Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1475: I miss you just one sentence

Shi Jinglin is actually not very interested in business. She likes scientific research more, but people need a life. In addition, she is a lady at first, so she must have some business acumen.

As for the rich agricultural park branch company that invested in Li Tian, ​​this is a wonderful fate.

Strictly speaking, Shi Jinglin's mother had a vision. When Li Tian was in the most difficult time, an investment of 100 million yuan in exchange for peace of mind in the future.

"Still busy."

Li Tian suddenly appeared behind Shi Jinglin, and one could see that this beautiful woman was still busy working intently.

"Oh, scared me, Li Tian, ​​are you silent when you walk?"

Shi Jinglin complained.

Li Tian smiled and replied, "It's because you have been working harder. Why, shouldn't you be very excited to see me appear again?"

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes and said, "I'm so excited about you, you just leave for 2 days..." But she then said: "To be honest, if you don't scare me, I'm still very happy to see you again. "

"Then just accidentally scared you, you became unhappy?"


Shi Jinglin nodded seriously.

"What a realistic woman~"

"We women are so realistic..."

"Then my cute, beautiful, sexy, gentle and beautiful baby, you are so graceful and generous, are you still angry now?"

"Puff haha..."

Seeing that Li Tian was so shameless when talking about love, Shi Jinglin couldn't help laughing directly. "Well, I'm not angry anymore, I miss you all in my heart now."

The unhappiness of a girl needs the careful and cheeky comfort of her boyfriend. As long as the words are nice, no girl will dislike it.

Especially for Shi Jinglin, Li Tian was no ordinary person.

Seeing that Shi Jinglin was happy, Li Tian stopped flirting and scolding, and began to study new vegetables seriously. The new cucumber was studied in the branch laboratory, and the first batch of researched vegetable seedlings were already covered in the cultivation tank. The vines also bloom and produce small cucumbers.

Shi Jinglin also understood this very well. She studied with Li Tian, ​​even if it was late, but her enthusiasm for academics caused them to forget their sleep and food.

In the third time, Li Tian, ​​before leaving the deep mountain and old forest, he took out the [Random Special Task Card] and clicked to use it first.

Because Li Tian would worry about the task of digging mountains and making roads. If there is such a task, but someone else has gone abroad to buy islands with the mysterious invisible woman, it was a bit of a waste of time. Of course, if it is easy to complete first, do that first.

[Congratulations on the random task for the lottery: The task requirement is to use the [extra-long fishing line] to catch a sea fish not less than 100 kilograms on your own island. 】

[Complete the task: reward 100,000 yuan in cash, 1,000 lucky draw points, and 1,000 system experience points. 】

After Li Tian heard this, while he was relieved, his thick eyebrows gradually wrinkled.

Finally, it is not the task of digging mountains and roads, but fishing 100 kilograms of sea fish is obviously not a simple task.

The last random task that has not been completed is to buy an island and drop no less than 100 marine fish.

In other words, these two tasks are linked together.

Li Tian and the mysterious invisible woman left this busy place for some time. In order not to waste the other two 24 hours, the other two Li Tian went to accompany his girlfriends.

Although Li Tian wanted to do the two sea fishing tasks together, buying an island is not that simple. Although he has 120 hours a day, it is 24 hours compared to ordinary people. Even if Li Tian is in a hurry, ordinary people have 24 hours. Within hours, it is still unknown whether Li Tian can successfully purchase the island.

There is no way to pause time. Even if Li Tian doesn't use the remaining 2 24 hours at this moment, time will gradually be wasted to the point of being completely gone.

Li Tian found two girlfriends with the deepest feelings and went to accompany them first.

This time there is no scumbag series mission, it is simply the companionship of men and women.

Zhao Qi and He Yun.

In the middle of the night, Zhao Qi was already asleep. She currently has only one company, the game company, so the current domestic situation has very little impact on her company.

On the contrary, because of the increase in game players, the company's profitability has increased very high.

However, all the money made by her company was donated to become a large company with a sense of social responsibility.

Zhao Qi has nothing to worry about. Moreover, a donation is several hundred million. She has no shame in her heart, and she sleeps naturally and at ease.

It just made her unexpected that when she turned over in a daze, there was an extra man beside her.


Zhao Qi was startled, Li Tian immediately turned on the light and smiled: "What's the matter, I scared you?"

"What do you say!!"

Zhao Qi's annoyed expression is similar to Shi Jinglin tonight, but Zhao Qi's cute expression is more fierce. She is a little witch, and she didn't know Li Tian at first.

"Don't do such scary things next time, be careful I hit you—"

Zhao Qi said with teeth and claws.

Li Tian didn't care, "It's okay, you can't beat me."


Zhao Qi looked depressed.

"Okay, I was wrong. Next time I won't be thinking of you again, I can't help but sneak over to see you, and this kind of thing that scared you happened..."

Listening to Li Tian’s words, Zhao Qi’s expression felt a little more uncomfortable and said: “I think I can have it. It’s best to think of me every moment of every day. It’s okay to come over to see me, but you can’t scare me like that... It’s better to be by my side all the time..."

With that, she just blushed and snuggled up.

This little witch and Li Tian have been together for so many years. In fact, her temper has become much smaller. She doesn’t need Li Tian to say anything. I love you. I can’t do without you. Just one sentence: I miss you, and she has moved her heart. .

Everything is self-evident.

Li Tian embraced Zhao Qi, who had a strong personality but a very soft body, and slept with her very comfortably in his heart.

It is fortunate to be busy day and night, but the feeling of being with the beloved at this moment is happy, comfortable, relaxed and happy.

This is how life should be. Only when there is bitterness and sweetness can there be taste and taste.

Life that has been sweet to the end is unrealistic.

The difference between Shi Jinglin and Zhao Qi's reaction is He Yun. When Li Tian came to see her she just went live.

Recently, I can’t go there at home. Many of her old fans are clamoring to let her live broadcast, although He Yun said euphemistically that she is no longer before...

Some old fans immediately said: You are not a fool, we have already seen your recent state, you must have a boyfriend, you may even be secretly married...

Although everyone is very sad and one-third of the fans have lost, everyone can understand that He Yun is not too young and it is impossible to be single for a lifetime. If we can find a boy who truly loves her, their fans It is also a sincere blessing.

It's just that everyone is used to watching He Yun live broadcast. Now everyone is staying at home and hopes to continue watching He Yun live broadcast to bring them happiness.

And He Yun also wants to earn more money to donate. She recently had less live broadcasts. Part of the money she earned was invested in her brother's new energy company and part of it was used to run her own brand.

So she can’t even get 1 million cash now...

It happened to be broadcast live recently, and it was her heart to earn enough to donate 1 million.

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