Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1427: Reiki Recovery

Li Tian has been a scumbag for a long time during this period. Although other tasks are also interspersed with it, it cannot be denied that he is mainly a scumbag.

But accompanying Peony is obviously different than accompanying her girlfriend.

When this woman was with her, she could hardly feel any romantic feeling, not only that, but all kinds of uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? Do you have a bag with you?"

Peony didn't have a good air when seeing Li Tian's comical twisting appearance.

"Ahem! No no..."

Li Tian smiled awkwardly. "I just feel that when you are watching a movie, if you lean in my arms, will you be more romantic?"

Li Tian pointed to other lovers around and made more pertinent suggestions.

However, Peony sneered directly: "Aren't you afraid that I will assassinate you?"

"Well, when I didn't say it."

Facing the girls of the ancient family, respect is still the main thing.

After the movie, Li Tian also successfully completed the task, but it was really not easy.

There was also a timely voice in Li Tian's system [Congratulations on completing the random special task. The rewarded 10,000 yuan cash red envelope, 1,000 lottery points, and 1,000 system experience points have all been distributed, please pay attention to check. 】

Li Tian was very happy. One day and one night, he even completed two tasks, and he also cooperated with Peony and gained a lot of benefits.

Those two cheats are also fun.


When I got out of the movie theater, snow fell outside. There were very few pedestrians on the road now.


Li Tian showed a reluctant expression, but it was not all pretends, he really missed the time when he was threatened by the ancient beauties.

"By the way, don't go too far with Gu Yuling."

Before leaving, Peony reminded: "Although the girl is very good now, it is better to be stable. The matter between you and Lily Maiden should be exposed. Although there is no evidence, you better be careful."

There was a sudden pressure in Li Tian's heart. He worried: "Lily is not in danger, right?"

"I don't know, but the earth is so big, if it doesn't come out to cause trouble, there should be no problem."


After Peony finished answering the question, Li Tian suddenly thought of something. He pulled Peony to the corner and said seriously: "Peony, I recently met an invisible mysterious person who penetrated all things invisibly. I don't know if it is the enemy. Friends?"

That mysterious existence has always been a thorn in Li Tian's heart.

But he has no way to tell others.

Peony is undoubtedly the strongest person Li Tian knows. If she doesn't even know her, it is estimated that not many people in this world will know him.

Hearing what Li Tian said so solemnly, Peony couldn't help but fall into contemplation. "Can you penetrate everything invisibly?"

This is indeed a very weird person, even Peony thought for a while and then asked, "Is it a man or a woman?"

Li Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head. "It's still unclear. Every time it appears, it quickly disappears..."

Peony stared at Li Tian for a while and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, he should be a hermit family from the same period as the ancient clan."

"so smart?"

The ancient clan is very old. Although it has undergone many changes, it can be compared with the ancient clan. That power is absolutely terrifying.

"Don't be afraid, the hermit family used to be very arrogant in the Yuan Dynasty, and often used stealth means to assassinate important generals. We in the Central Plains martial arts conspired to exterminate them... and never appeared again. I didn't expect it to show up now, it seems back then. The remnants of the family are inherited from generation to generation."

"Yuan Dynasty?"

Li Tian was almost dumbfounded.

Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, this is in the history books, Peony even knows things about the Yuan Dynasty. "You, how many years have you lived?"

Peony rolled his eyes and ignored Li Tian, ​​but instead said: "Although this family of hermits has been destroyed, there is a special power in their blood, and their assassination ability is very different. It is a feud with our ancients, and our ancients were also participate."

"The martial arts people have never participated in the affairs of the court. Their hermit family broke the rules and were destroyed. It is justified. If their descendants want revenge, we are not afraid of them."

Li Tian didn't expect such a complicated story in it.

He was surprised: "Why were there so many magical races in the past?"

"Because the earth was still full of aura at that time, have you heard of the pre-Qin monks? I suspect that your current method of breathing, breathing, and cultivating immortals came from that era. Unfortunately, the earth lacks aura in the later period, just like if the earth does not have oil, then it burns oil. All machines will become the same as history."

"The technique of cultivating immortals becomes the technique of slaying dragons, which is useless."

Li Tian understood this, and he asked in surprise: "Then why, now there are so many mysterious powers appearing?"

Li Tian abroad has also encountered mysterious vampires before.

Peony smiled and said, "It may be a resurrection... but who knows something too mysterious?"

Is Reiki Resurrected?

Li Tian seems to have heard of this term somewhere, I hope it is not true, or the earth will be in chaos.

"It's not impossible to destroy those invisible people."

Mudan said: "There are radioactive elements, such as alpha rays, beta rays, gamma rays, etc., which can make them appear automatically. When they were exterminated, our Central Plains Wulin also looked for a large number of radioactive stones before letting them die collectively."

Li Tian was even more surprised.

"Isn't radioactive elements very harmful? It can induce various cancers in the body..." According to the data, if radioactive materials are irradiated at 400rad, 5% of the people who are irradiated will die, and if 650rad is irradiated, 100% of people will die. death.

There is a terrible incubation period.

Peony said calmly: "So many people died in Central Plains Wulin. At first, everyone didn't understand, but later they understood."

Speaking of peony, I just threw a small stone. "That's it. With this, that invisible person can no longer approach your body at will."

Li Tian's face was pale at the time.

"Peony, don't be kidding, this kind of thing will kill people, and I don't want to die so early."

And the world has very strict controls on radioactive elements, because it is very dangerous.

Ordinary people, never touch it.

"Look at you, coward, what are you afraid of?"

Peony smiled mysteriously: "I use this to practice every day, and it has long been a hundred poisonous. We are cultivators, and we are still afraid of this?"


This peony is really Li Tian doesn't miss her anymore, even if he hasn't seen her for a year, he doesn't miss it. This female monster is too terrible.

"Maybe I can use aura to stop its harm, but I am different from you. There are many ordinary family and friends around me, and I can't put them in danger..."

Seeing Li Tian's sincerity, Peony fell silent.

"Well then, give it back to me."

Li Tian hurriedly returned this terrible stone to Peony. He watched the news. Many people were exposed to radioactive elements and eventually died of cancer. It was very terrible.

Ordinary people should never touch such things.

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