Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1396: Li Tian's education

In Li Tian's third 24 hours, someone else appeared on the plane, and he was heading to a small, remote city. Unlike the bustling cities of large cities, the economic level of small cities is not high, especially in remote places. There are also a lot of people on the food and clothing line.

Li Tian has done a lot of good things. His Tomorrow Foundation was established when he was a little bit accomplished. From the first few million to tens of millions, now it will finally reach 100 million.

His charitable foundation is a private equity fund, which is almost personally donated by him. The main work in the early stage is for children to go to school.

It is no exaggeration to say that the emphasis on education in his world-famous book "Three Kinds of Life" is definitely not out of thin air. Li Tian has invested a lot of money for this, and it has been more than 2 years.

In addition to the company's annual donations in order to set an example, Li Tian's own Tomorrow Foundation is now well-known. Some wealthy people who did not want to be named have come in to donate some money and goods.

Because it is a private equity fund, it does not need to collect donations from the public, and of course it does not need to be supervised by the public.

Money is private. In theory, Li Tian can arrange for people to use it for different charities.

It was only in the second year. In the first year, Li Tian paid the money, Du Tingting also paid some, and Wang Wei was the main person in charge.

In the second year, the head of Tomorrow's Foundation made arrangements in place, dedicated to charity, not acting, not exaggerating, and making generous moves.

The bosses who do not want to be named have successively invested a lot of money. As long as good deeds are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, they will naturally be remembered. Some people who also want to do good but don’t want to be famous are found.

There are 120,000 and one hundred and eighty thousand.

The highest is also 2 million, although the total is less than 5 million, but as a private equity fund, it is already very good to have such a result without publicity or disclosure.

Since there is no solicitation from the public, naturally there is no need to face the public, but those who donate privately will still receive some detailed statements every month until their donations are spent, where they are spent, how are they improved, etc. , Very detailed.

When Li Tian got off the plane and came to Wang Wei, this guy actually gained a lot of weight.

Li Tian asked, "Is it a lot of corruption?"

Wang Wei was frightened and quickly begged for mercy. "Boss, don't scare me. The money you gave, some private fundraiser's money, and where it was spent are all clear. I don't dare to hide a point in private. The reason why I am gaining weight now is because of us. The children of the villagers who helped, their parents insisted on giving eggs and their agricultural products, and they had to give them away.

Li Tian smiled, this kid, he has been staring at him, and on average he calls to supervise and inquire every month.

He didn't dare to measure.

"You have to pay when you receive something, not for nothing."

Wang Wei immediately said: "I gave the money, it was my own salary, and the foundation's money, I didn't touch a dime."

"It's almost the same, go, take me to see what you have made in the past two years."

"Yes, big boss."

Wang Wei immediately followed him.

Wang Wei is a reformed person. At the beginning, he was a gambler, and his losing home was ruined. If it weren't for Li Tian, ​​he would have committed suicide by driving down the river and repaying his debt with insurance after death.

In the end, Li Tian and Peony went to the underground casino together, but won more than 3 million as the first charity money.

Since then, Wang Wei has changed his mind and helped Li Tian do charity with all his heart. His life was saved by Li Tian. In the rest of his life, he will also live to save and help more people. Although he is tired every day, But he had a very fulfilling life.

When I came to the foundation company, there is now a small office building, which is a big project of tens of millions. A three-story small office building is still necessary. Usually there will be some volunteers who do not ask for anything in return. Always arrange a place for people to rest, eat and live.

There are extremely remote mountain villages nearby. These infrastructures are very necessary. There are also some college students who go to the countryside to support teaching. In the past, food and accommodation were very simple and safety issues were not guaranteed. However, in the Li Tian Foundation The responsible area does not have this problem at all.

There are also many aspiring young people who trust this small well-known foundation and come here to bring their knowledge that they only have in big cities to remote mountain villages.

As the big boss, Li Tian’s ‘bad trouble’ has reappeared. He is nitpicking. He puts forward very strict requirements on some of the foundation’s facilities, personnel arrangements, daily life, and even the drying and disinfection of bedding.

Wang Wei also looked bitter after hearing this.

"Boss, if you do everything according to your requirements, then our place is equivalent to a three-star resort hotel...there are still hard and charitable."

Li Tian smiled and said: "What you want is this kind of effect, Wang Wei, your vision is still too shallow. You have to take a long-term perspective. The education of children is not a year or two. One batch and the next batch of poor children are trained to become talents, ranging from seven or eight years to as long as a lifetime."

Wang Wei listened carefully. Although he didn’t know that Li Tian’s other name [The Son of the Wind] had been popular all over the world, he also knew that today’s Rich Agriculture Park is already an international company. As an absolute boss, Li Tian must not be able to compare his vision.

He even humbly took out his small notebook and began to remember.

"Moreover, you mentioned just now that in the second year, because our outstanding charity is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, there are already volunteers who are willing to trust us, and there are also college students who come to help spontaneously without asking for anything in return. This is the second year, so In the third year, are you still going back?"

"Going backward is naturally impossible!"

Wang Wei disagrees, if Rich Agricultural Park is Li Tian's painstaking effort.

So tomorrow the foundation is his Wang Wei’s painstaking effort. Although the money and major policies are all done by Li Tian, ​​the real implementation and actions are all made by him step by step. It is no exaggeration to say that these two years Not only was he tanned, but the shoes on his feet had worn out more than a dozen pairs, and the calluses on the soles of his feet were thick.

Because the mountain roads are so rugged, Li Tian has strict requirements, and he is also the person in charge. Every family and every household has to run many times a year. Although cement soil is repaired near the school, many big mountains still need to walk to climb the mountains.

Therefore, Wang Wei's hard work cannot be explained in a few words. Of course, he also has many benefits. He is loved and worn by villagers and students every day. He eats all the green food from the mountains, and gaining weight is inevitable.

But he is not fat as fat, but as sturdy.

Li Tian continued: "So, in the next two, three, and ten years, more people will come to our foundation. Others will come with love. We can't afford the five-star enjoyment, but the three-star. It must be given. The most important thing is the safety and health issues. No problem can be caused."

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