Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1272: People laugh at me as crazy

The sun was naturally very bright the next day. Li Tian rode a broken bicycle and carried his bags to continue.

When he came to a strange place, all the pedestrians on the side of the road watched over him.

"What's the matter with this person?"

"I guess there is something wrong with the brain."

Li Tian smiled and ignored it. Others laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others and can't see through.

When Li Tian came to the supermarket, he remembered that when he was a child, the school sold shampoo for 50 cents a bag, one-time use, but sometimes washed it twice to save money. Now most supermarkets don’t have it.

There will be in the hotel, Li Tian didn't see it in this supermarket.

However, he found that soap can also wash his hair, 25 yuan, and he just wants to wash his hands. It is a waste of always washing with toothpaste.

There is 75 cents left. This time Li Tian bought a handful of noodles for 5 yuan, this amount, Li Tian can eat for two days alone.

He can figure out how to make himself better in the next life.

There is still 25 yuan. This money does not need to be saved, because tomorrow it will only cost 10 yuan.

Because he kept stepping on the pedals, the socks were torn, but he was reluctant to buy them.

In the end, he didn't spend 25 yuan, so he walked out of the supermarket and came to the vegetable market. He wanted to use the money to buy some green onion, **** and garlic.

Normal purchases are definitely not enough.

He found a stall, where there are some unwanted vegetables, but in fact there are some worm-eyes that no customers are willing to buy.

Li Tian smiled and said, "I want these vegetables. Can you give me 1 piece of **** and 2 green onions?"

The hawker looked at Li Tian's outfit and hesitated.

"Alright alright."

Li Tian took these materials and left happily.

Now, you can eat green vegetables and delicious soup.

Li Tian is a top chef. With a little bit of raw material, he can make delicious food.

There is no salt, so I can only continue to use the instant noodle seasoning that was not used up last night.

Li Tian once again rode to the uninhabited mountainous area, trying to find Yetang to continue catching fish, but unfortunately he went to find it this time and couldn't find it.

But I saw a family with chickens. If you kill a chicken to eat, it will be delicious.

Li Tian finally failed to do so.

He went to the abandoned house and stole things. They were old things and no one wanted them.

But the chickens in this family are different. They were raised up with hard work. Of course Li Tian could steal without knowing it, but he would not do it.

Finally, I rode hungry until the afternoon and found a river, a big river.

Li Tian parked the car to the shore, then jumped up and down.

"Come on, save someone! Someone jumped into the river—"

Another girl yelled at the shore.

"Where? Take a picture with your phone..."

"Why are you like this?"

"Call for an ambulance!!"

Plop, there are still good-hearted people jumping down.

The person was agile, but Li Tian was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and he couldn't find it no matter how he searched.

As time passed, the people who watched the excitement started to get excited because they knew there was an accident to watch.

Well-intentioned people became worried, afraid that Li Tian would have something wrong. From his bicycle and the pots and pans, you can see that this is a person with a difficult life.

Finally Li Tian surfaced, because the river was too big, Li Tian threw a large fish weighing 2 to 3 kilograms ashore.

Only then did he realize that there were already a lot of people on the shore. It was already a suburb, and there were relatively few people. If it was in the city, it would have been blocked.

"Gosh, what is going on with this person?"

"We all thought he committed suicide by jumping into the river, but he actually went to fish in the river."

"It's amazing. With such a big river, the flow rate of the river is still a bit anxious. He can actually catch such a big fish in it."

Li Tian probably understood what was going on, he was a little embarrassed.

"Thank you for your concern. I am not going to jump into the river, nor am I falling into the water. Sorry everyone, everyone is gone."

Some people even came to Li Tian to take pictures, saying that he caught such a big fish very well.

Li Tian refused. As he is now, he doesn't want to go online.

At this time, the person who had just dived to save Li Tian came up. He had a clean inch, his body was also powerful, and his voice was also strong.

"Brother, I really have you."

"Thank you."

Li Tian still has to be thankful. These years, it is rare to see such kind people. "I'm really sorry to let you go into the water to save me."

"You don't have to be sorry, but you don't want to do this kind of thing in the future, even if your water is very good, but the river is too unsafe. In case of death, your family will be heartbroken."

At this time, the little girl who called for help came over.

"Uncle, are you okay? You just jumped into the river suddenly, it was too scary."

This is a very ordinary girl, but because of her kind heart, her behavior is not ordinary at all.

"Thank you for your worry, I'm fine."

Li Tian said he was leaving with his fish.

"Brother are you?"

Li Tian behaves like a tramp.

"This is my dinner."

Li Tian smiled.

"You are not a local, are you?"

Li Tian smiled bitterly, "Actually, I don't even know where this is. I just follow this path and go down."

"Brother, are you hit by anything?"

Li Tian shook his head.

"Uncle, would you like to live with me tonight?"

Li Tian came over and patted her shoulder and said, "Little sister, although you are kind, I still have to say that not every homeless person in this world is a good person. Don't take strangers home without knowing each other. It's dangerous to go inside."

The man who jumped into the river to save Li Tian nodded in the same way.

"Then brother, are you going to continue wandering?"

Li Tian looked at the horizon. "It's getting late, find a place where there is no one tonight, eat a full meal and then sleep, and talk about the rest tomorrow."

"This brother, you are really interesting. I see you are extraordinary, you should be a heroic hero, I want to get to know you."

The man said boldly, "I'll buy some wine, can I eat your fish?"

The girl also said, "I want to be with you too."

Li Tian felt that a girl was too unprepared to be so unprepared.

"This is my sister and I am her brother."

That man said so.

Only then did Li Tian react.

" I've rarely met good-hearted people along the way, but I may find a long way."

"It's okay, I have a motorcycle."

This man appreciates Li Tian Dahe's ability to catch fish, and he is a kind of heroic style of riding a bicycle, regardless of direction and future. He is like knowing him.

Li Tian smiled.

He rode his bicycle down this road until night fell, really hungry.

Finally found a deserted place, the man on the road bought beer.

Li Tian found firewood and started cooking.

That little girl experienced this kind of thing for the first time. If it wasn't for her brother who was a veteran and had a martial arts skill, she wouldn't dare to follow him.


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