Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1450: I want to come over and spend the New Year with you

Because Li Tian had 480 hours on this day, Li Tian appeared in different homes of ordinary people 24 hours a day.

Here I have a drink with Manager Liu's parents, and there Li Tian has a meal with Feng Xiaoling, Baili Xiaojia, and He Yun's parents.

Fortunately, Li Tian just separated different days, folded up to be an ordinary person's day, otherwise it is estimated that Li Tian will be busy.

Last night, Li Tian and Shi Jinglin returned to her hometown of the manor.

Shi Jinglin’s parents are very familiar with Li Tian in the historic deep house compound. Because Li Tian has been here for 24 hours, he doesn’t have to climb the window anymore. Li Tian came to celebrate the New Year. For Shi Jinglin’s parents Still very surprising.

"Li Tian, ​​why are you here?"

You must know that at the beginning Li Tian and Shi Jinglin’s father still had conflicts, because her father looked down on Li Tian as a farmer who farmed agricultural products. He felt that he had no future and did not want to invest...

As a result, Shi Jinglin’s mother gave out one hundred million at once. This one hundred million, and the promotion of the big star Sun Xiaoxiang, directly created a miracle. So far, the spring agricultural garden that once wanted to crush Li Tian has already shrunk. After finishing the business, I dare not ask Fu Fu Agricultural Park any more trouble.

Even the centuries-old family of Wu Jia who was born because of Zhao Qi’s love rival, is now shrinking, and he is afraid to trouble Li Tian again. This man is too evil. It is definitely not wise to fight against such a terrible man for a woman. of.

"Uncle and Auntie, I will spend the New Year with you today." After Li Tian finished speaking, Shi Jinglin's parents were stunned, because they did not expect that Li Tian, ​​a busy person, would accompany them during the New Year.

"Then you stay with us, where are your parents?"

Shi Jinglin came over and smiled: "Parents, you don't have to worry about so much. Li Tian can come. It's already a big face. Come, come, don't you like to find someone to play chess with you? Now the situation outside is tense. It’s boring at home, isn’t there someone to accompany you now?"

Li Tian also smiled.

When playing chess, Shi Jinglin’s father used his characteristics as a businessman to the extreme, and first asked how much the current situation has affected their company?

The second is the company's donations, something must be done, otherwise the mission of being a big company will be lost.

Li Tian said he and Zhu Lian had arranged.

Rich Agricultural Park provides nearly 500 million yuan in materials and ranks in the forefront of large companies.

Vegetables do not increase but decrease...

"Doing so will cause a lot of damage to the company!"

Li Tian smiled. "It's not a problem to earn a small amount of money to support a small family, and to earn a lot of money to support everyone."

"Good thinking..."

Li Tian and Shi Jinglin’s father talked for a long time, mostly about doing business.

Although Shi Jinglin's father was also a businessman who chased fame and fortune, he sneered at the kind of guys who made a fortune.

At other times, Li Tian was not idle either.

Zhao Qi's hometown is another big family.

Shi Jinglin is a deep house compound with pavilions.

And Zhao Qi's house is similar to Zhao Wan'er's. They are all luxury villas, or small castles.

At 12 o'clock last night, Li Tian Zhengda came to visit, and he disinfected himself. Although he kept releasing spiritual energy to wrap his body on the way, he would not let the virus enter the body, but the disinfection that should be done couldn't fall.

This is good for others and good for yourself.

"Mr. Li Tian, ​​it's so late..."

Coming at 12 o'clock in the evening is still hard to understand and accept.

Li Tian said: "I want to come over and spend the New Year with you."


In fact, it was the first time that Zhao Qi's parents Li Tian met, but they still welcomed Li Tian in.

Zhao Qi was still playing games in her room. When she learned of this, she was stunned and ran out quickly. The moment she saw Li Tian, ​​her pair of large Shui Lingling eyes immediately dazzled again. Eye-catching brilliance.

"My God, Li Tian, ​​have you come to see me?"

Zhao Qi's parents were very helpless, so they could only retreat temporarily to let the little couple get together.

"Yes, I see your castle lights are still on, just come over and take a look..."

"The time here didn't disappoint you?"

"No no! It's about time."

Speaking of Zhao Qi, she rushed to hug Li Tian in excitement and wanted to kiss him.

Zhao Qi's parents couldn't stand it anymore.

Steward He on the side, Li Tian met once. At the beginning, he put out 10 million yuan and wanted Li Tian to break up with Zhao Qi. At the moment, Steward He was a little embarrassed. Hedong and Hexi for thirty years is nothing more than that, but more The important thing is that Li Tian's status is undoubtedly a guest level.

Zhao Qi's father never slept, and after Li Tian and Zhao Qi recounted the past, he sat opposite Li Tian.

The two elders stared at them with big eyes like this, but what disappointed Zhao Qi's father was that his precious daughter turned her elbow out at this moment and sat directly beside Li Tian.

"Ahem, Li Tian, ​​I know that you are very capable now... You can choose this day to come to my Zhao family and Zhao Qi to spend the New Year together, I am also very welcome, but I can hardly imagine what you do to Zhao Ruxue and Sun Xiaoxiang Crossing?"

For Feng Xiaoling’s parents who have little influence, Li Tian can pretend to be another But for Zhao Qi and Zhao’s parents, Li Tian will be dismantled no matter what disguise, because their baby daughter is only I like Li Tian alone and suddenly bring a strange man back to celebrate the New Year, which is unbelievable.

In the end, it can be found out, and we will visit blatantly to celebrate the New Year together.

However, at this time, before Li Tian began to answer, someone began to report to Zhao Qi's father.

Although Zhao Qi's father is not particularly high in the Zhao family, he is a super boss to other big bosses.

But at this moment, after hearing the news, he stood up almost instantly.

"how is this possible??"

The person who brought him the news said that just now, it was also Mr. Li Tian who appeared all over the country at the same time.

In addition, Zhao Ruxue and Sun Xiaoxiang's Sun family also have a Li Tian to spend the New Year with their family.

"Mr. Li Tian, ​​what is going on? Did you ask someone to pretend to be?"

After all, he is a gangster-level figure, first of all he would not say whether Li Tian was a **** or not.

Li Tian shook his head.

Zhao Qi said triumphantly: "Stop guessing, how can my man Li Tian's ability be understood by ordinary mortals like you."

Zhao Qi saw the shocked faces of her parents, she was particularly proud to say to Li Tian: "Brother Li Tian, ​​quickly show them a paragraph so that they are deeply aware of the difference between immortality and commonplace."

Seeing that Zhao Qi was so arrogant, Li Tian couldn't help but stretched out his palm and hit the **** the head, then said: "You girl, don't make trouble."

Zhao Qi puffed up her small round face in dissatisfaction.

Zhao Qi's father looked over and said, "Mr. Li Tian, ​​if you have any superpowers, you can show us your insights, so that I can wait and re-evaluate you!"

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