Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1530: Mysterious stone statue

   He Yun's guess is really not wrong, this Li Tian really intends to participate.

   After Li Tian told He Yun his thoughts, He Yun pondered for a while and said: "In this case, let's make the brand together."

   In fact, when He Yun's clothing brand was just planning to make it, because of the special circumstances of the country, it had to be shelved immediately.

   Although the construction can be started now, He Yun has not done comprehensive consideration yet.

   Now that Li Tian is here, He Yun can do it too.

   With Li Tian here, He Yun is completely in charge.


   Li Tian played games to accompany him during the live broadcast at night.

   He Yun hasn’t had a live game broadcast for a long time. With Li Tian with her, her popularity immediately soared to No. 1 on all platforms. This kind of strength is also quite powerful.

   Many netizens sighed with emotion: [It’s this game anchor again, and I usually don’t live it live. This live broadcast is with the beauty of He Yun, which is really envied by the Master...]

   Social status determines the horizons of people.

   In their opinion, Li Tian, ​​the game anchor, is very envious of playing games with He Yun because he plays games better.

   But in fact, Li Tian has many beautiful women like He Yun around him...

   Li Tian's live broadcast room is also very popular. There is a system plug-in. His game technology is not behind. Even if a match is matched, the opponents are pitted, hang up, and actors. Li Tian can also lose the 2016 MVP game without shame.


   After the live broadcast, Li Tian continued to think about clothing with He Yun.

   The two discussed together, the simple design of the clothing has been designed by the designer at a high price.

   is what kind of pattern should be printed on some T-shirts. In this regard, Li Tian and He Yun have different ideas.

   Many fans want He Yun to print beautiful photos of herself. He Yun originally planned to send some to those **** fans who have always supported her, but now that Li Tian is here, this is naturally cancelled.

   Li Tian said: "I understand your thoughts, welfare, I think the clothes can be sent for free, but it won't be good to post your photo..."

   Why is it bad? Li Tian didn't say much.

   That night, after the two were in love together, the sky gradually brightened. Li Tian lay down and read the mobile phone news, not wanting to swipe one.

   is the place where he opened up wasteland and built roads in the wilderness and carved 13 magical sculptures. It really came to light here.

   and was quickly surrounded by the local area, so [natural] the spectacle was immediately on the news, causing countless netizens to scramble for discussion.

   was quickly surrounded by chains and treated as a historical relic.

   The value is very significant.

   Netizens left messages one after another.

   [Weird things happen every year, especially this year...]

  【Such a superb sculpture, I really don’t know if it is a personal act, or if it’s like this, it’s simply amazing. 】

   Li Tian smiled. Although this scene had been expected a long time ago, he did not expect that it would come so quickly, and it was also dumbfounding.

   Suddenly Li Tian had a good idea and thought of a good idea.


   When He Yun woke up, he saw Li Tian take out the carving utensils, and he was carving in another room.

   He Yun was very curious. She came over and asked: "Li Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

   Li Tian smiled and said: "Aren't we thinking about what design style the clothing should have?"

   He Yun was immediately surprised. She was shocked and said: "Could it be that Li Tian, ​​you..."


   Li Tian's carving speed is very fast, because this time I am not going to carve huge stone statues more than 5 meters high, but some relatively small ones.

   After being carved, it is used to take pictures to form a unique pattern. Because of the unique charm of the carving art, outsiders can feel the unusualness of this clothing brand at a glance.

   "Li Tian, ​​you are simply amazing."

   He Yun admires, not only is Li Tian's carving technique superb, but Li Tian's idea of ​​combining carving and clothing is also unexpected.

   Later, He Yun also noticed the archaeological news.

On a barren mountain in China, there are a total of several neatly uphill roads, and this is not the most powerful, the most powerful is that there are 13 extremely unique huge sculptures, all of which are more than 5 meters high, lifelike and attractive. Countless birds and beasts come to worship, such a wonder, it can be called a modern miracle.

   The sculptures are all ancient mythological figures, and they are not simple.

   This thing is too mysterious and magical, so it quickly became popular on the Internet. The hot search lists on major platforms are full of relevant news. From the pictures and videos, countless netizens are shocked.

   is simply superb workmanship--


   At this moment, after He Yun compared the sculpture of Li Tian next to her, she was shocked.

   It turns out that Li Tian didn't pirate the stone statue that went up the mountain and wanted to keep the heat away, but Li Tian was the producer of the mysterious stone statue.

   "Li Tian, ​​are those stone statues..."

   Li Tian smiled and said: "Yes, it's me!"

   Li Tian explained that although the nine sons of Longsheng and the mysterious beasts of Shanhaijing are all vivid and can be used as clothing patterns, it is obvious that they are made by Li Tian himself.

   But there is no evidence, and it has now become a [historical relic]. After being protected, it is not convenient for Li Tian to use those patterns.

   So at this moment, I will sculpt it by myself. There are too many ancient mythological figures, and Li Tian can sculpt inexhaustible materials.

   "In the future, you will keep the stone statue I carved out and keep it in the company, which can be used for taking pictures and sampling, and it can also be used as a soul-suppressing animal.

   Li Tian's ideas are fresh and refined.

   He Yun besides was shocked or shocked, she almost couldn't bear her crazy excitement at that Tian, ​​how did you do it? You have created a miracle. "

   At present, many archaeologists are speculating about where this spiritual stone statue came from.

   13 of them, seeming to gather the momentum of heaven and earth, are so majestic that people dare not look directly.

   Li Tian smiled and said, "It was just digging some boulders, and then carving them out with tools in my hands."

   "Li Tian, ​​you just walked out of a myth..."


  Although archaeological experts later reported that the age of stone statues should be modern, not ancient...

   But because the level of carving is too high, the artistic value is immeasurable, so it has become a local tourist attraction that charges a fee.

   Tourists can all visit and Mobike. Every huge stone statue is surrounded by black iron chains. Visitors who come to watch are prohibited from touching it.

   Although it is not a historical relic, its value is very high.

   The first batch of tourists who came here were shocked by the stone statues, as if they really existed like ancient myths. One more look is to make people tremble from the heart.


   Li Tian and He Yun quickly design, some of the clothes patterns are all images carved out of Li Tianxin.

   is unique and at the same time demonstrates a unique artistic charm.

  Because the carvings are relatively small, but there are not many details that should be there. Li Tian can carve 3 pieces a day and store them in the exhibition cabinet of the clothing factory.

   In time, when the clothing is officially on sale, many experts will surely find that the carving patterns here and the 13 huge sculptures in the famous scenic spot are made by the same master.

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