Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1469: Aftermath

Of course, Li Tian is not joking. When he was just in the deep sea, he used a [Underwater Roaming Card], the kind of powerful power like a mermaid, which made him in the sea more powerful than any sea fish. Quickly.

Above the sea, the wind was roaring, lightning was ripping, and the terrifying dark clouds obstructed the sky. The sea surging was a huge wave, and the big raindrops of soybeans also hit the face fiercely.

At the moment of crisis, the mysterious and invisible woman has no other care. She is riding a yacht like wind and waves, like a small boat in the waves, and there is the possibility of overturning the sea at any time.

However, when Li Tian jumped into the sea alone, the situation was completely different.

Li Tian's power began to expand rapidly, and he lost his wetsuit equipment, but swim faster.

In such a harsh natural environment, fish in the sea dare not rise up, they are afraid of being struck by lightning and stunned by the waves.

Therefore, Li Tian's aura burst out, using the aura circulation formed when digging a mountain to open the road, and at the same time let the aura in the body and the drug aura in bad weather form a whole.

The underwater roaming card gave Li Tian the same flexibility in the water as on land.


Li Tian pushed the yacht, and the mysterious invisible woman sailing the boat thought it was an illusion. However, when the entire yacht, like a sharp sword on the sea, shuttled at high speed, the mysterious invisible woman was shocked.

"This Li Tian is really-non-human."

The small yacht is like a motor installed with a nuclear submarine, pushing the yacht to gallop, all the way out of the sea of ​​natural and man-made disasters. When the sky gradually returns to blue, when the sea is no longer turbulent, when the rain drops begin to disappear.

"Li Tian! Alright, we left the danger zone..."

But Li Tian didn't stop. He first asked how much engine oil he had, and then told the mysterious invisible woman that he could maintain this state for half an hour. Don't waste it and leave the sea in one fell swoop.

The storm on the sea comes as soon as it is said, and sometimes there is no sign at all. If it comes again, Li Tian, ​​who has no [Water Roaming Card], may be really dangerous.

" pay attention to your body..."

Even if the mysterious invisible woman knows that Li Tian is as strong as an ox, Li Tian now obviously does things that a ox can't do.

Twenty minutes later, the mysterious invisible woman looked back at Li Tian, ​​feeling a little distressed in her heart.

After experiencing these things, it was obvious that she was even more worried about Li Tian in her heart.

This nasty bad man successfully invaded the depths of her heart.

And when Li Tian pushed the yacht all the way to a small island the size of a sand dune, he could finally lie down and rest.

The clothes of the mysterious invisible woman were still wet, because there was still a lot of water on the boat, and there was no time to get the water down, so she jumped off the boat and came to Li Tian's side.

Fortunately, her physical fitness is very good, otherwise the seasickness will not be acceptable to ordinary people.

"Li Tian, ​​are you okay?"

Li Tian smiled when he looked at the beauties who looked as beautiful as an immortal and whose clothes were a little out of order. "It's okay, don't worry about me..."

The mysterious invisible woman sat down beside Li Tian, ​​not worried that she would be seen by Li Tian if she was not clothed, because she was already the woman of this bad man anyway.

The rest of his life said: "Our behavior is really not easy..."


Li Tian leaned his head on the beauty's knee, and the ancients said: Wake up to the power of the world and drunk lying on the beauty's knee. This is the ultimate beauty of the hero.

Li Tian has now completed the latter thing, which is also good.

However, when his [Water Roaming Card] time was only 2 minutes left, on this unknown sand dune island, there was not a single tree, and it was bare. Maybe the sea rose slightly and it was enough to flood it.

Li Tian's [eyes of the heart] seemed to see something, he immediately hit the carp and carp, stood up, and went straight to the sea.

"Li Tian——"

The mysterious invisible woman didn't know what kind of nerves this Li Tian was making. For the rest of her life, she was already very exhausted.

"wait for me."

Li Tian replied, and without looking back, he jumped into the sea. The smell of seawater rushed over his face. Li Tian's [Water Tour Card] had very little left. The last 1 minute, 59 seconds, 58 seconds, 57 seconds...

However, Li Tian continued to dive in the sea, his speed was too fast.

It turned out that he had just escaped from the danger and enjoyed the beauty's knee, covering a distance of 500 meters with his mind and eyes. Check whether there is any danger around him. If there is an active volcano under the sand dune island, it would be super scary.

However, what Li Tian didn't expect was that he searched for her a thousand times in his dream, and looked back, that pearl sea shell was not far below the sand dune sea area.

That seashell has been dead for many years, and now it is just an empty shell, but it is very big, so it's hard for someone to face it.

From the perspective of Li Tian's mind, you can see that there is a beautiful pearl the size of a walnut inside. Oh my god, this is simply a surprise.

Li Tian thought it would be necessary to explore the deep sea to find such a large pearl. It turned out that it only needs fate to find it in the waters of the beach.

Therefore, in a person's life, hard work will never be important.

But it's not that you don't need to work hard. If Li Tian didn't push the yacht here to rest, then how could he have such luck.

It can be said that the harder you work, the luckier you are.

The mysterious invisible woman has some but heart Li Tian, ​​the sea breeze is blowing slowly, her clothes are gradually drying out, she tidy up her own clothes, although she doesn't mind Li Tian looking at her body, but as a woman, she naturally has to be dignified Own clothes.

Besides, she is a very conservative woman.

With a bang, water splashed, Li Tian rushed out of the sea for the last 3 seconds in the [Water Roaming Card], like a carp leaping over a dragon gate, and then his legs landed on the beach.

At this point, his water roaming card time has been completely used, and at the same time, in his mind, the familiar and beautiful system voice is also resounding: [Congratulations on completing the random task, rewarding 10,000 cash red envelopes, 1,000 lottery Points and 1000 system experience points have all been released. 】


Really comfortable, after working hard, after experiencing the risks, reaping rewards and gains, there are moving beauties in front of me, this kind of life, this kind of scenery is really enjoyable.

The hearty pleasure after exercise.

" is for you."

"What is this?" The mysterious invisible woman came over, and she reproached: "You don't want to go to the sea anymore. Although I know you have a lot of methods, I still worry..."

Li Tian put his arms around the beauty's waist, kissed the beauty on the cheek and smiled: "Well, I listen to you."

The moment Li Tian brought the big sea shell to the mysterious invisible woman and opened it for her personally, a large walnut-sized pearl shone in the sun and reflected colorful light.

Although the mysterious and invisible woman has seen countless rare and precious treasures, it is not at this moment that Li Tian personally dedicated this sea pearl to be beautiful and touching.

"Like it?"


Mysterious invisible woman, a stranger in the world, wouldn’t be impressed by vulgar things, but this big pearl was obtained by her and Li Tian through hardships, through storms, and under the rainbow after the rain. It is of extraordinary significance, so she really likes it. .

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