Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1493: Busy and fulfilling life

Li Tian's time is precious, and Li Tian in different regions must speed up the process.

No need for sea fishing, he returned to the island, in the new laboratory, and some marine professors studied saury.

Li Tian's figure is also very busy in the laboratory of the domestic rich agricultural park.

The new Chinese cabbage and the new cucumber have already begun to come to an end, and the new potatoes and new vegetables from all over the world will be shipped over, allowing Li Tian to synthesize even more powerful vegetables.

There are also two Li Tian 24 hours a day, who could have joined the work, but Li Tian knows that the current research tasks are all scientific research tasks, and there is no effect in a short time.

It's not about digging a mountain to make a way. It's not that easy. You can use brute force to complete the task.

So it is better to spend this precious time with relatives and lovers.

One of them, Li Tian, ​​took it out to accompany his family, Li Jianping and Dong, when they saw their son come back, they made a big table for delicious food. Now they can’t go anywhere. The family is watching TV at home, and the warm family atmosphere is also some.

Another Li Tian came to Feng Xiaoling's side.

Like Tian Rou, she stayed at home to accompany her parents. Unlike Tian Rou's parents, Feng Xiaoling's parents had seen Li Tian's supernatural powers, so they wouldn't ask why Li Tian could meet the end.

The atmosphere of the family is also very good. Everyone sits in the living room and eats snacks and watches TV.

Feng Xiaoling is also very happy because of Li Tian's arrival. She is usually not the kind of person who likes to rely on people. At this moment, she has always been holding Li Tian's arm, showing the appearance of Xiaoniao Yiren.

Her parents also smiled at this.

After lunch, Feng Xiaoling went back to her room to work with her computer.

She apologized and said, "Li Tian, ​​you can wait for me for 3 hours."

The efficiency of computer office is relatively high.

Li Tian nodded and smiled and said okay.

He also took out his computer to work.

It's true that I haven't touched the computer for a long time. Before, there were screenwriting and novel scripting tasks, but now they are gone.

However, he still has a copy of "Fantasy World" that is still being updated, although he is usually very busy, he has not stopped updating it.

Now he went to see it, and there are still many readers supporting it, but it is inevitable that many old readers are lost.

Feng Xiaoling is busy with work, and Li Tian writes novels with code.

Just to give back the love of readers.

Busy till late evening, there are still comments from readers in the comment area of ​​the novel.

[I have read this book for 3 years. 】

[Me too, from being a single dog to now getting married and having children... I have to say that time passes really fast. 】

[Other authors have already opened many new books, why doesn't this author open new books? 】

[I don't know, anyway, as long as the author keeps writing down, I will keep reading. 】

[Hahaha... Me too. 】

Li Tian used to have plans to write a new book, but it is obvious that now he is too busy and there is really no time. It is already very difficult to stop the serialized novel from being updated.

Let's talk about the future.

There are many new ideas in his mind. After all, he still has the skills of a master screenwriter, so he will not worry about being exhausted.

In addition, there have been works such as "Three Kinds of Life" and "Legend of Reasoning" that have taken the world by storm, and Li Tian's writing skills are getting better and better.

If he wanted to write the story behind "Fantasy World", he could write it for several years.

"Wow, I'm finally done."

Feng Xiaoling stretched her waist, her petite and exquisite figure appeared in front of Li Tian, ​​Li Tian smiled, and closed the computer and said, "How about it, are you tired?"

Speaking, both hands climbed onto Feng Xiaoling's shoulders to help her relax and dispel fatigue.

"Thank you, Li Tian."

Feng Xiaoling fell into Li Tian's arms.

"Thank you, does our relationship still need to be so different?"

With that said, Li Tian just fell in love with Feng Xiaoling.

The 24 hours a day will pass quickly, and if you don't pay attention, you will stay and not return.

Finally, these 24 hours are over.

Li Tian from 5 places thought for a while and decided to stay in China.

Although there are enough laboratories and saury on the island, the research process is too slow. With only Li Tian in normal hours, he is unlikely to stay abroad alone.

Because maybe it is from January to 3 months, it is impossible for him to revolve around that task.

He wants to stay in the country and study new cucumbers and new Chinese cabbage.

These two studies have been going on for some time. As long as you work hard, you will be able to complete the task within a few days. At the same time, you can be a little busy, and you can study with Xin Cai and New Potatoes.

A busy and fulfilling life, unpretentious.

Li Tian first worked in the laboratory of the Rich Agricultural Park in his hometown, soaking in the laboratory every day. Today Li Tian is like a normal person. Without 5 times the card a day, he can only be honest, and he can no longer wave around the world casually. .

"Li Tian, ​​have dinner."

Dong delivered the food in person.

"It smells..."

Li Tian didn't care about the image, so he sat on the steps in front of the laboratory and ate a lot.

Seeing her son like this, she felt a little distressed.

"Li Tian, ​​now we don't lack anything in our house, can't you just relax a little bit?"

Li Tian raised his head and said with a smile: "Mom, it's not time to rest, so you have been boring at home recently, so you can practice the breath, spit and suffocate, to strengthen your body."


Dongs can only sigh. Although recently he can often see his son in front of his, but he is too busy, as busy as three years ago, even busier than that time.

Although parents know that today's rich life is related to Li Tian's hard work, but parents also love Li Tian.

Today, Li Tian is almost 33 years old. He is not young, but sometimes he still looks like a child.

Time flies, the galaxy turns backwards.

In a blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Li Tian is busy in the laboratory, and now is a very stressful moment. It is not the first seedlings of the new Chinese cabbage, but the last procedure of the new Chinese cabbage is almost done.

The key to this procedure is that it directly determines whether Li Tian's experiment will succeed.

He is waiting anxiously, even if he has a plug-in, sometimes he needs to come step by step.

Finally, when all the test results came out.

The crisp leaves of the new Chinese cabbage are rich in nutrients, more than twice that of ordinary vegetables. Not only that, the taste is twice that of ordinary vegetables, Chinese cabbage.

At this moment, Li Tian already had tears in his eyes.

Really, it's not easy.

His task is getting harder and harder, but doubling the card in one day is not enough.

If he can be all over the world, just waste these few days.

But he now has the same time as ordinary people, but he has to study here little by little, waiting for the growth of new Chinese cabbage, which is very difficult.

However, after the new Chinese cabbage comes out, the equipment testing of Furao Agricultural Park is now more professional than the most professional in the world. Only an expert is needed to check it. After the sampling and analysis are qualified, the new cabbage of Furao Agricultural Park can be grown on a large scale. , And put it on sale now.

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