Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1296: Stray mouse

Li Tian is not tired, but I don’t know why he feels like he wants to sleep. He tilted his head and squinted for a while. The thoughts in his mind began to drift across the ocean, and finally came to his first high-speed rail ride. time.

At that time, to Li Tian, ​​he was like a peasant entering the city for the first time, and everything he faced was fresh.


When Li Tian woke up, he looked out the car window and smiled.

It is often said that your roots were there when you were young, and you will never get rid of it for the rest of your life. Even if Li Tian's current achievements are no longer comparable to ordinary people, there is still a book in the carriage, which is "The Legend of Inference".

Li Tian's influence has been particularly great in life.

But his roots are in the soil, in the countryside, so in his bones he is still Li Tian who entered the city for the first time, even if he is no different from the people in the city. But between half-dreaming and half-waking, a bright light flashes, and that feeling stays with me for a lifetime.

I am a small farmer.

Li Tian's system is also the name, although it seems out of date, but it is appropriate to the bones.

Li Tian has never been able to get rid of the fact that he is a small farmer in his life. Just like a towering tree, no matter how high you climb, no matter how far you stretch, what others see is your stalwart body and lush foliage, but it can never get rid of its roots in the soil.

There is no need for Li Tian to get rid of anything.

It's just that I suddenly dreamed that I was still in despair, but when I saw the dawn, I couldn't help feeling a little bit in my heart.

At this moment, I heard someone shouting in front of me: "There are mice."

"Why are there rats on the train?"

"I just saw it..."

"Impossible, the current high-speed rail is so hygienic, and it is not the old green iron car..."

Li Tian didn't care about the mouse, and the green iron carriage in their conversation made him smile again, just like his roots are in the countryside and he is the son of a farmer.

The person who said the green car, because he couldn't get rid of the memory of riding in it in his life, maybe he doesn't have as much emotion as Li Tian now.

But when he fell ill, or when his life was dying, there must be such a moment, all those memories once came to his heart, it was like drinking 5 Jin Erguotou.

The speed of the high-speed rail is very fast, and the vibration is small. Everyone starts to do their own thing, and no one talks about rats anymore.

Li Tian didn't know why, sitting in the car would make him a little sleepy, as if all his experiences during this time had become exhausted, making him unable to open his eyes.

Fortunately, the Lop Nur Desert he was going to was very far away, so he didn't need to worry too much about anything, just like this to sleep at ease.

Until his body clock wakes him up, the time is just right.

The people around him said: "Brother, you are so amazing, you have been sleeping for more than ten hours."

"Has it been so long?"

Li Tian was also quite surprised.

It seems that today is indeed a sentimental day for him. It doesn't matter. After getting out of the car, the air here feels dry, and Li Tian is not unfamiliar.

Cities near the desert are like this. Deserts are formed because of lack of water.

If there is a lot of precipitation every year, this area will automatically become an oasis.

Because if there is water, plant life is as tenacious as animal life, and water is the source of all life.

Li Tian bought a lot of bags and equipment to go to the desert, as well as a desert off-road vehicle.

Here, full of the feeling of adventure.

Li Tian is rich and buys the best equipment.

The purpose of earning money and not bringing it in life and death is in exchange for better material enjoyment.

When Li Tian was driving away, a surprising scene appeared.

There was a mouse who was not afraid of people and got into Li Tian's car.

What is even more surprising is that on the mouse's back, there is also a small suitcase wrapped in a small cloth.


Is this entering the world of anime?

Li Tian was very surprised. He was sitting in the car and did not drive. The mouse put down its package, and then took out a small car like a children’s toy. It was broken and was changed into a scooter by this mouse. The mouse stepped on it, then slid on the steering wheel of Li Tian's car, and finally stopped handsomely.

Although this mouse is very chic, it is still very desolate. The hair on its body is probably stained with oil that is difficult to clean. This also reminds Li Tian of the mouse he saw in the video before. Picture of taking a bath.

At the same time, the mouse's package is also old.

Its scooter was also broken, and when he looked at Li Tian grinning, his teeth were black.

The air in the car began to become anxious. The mouse saw Li Tian not talking, and turned around to take its package, dig out a peanut from it, and put it in front of Li Tian.

The sun shines through the car window glass, and the peanuts are full of color.

Although Li Tian felt that all this was a bit weird, it happened in real.

He smiled. "I recognized you from the time you stepped on the scooter."

That's right, this stray mouse was the one that Li Tian met in the dilapidated factory when he was going to complete the mission of the poor. When Li Tian met it, he still felt like a rat .

If Grimm's fairy tale, it is probably such a story.

Later, Li Tian checked it out. It turned out that the factory used to be a chemical plant. He heard that it was abandoned because of an accident.

Maybe that only spiritual mouse is a genetic mutation and becomes an unusual mouse.

If it had not encountered Li Tian, ​​it would have died of old age in 3 years, and it is estimated that no humans would find it.

At the beginning, this mouse took out a moldy peanut to exchange it with Li Tian.

Later Li Tian left, thinking that he would never encounter it again.

Unexpectedly, this mouse had the courage to learn to wander about Li Tian, ​​and the earth was so big and so vast that it actually found Li Tian again.

I have to say what a wonderful fate this is.

Li Tian smiled and accepted the peanuts. It was obvious that this mouse had gone through many hardships in the world and is now smarter. Not only did he teach himself skateboarding, but the peanuts given this time were not bad.

"I'll take your things this time, what do you want me to give you back?"


Li Tian couldn't understand the mouse speaking. He felt that his powerful system should give him another skill card, which is to be able to communicate with animals.

But Li Tian can still see from the mouse's body movements and the appearance of it in front of Li Tian. What he wants to say is: stay by your side...


Li Tian doesn't like mice very much, because mice are one of the four evils. Perhaps its soul is not guilty, but its behavior destroys many, many things.

However, this is only a special spiritual mouse. Li Tian thought for a while, and was willing to try it. Maybe the system mission, from the poor to this trip to the desert, is to arrange to meet it in secret.

Otherwise, the vast crowd, no fate, it is impossible to find Li Tian with a mouse alone.

"okay then!"

Li Tian smiled and said, "I will take care of you for a peanut. You are making a lot of money for this little thing, but you have to be obedient, otherwise I will throw you to the cat to eat."

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