Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1539: A good brand must learn to tell stories

Selling power banks can only be regarded as cooperation with Gu Jie, which is not essentially Li Tian's system task.

Therefore, the possibility of losing 70 million to complete a task is almost zero, and quality and profitability are the first choices.

Li Tian didn't take it too seriously either. After hanging up in the shop, he gave out an insincere roll of 200 minus 10 yuan, and he was busy himself.

However, I never thought that Li Tian seemed innocent, and netizens were also swearing. After all, the mobile phones sold by Li Tian were too fragrant, and this power bank was not fragrant at all, and it was not a big brand.

However, orders are like snowballs, increasing.

There are also many comments.

【how is everything? I heard that the owner of this shop is very willful. At the beginning, when I sold Apple phones, the three platforms lost nearly 100 million in total. The whole network is the best this year... Why is it now selling power banks? 】

[I don’t know, I don’t know, I’m still on the sidelines, I bought this Apple mobile phone, which is the cheapest one on other platforms, and it’s 500 yuan cheaper, and it’s not the US version with a lock, it’s the National Bank’s dual card dual I can only say that it is really fragrant, the boss is a kind person. 】

[Me too, I thought that such a boss would go bankrupt, but I didn’t expect to stay strong until now...]

Someone has begun to place orders one after another. Sure enough, there are more power banks of the Gentle series and the cartoon series. There have been dozens of orders in half a day.

Some same-city shipments were received soon.

Netizens on the sidelines feel and ask: [How? 】

[Let’s get back to work, I don’t have to say how it feels, but let’s see the actual experience. 】

As long as you can make a living, someone will buy it.

In addition, the three stores started to sell power banks, and they started to ignite again on the Internet. Some media made cold rice and explained the last time Li Tian lost 100 million in selling mobile phones.

If it was a pit product, 100,000 copies would have been exposed long ago.

It’s really scented, and netizens who haven’t bought it pay special attention...

Nowadays, in order to earn fans, some media have begun to speculate, and they said that the owner of this shop is poor. After losing so much money, he even started to sell more than 100 yuan of power banks.

Various versions are also circulating:

The most convincing version of netizens said that the owner of this store was very poor when he was young, because he couldn't afford the Apple mobile phone that his beloved girlfriend liked so much that he broke up later.

From then on, the boy worked hard and became rich. He bought 100,000 genuine Apple phones from the Bank of China and sold them all at a loss. He wanted to tell the girl who left him because he couldn’t afford a phone and knew how hard he worked. .

The story is very moving, and the ability to spread is particularly strong, everyone believes in this poignant love story.

But in fact, it's all nonsense.

Li Tian did this for system tasks. If the breakup was really caused by a mobile phone, then don't worry, a loss of 70 million, a fool would do it for the sake of face.

However, the speed of network transmission is very fast.

The mysterious owner behind these three stores has been given the title of such a ‘fool’.

Of course Li Tian couldn't explain it, he couldn't explain this kind of boring story.

But this story is very beautiful, making his shop a warm shop.

Shop attention has also risen from 1 million to 2 million+ in a short time

A good brand must learn to tell stories.

Although many netizens don't believe this story, they think this is marketing.

However, I searched this store online, and after I entered, I really sold a few power banks.

If it weren't for the overwhelming online screenshots of selling mobile phones at a loss, no one would believe that this seemingly shabby shop would have been so popular.

There is traffic, plus the appearance quality, and the boss's character is good.

It is said that a loss is a blessing. No, in just a few days, the sales volume of power banks has risen from dozens of sales to several thousand.

There are more and more comments, and more and more praise.

[Fuck, this power bank also has fast charging technology? 】

[I bought a 2W power bank. It takes more than 2 hours for other products to be fully charged. This power bank can be fully charged in less than 1 hour. 】

[No, is it a virtual standard? Actually, it only has 1W capacity. 】

[It should not be a false bid. How can a shop that dares to sell mobile phones at a loss of 100 million yuan do such a thing? My mobile phone is 4000 mAh, 2W can be charged about 4 times, 1W at most 2 times, it will run out. 】

[I go, so steady? 】

[Black technology! 】

[Indeed, I scanned the QR code and went to the official website. The manufacturer of this unknown power bank is very well-known and the company is very strong. I heard that the scientific research team has been developing the most advanced battery technology, which is the most cutting-edge new energy in the future. R&D company. 】

[Buffet, I also buy...]

The original traffic, coupled with excellent quality, coupled with black technology, will soon be like a dark horse, breaking into this market that is almost stagnant.

Just like a good mobile phone, in fact, there are almost no shortage of mobile phones nowadays, but everyone likes to buy a good one, so as long as it is the latest model, it is easy to sell.

Just like a beautiful woman who doesn't worry about getting married.

When Li Tian was finished, he was surprised when he came to take a look.

The sales volume reached the top three monthly sales on the entire platform. The two above are well-known big brands.

Li Tian is completely a dark horse, and the 200 yuan anti-10 yuan roll has already been robbed.

Many iron-blooded men are curious about what the 8W and 10W power banks look like?

Although the sales volume is low, as long as it is on the shelves, someone will buy it.

[In fact, this kind of power bank can no longer be called a power bank. Although the quality of this store is very black and technology, the 3W and 5W models are already at the brick level and are very heavy. It is not convenient for women and children to use. Even with fast charging, it takes a long time to charge. 】

[8W and 10W are no longer called power banks, they are mobile power sources. Only those who know the goods understand that this is the real power supply, the capacity of which is on the Internet, and other homes are more than 200 expensive, and there is no guarantee. 】

[People who understand, have already begun to place orders. Seeing that the stock is running out, it is estimated that it is the same as the Mac, and it will be sold out. 】

The mobile power supply, 10W can be used in the event of a power failure. It has a large capacity and can be used to charge laptops, mobile phones, etc. It is very powerful. Buy one and the whole family can use it.

Because there is no inverter, it is cheaper.

Because I didn't bring it, it was named after the power bank.

Online mobile power sources are often more than 2,000 yuan ~ ~ are equipped with inverters, which can drive household appliances with power below 500W.

In this regard, Gu Jie later led the team to start research.

However, selling power banks has already begun to make a profit. One can earn 10 yuan after all costs are removed. The three stores bought 300,000 in total, making about 3 million yuan.

Compared with the loss of Li Tian selling mobile phones before, it is not worth mentioning, but for Gu Jie’s company, it is an unexpected surprise. You must know that their company’s power bank is to try water, just a few assembly lines, and the result is one month. It made a profit of more than 3 million yuan, which is not possible in many flagship online stores.

Gu Jie later called Li Tian and said he was too good.

Li Tian still couldn't laugh or cry, because he didn't care much about this matter at all, and he succeeded in making a profit, and he became a dark horse in the power bank industry.

The favorable rate is over 90%.

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