Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 142: The daily life of writing novels

After communicating with the editor, Li Tian started to write novels. After all, today's deposit is released, and there is no more deposit in his computer.

The tenth chapter of "Fantasy World", following the previous plot, Li Tian has an outline and quickly wrote it, and then the eleventh chapter.

He didn't even think that there would be some plots. Although the plot is probably planned, the details have not been resolved yet.

I don’t know if it’s because of his trust in the editor or the promotion of his younger sister. Li Tian wanted to write it as best as he could. For example, the heroine’s character determines her clothes, and the hero’s martial soul swallows up the detailed settings. and many more.

‘Some can’t think of it. Li Tian just stopped.

He needs to look at something to inspire his inspiration, so he began to browse some related information on the Internet and check a lot of information.

He turned around and watched his novel carefully.

When he accidentally saw the book review area, he was angry, and sprays were everywhere, and he wrote **** his side, and worked hard to check the materials that could be consulted, but those sprays were good, and he opened his mouth to spray.

Spicy Chicken Book, the author of Spicy Chicken, what **** is writing, I don't understand.

It's a book introduced by a small internet celebrity. I thought it was a good book. I didn't expect that the plot was terrible and the waste stream would be vomited. I trouble the author to have some brains. The brain is a good thing. Unfortunately, the author and that are both good. No.

If this book is popular, I will live it live.

Nima, Li Tian was a little irritable because of Calvin, seeing these sprays made him feel even more depressed.

The popularity from my sister is not all friendly.

Li Tian entered the writer's assistant, and in the face of these sprays, all he could do was ban the addition and deletion of posts.

Li Tian went out for a stroll, and when his mood calmed down a little, he stopped paying attention to the book review area and didn't care about the data, and began to crackling codewords.

Since the fanboys didn't believe that this novel could be popular, Li Tian let it go viral and showed them.

With anger, from Chapter 11, to Chapter 12, to Chapter 13.

With the tenth chapter added, a total of 4 chapters have been written, 8,000 words.

At this moment, it’s already more than 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Hungry groaning. People have a sore back and back because they have been sitting in front of the computer for a long time. The eyes are staring at the screen for a long time, and the worst is The head, fingers, and fingers were slightly cramped, and the head was almost blank. Excessive use of the brain, the dizziness and dullness, almost made Li Tian almost fall when he stood up.

"I can't resist it anymore, I have to eat something."

Because his head was silent for a long time in the fantasy world, he couldn't wake up for a while, too tired, physically and mentally exhausted, Li Tian was also lazy to cook, so he simply soaked instant noodles and started eating.

While waiting for the Laotan Sauerkraut Beef Noodles to be soaked in boiling water, Li Tian suddenly remembered a joke on the Internet.

When I was young, I dreamed of eating instant noodles every day, but I finally realized it when I grew up.

It's just a simple sentence but I understand how sad it is.

When I was young, I was poor and couldn't afford instant noodles, but when I grew up, I still had to eat instant noodles every day because of poverty.

After eating, go up and lie down and rest for half an hour.

When he was awakened by the alarm, Li Tian was still a little dizzy.

‘Writing novels is really hard work. ’

When you endure being scolded by a spray, you have to calm down and work hard to conceive interesting and good-looking novel plots, especially in the process of writing, 1,000 words have just begun, 2,000 words are progressing, and 3,000 words can still be persisted. Four thousand words, already tired. Five thousand, six thousand, seven thousand, and eight thousand words are already suffering.

But Li Tian didn't want to waste time. Starting at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he continued to write. His speed was not fast. When he didn't get stuck, he was 3,000 words in 2 hours.

So, when his sister came back in the evening, Li Tian wrote a total of 12,000 words. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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