnipotent.

   Sun Xiaoxiang knows more. Even if she doesn't make a movie, she is devoted to the movie.

   "Three Kinds of Life" made her a net profit of more than one billion yuan. This investment is ten times that of Three Kinds of Life, and a large-scale science fiction movie close to one billion Xiaoxiang is naturally more concerned.

   This kind of commercial film is the focus of the film, no longer excessive pursuit of various film festival awards, but: box office! box office! box office--


   Li Tian got a rest. He thought that he had promised He Yun to see her. Li Tian was indeed single for too long during this period. It was time to moisturize with the woman he liked.

   However, when he got on the plane to He Yun City.

   An accident occurred.

  In his system, it has been a long time since there has been a warning for the capsule to predict the danger in advance, and today there was a warning.

Although the danger level suggested by    is not high, only Grade B, Li Tian still takes it seriously.

   S grade is life threatening.

   Grade A is a risk of bleeding.

   Class B is the danger of tears.

   Ordinary and normal tears, the system will naturally not prompt, but most of the prompts are external factors, either the outside world puts too much pressure on the person, or some harassment and intimidation.

   For example, Zhang Jiajia was threatened to be his girlfriend by an off-campus gangster at school. At this level of tearing, the system would prompt danger.

   And if it’s because of being late for class, or the aunt came and crying because of grievance, this kind of system will not prompt.

   Because the difference is that the former is really dangerous, while the latter is not.

   As long as there is danger, the [Danger Predictive Capsule] will send out a reminder 24 hours in advance.


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