Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1277: Lobster and crab

As Sun Xiaoxiang continued to watch, her face began to become weird. She was obviously so beautiful, but when she saw Li Tian like this, she really didn’t know how to evaluate it. Open the short video comment area. Obviously, many talented netizens have given extremely pertinent comments.

[This eldest brother has a distinctive look and worships. 】

[I predict that the most fashionable look in the next quarter will be like this. 】

[This skateboarding is so slippery, there are few in the country. 】

[When I had legs, I played like this too. 】

Sun Xiaoxiang put down his phone and looked up and asked Zhou Ruihan, "Where is this place?"

Zhou Ruihan opened the map with the computer and marked the address. She frowned and said: "President Sun, Li Tian, ​​who has a skateboard, is very fast. According to the current speculation, he still acts like a goalless one, so It is difficult for us to know where he is at the moment."


Sun Xiaoxiang is undoubtedly silent again. She seems to be thinking about something. She took the phone to look at it again. She said to herself: "It's all mixed up. He is still playing so energetic. It's him. Forget it. No matter what, he will come back naturally when he has enough fun."


Zhou Ruihan also understood this.

On Li Tian's side, he certainly didn't do it for fun, he was not a kid, he was so old, and now skateboarding was just his transportation.

Swish, the wind blew across his cheeks, and unknowingly, Li Tian discovered that his hair had grown longer.

It seems that the wandering desolate appearance is probably heavier.

It doesn't matter, the faster the time passes, the more it shows that Li Tian's task is about to be completed.

At noon that day, Li Tian finally came to a place with a human population. He rushed into the supermarket excitedly, 10 yuan, what exactly was he going to buy.

2 pieces of salt per bag, a must.

2.5 liters of mineral water for 3 yuan, although his **** soup rain water can be drunk, but not good.

There is also 5 yuan, Li Tian bought instant noodles, two bags of 3 yuan special price, the supermarket has free hot water, Li Tian directly took his own bowl to soak and eat.

His current image is particularly dramatic. Although he has been bathing and brushing his teeth, there is no smell on his body, but his clothes are too dirty, and his package is really simple. Hair is washed with soap and smells of sulfur.

Li Tian eats very fragrantly. He mainly wants to drink this instant noodle soup. In the past two days, his mouth is so weak that he almost loses consciousness.

At this moment, two bags of instant noodles are soaked at the same time, you can eat enough, and the soup is finished.

There is also 2 yuan.

In the fruit section, there are fruits that cannot be sold, cut and plated, and wrapped in plastic wrap, such as durians, which are more expensive. But there are cheap ones, one plate for 1 yuan, and a lot of weight.

Li Tian bought a box and came to eat.

Because the fruit needs to be kept fresh, it tastes very cool and very enjoyable.

All of Li Tian's behavior was seen by passers-by, as if every scene was like making a movie, especially dramatic.

But not many people laughed at him, after all, he didn't beg, he just paid for it.

Of course Li Tian didn't waste one dollar left.

I went to the stall in the vegetable market and bought two steamed buns for 50 cents each.

He wanted to buy steamed buns. He bought the veggie stuffed steamed buns in other counties before, but they didn't have them here. There are very few meat buns. Everyone eats steamed buns. There are a lot of cold dishes on the side and eat them together.

Of course this was quite a luxury for Li Tian, ​​he bought the steamed buns and left.

Of course there is no need to skateboard in the crowd.

When there are few people, he just put down the skateboard and started to move fast.

Not to mention, riding on a skateboard feels completely different from riding a bicycle.

Night fell again, and Li Tian was more blessed tonight. He found an abandoned factory and didn't need to sleep and eat.

There are still discarded cans in the factory canteen, but they are all out of date.

Li Tian looked like an adventurous place, looked around here, found boards and cardboard, set up a broken mosquito net, and then went out to search for food.

There is a small river not far away, and I don't know if this is the place where the factory discharged sewage.

Li Tian knows that many factories are polluted particularly badly.

Therefore, even if there are fish in the river, they cannot eat it. Various carcinogens are particularly serious.

But this factory has been abandoned for many years. The creek is full of grass and all living beings, and the water quality is particularly clear. Li Tian should have no major problems under careful observation.

But the water is so shallow that it is almost impossible to catch a big fish. Li Tian relied on his powerful martial arts and [Mind Eye] to catch a small fish as long as one finger. It was too small, but there was no way. He caught ten. A few, and a small bowl.

A bowl of fish soup in the evening is enough.

However, there are unexpected surprises.

Li Tian caught a lot of wild lobsters and two crabs in the grass.

"Is this also game?"

Li Tian was already dumbfounded.

The lobsters, crabs, and small fish were all done in the clean water. It was no accident. Wild things have parasites. In fact, there are screws in the river. But Li Tian seldom eats this kind of food. Knowing, it is troublesome to make it, so I didn't make it.

Wild things have a lot of parasites, so they should never be eaten raw, and they should be cooked longer.

Because it's not too big, there isn't much meat when it's done.

But these lobsters and crabs look fragrant, but unfortunately there are not too many seasonings. Li Tian now only has salt.

Squatting for too long, his legs are a little numb, Li Tian stood up and looked at the horizon. Although there is no spectacular scenery, the setting sun, this place away from the crowd, still has a special sense of picture.

Especially the abandoned factory not far away, under the shroud of the whole dusk, looks particularly historic and mottled.

It can be imagined that many years ago, there was a lot of people here.

Just like the prosperous history of the past, there are glorious times, but in the end they will all return to silence.

When he returned to the abandoned factory by himself, he did not expect that the mice would occupy Li Tian's'home'. Of course, after Li Tian returned, they quickly ran away.

The survival adaptability of mice is of course very strong.

Li Tian ignored it. He set the pot and started cooking.

Boil the fish soup first.

Although there is only salt, it is almost boiled, especially fragrant.

On the rusty iron box on the side, Li Tian lit a candle. Although his [mind eyes] can see through, after all, human eyes are more comfortable and natural under the light.

The fish bones were almost broken, and the thick white soup was poured into a bowl.

First cover and then the lobsters and crabs, Li Tian are all washed, and when they are not there, they have to be cut off.

"It's fine if you have oil, braise prawns in oil."

But it doesn't matter. Put the right amount of salt, and the scent of lobster and crab will be tangy for a while. Under such an environment and life, it is also a great pleasure to be able to enjoy this kind of food.

Put some water in the pot and set it on the hot coals. The top of the water is supported by wooden sticks. Li Tian wants to steam the steamed buns. Two steamed buns can be full.

As night fell, outside the dilapidated factory, the stars and the moon appeared. It was very artistic. After working for a long time, Li Tian could finally sit down and start.

Take a sip of fish soup, eat a bite of steamed buns, and eat lobster meat. Although it only has a salty taste, the deliciousness of the meat itself is retained, and it is especially fragrant.


Steal fragrance

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