Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1275: Make 1 meal


After using the   Good Luck Card, Li Tian instantly felt different.

   It may be because of a certain kind of psychological dependence. After all, for so many years of trust in the system, Li Tian knew that as long as he used it, it would definitely be resolved.

   As expected, a dizzy hare suddenly ran over, and then Li Tian was dumbfounded and crashed to death on the side of the tree with a bang.


   Is this the legendary waiting for the rabbit?

   This kind of result Li Tian really did not expect, but the system is powerful, if the good luck card is not used, this one in ten million thing is impossible to happen to him.

   But now it really happened.


   Li Tian didn't have much hypocrisy. He picked up the rabbit that had just been hit to death and started cooking.

   However, Li Tian is in trouble again. There is no water here, not to mention a clean river, not even a dirty muddy pond.

   Li Tian was hungry for a long time and there was no movement. In the end, he found a cave where he could lie down and rest. It is probably also the effect of the good luck card. It is easy to put a mosquito net to block the mosquitoes.

   Li Tian has a strong martial arts, a small wooden stick can kill a large swarm of mosquitoes, but there are endless sources of such things in the forest.

   Then do you want to rest!

   There is no way to find water. Li Tian found leaves and spread them on the stone wall. In the field survival, he digs the soil and obtains the water droplets by steam, but in reality, this method will only die of thirst.

   Li Tian made a funnel-like appearance under the leaves, and placed his empty 3.75-liter kettle at the bottom.

   Here he did the same on another rock wall, underneath is a pot and wild rabbit.

   Go pick up some dry wood and go inside the cave, and see what else needs to be prepared.

   Seeing that it was almost done, he turned on the system and took out a [Rain Card] from it. This was the corresponding system item when the system was level 20. Li Tian used one in a small city.

   There are still 2 cards left. They were originally used in arid areas. They can be regarded as temporarily taking care of a creature.

   But now, Li Tian needs water, so he can only use one by himself.

  【Click to confirm use】

  The effect of the rain card is 1 hour, which is very fast.

   Li Tian had just finished using it, and the sky that was originally clear and clear was covered with dark clouds immediately, and then the dense raindrops crackled down.

   Li Tian was tired, hungry and thirsty, and his lips were almost cracked.

   He took off his clothes and put them in a cave where he could shelter from the rain, and then others came directly into the heavy rain, bathing in this precious rainwater.

   In the water, he washes his face, hands, baths, hair...

   Then the wild rabbit that he killed himself was processed with a kitchen knife. He must finish it within an hour, otherwise, the rain would stop.


   The leaves that had just been flattened on the mountain wall began to gather rainwater and fell into the 3.75-liter bucket. Except for some small impurities, the water was generally clean.

   The pot and bowl are also full of clean rainwater.

   Li Tian divided the rabbit into two halves, roasted half and eaten half cooked.

Unfortunately, this time he didn’t even have instant noodles condiments, only a small tuft of **** that was not used up last time. He had to separate it, crushed half into pieces, and smeared it with some boiling water on the ordinary rabbit meat, and started grilling. Of course, the charcoal fire after the wood fire is used. There is no smoke, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for the smoke to be grilled.

   Li Tian is a top chef who naturally knows what kind of food is delicious and healthy.


   The other half of **** is cut into slices as thin as a cicada's wing. It is estimated that Li Tian is the only expert in the field.

   and the half chopped hare together to make soup.

   Li Tian sighed, it would be nice if there was salt.

   Be sure to buy a bag of salt next time. Some ingredients can be left alone, but the salt must be omitted.


The rain outside gradually stopped. Li Tian put on his clothes and walked out of the cave. What he breathed was the smell of rain in the mountains and forests and the smell of soil and trees. This only occurs after rain, and the air has become refreshed. He breathed into his lungs. It is very comfortable.

  The bucket of water is of course full, and there are puddles in some places, but this kind of place can't collect water, and it dries up after a few hours.

   Li Tian couldn't help but sighed that it was extravagant to let God rain in order to cook a meal.

   But after touching the soapy hair, Li Tian smiled. Although the rain was a lot of waste, it helped Li Tian a lot.


  Although he didn't have all the smart devices around him, and even the bicycle to accompany him for two days, Li Tian still didn't waste time.

   He found a clean stone outside, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated, waiting for the food to be cooked, he began to breathe the spirit of nature and cultivate his body.

   is the so-called practice for 5 minutes, 5 hours of spirit.

   When Li Tian returned to the cave, the sky outside was almost dark, and today’s day was almost over. Li Tian sighed with emotion that he had never lived like this when he grew up so much.

   It is said that when people are poor, they rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the sea to eat the sea.

  On this mountainous land, it is almost impossible for Li Tian to want to eat fish, and to eat game, it is impossible to meet him casually.

   So it is really difficult to survive here.


   Fortunately, Li Tian has a system, barely able to moisturize.

  The scent of rabbit meat came, and Li Tian let the rain wash the rabbit meat, and without any seasoning, tried to minimize the fishy smell.

   So even if only **** is used as a seasoning, Li Tian's cooking skills can make 70% delicious.

   At least when you are hungry, there is no problem at all.

  Eat all the broth and meat, half of the delicious grilled food, leave half.

   has been full for 8 minutes, there is no need to reluctantly continue to eat.

   Save it for tomorrow and eat on the road.


   When night came, Li Tian boiled all the rainwater. The rainwater looked clear, but it was not It needs to be boiled for sterilization before drinking.

   After the boiling water is cold, pour it into a 3.75 liter bucket.

Add a little bit of crushed **** in the   , because pure rain water, even if it is boiled, it will be very awful. Adding a little **** will taste better.

   Li Tian is a person who knows life.


   Sleeping in a cave at night is much better than sleeping out in the wild, but because there is no quilt, the charcoal fire loses its temperature in the second half of the night, and there is still some coldness.

   Li Tian can get up and add firewood.

But the reality is that I just want to rest at this time. At the same time, there will be smoke when the firewood is first burned. This is very choking. In the TV series, there are two people who are sleeping while burning the fire. One person must watch the fire, otherwise the fire will disappear. , That is simply raging, in the cave, it is smoked human-shaped bacon.

   So, run the aura to resist the cold, so that you can fall asleep better.

   I have to walk tomorrow, I can’t sleep well, I’ll be very sleepy tomorrow.


   The next day the sun was shining brightly, and the rain and dew in the mountains gradually disappeared under the sun. Li Tian continued to practice cross-legged. There was no way, he had to use spiritual energy to optimize his body.

   I ate some roasted rabbit meat. I was not willing to finish it. I left a little bit. Drinking ginger-flavored rainwater, brushing his teeth with the rainwater left in the bowl, after a simple washing of his face, Li Tian packed his bag on his back and started on the road.

   This journey of the poor, when the mission is completed, when will Li Tian end.

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