Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1554: 10 years as 1 day

If it were not for special circumstances, Li Tian would let Yang Chaoxi participate in variety shows in the draft. That way, the exposure rate would be higher and her singing voice would be easier to show.

But there is no way. Even if order has been successfully restored in many places, there is still no freedom as before. The best way is to start from the Internet.

The Internet is the best thing, and many things can be done without leaving home.

When Li Tian helped Yang Chaoxi get up quickly.

In fact, Li Tian's experience is quite rich. He has too many accounts that have exploded on the Internet. The earliest game Xiaobai account. At first, this account was very difficult to get started. He started from scratch and accumulated resources little by little.

Compared with Li Tian helping Yang Chaoxi now, that is definitely a world of difference.

Nowadays, it is a variety of resources and money investment. Yang Chaoxi was a member of the girl group a few years ago. She has a good appearance and temperament, can sing and dance, plus the promotion of various resources, so her fans have risen very much. rapid.

It broke through the million level in just a few days.

There are even many fans who can’t wait to watch Yang Chaoxi sing live. The songs she sang are so good.


The most helpless thing on Li Tian's side is not Yang Chaoxi singing live.

It was a singer who trained her, not a female internet celebrity like He Yun.

He Yun is not suitable for being a singer. She can only be an internet celebrity. Of course, she is still the boss of a multi-billion-dollar clothing company.

Yang Chaoxi wants to come step by step.

However, Yang Chaoxi's fans are over one million, but Li Tian's mission is still not completed, which makes Li Tian very anxious.

In addition to helping Yang Chaoxi, Li Tian, ​​there are also Li Tian in three laboratories.

Overseas seafood squid is still a normal research, because the [fast-forward potion] is currently a low-level version, which can only be used on plants and crops, and cannot be used on biology, so there is no way to fast-forward the growth of seafood.

Even if Li Tian has the technology of cross breeding, it will take a long time.

Why is the research of Li Tian Fu Rao Agricultural Park safe?

The reason is that all of Li Tian's research is hybrids, just like Americans and Japanese, their sons and Koreans... so dozens of repeated times and finally get the best race.

So it is a very safe way of evolution.

However, some controversial biological research abroad is cloning and biological gene technology, which violates human ethics and changes the genetic arrangement. This research method is naturally unsafe.

For example, in Li Tian's way, even if he crosses 50 or 100 times, the child born is still a normal human being.

But in some foreign studies, it is not necessarily human beings who are born, but monsters.

Therefore, the research on the Rich Agricultural Park has always been formal and acceptable to any country.

Because Li Tian is nothing more than catching squid species from all over the world and crossing them back and forth to produce the best species. Even if they are crossed for 1,000 years, they will still be born.

There is also a 24-hour Li Tian. He was in his hometown in the countryside, and the toilet renovation project was finally completed within this period of time.

Ten miles and eight townships, more than a dozen villages cooperating with Rich Agricultural Park, all use new toilets, and the overall quality of life has improved by more than a little bit.

At first, Xiaoxia learned that because of the toilet renovation project, the investment of nearly 80 million yuan was basically lost...

Because all are free services, and there is also the treatment of large-scale **** tanks in the later stage. Although the later stage is only the staff salary and the replacement of a small number of parts and components, it is certain that over time, it will be an investment of 100 million yuan.

It's all free and it hurts the liver.

But later, Xiaoxia discovered that when her fertile agricultural park talked about breeding with the local village, it went very smoothly.

Because the toilets of every household are all renovated by the rich agricultural park, they are all modern equipment, and they are not perfunctory and treated equally.

Everyone has received the benefits of Li Tian's great kindness, and cooperation can hardly go too smoothly.

There is hardly any hindrance.

In more than a dozen villages, the hearts of the people are all condensed into a rope, and the hearts of the people are invincible.

Any subsequent work went very smoothly and the efficiency was ridiculously high.

A large number of high-quality employees, and those villagers who are willing to bear hardships and stand hard work, are willing to stay and build and work together with Fu Agricultural Park. The employee manual of Fu Agricultural Park is the most demanding in the world.

However, nearly 60% of the employees have resisted and become a member of the Rich Agricultural Park Company.

This was very unbelievable in the past.

In the past, it was only 40%, or even 30%, because employees needed more and they had to recruit from other places.

The Rich Agricultural Park does have a high salary, but some people are used to being free and don't like being restricted so severely.

Moreover, when working outside, human relationships are more important.

And it’s not used at Fufu Agricultural Park...

There is only work and no favors, so many people can't stand it.

Coupled with the strict requirements for product quality to the abnormal level.

0 mistakes, 0 problems.

This is the reason why the most people brush down.

Because this requirement is too strict, everyone is here to work to make money, not to be a machine... and even if it is a machine, it is impossible to make zero mistakes.

So many people can't stand it even if the fertile farms are treated very well.

However, it cannot be denied that as long as they have been working in Fu Fu Agricultural Park for two years, they basically buy a house and a car.

Unless the family is particularly difficult, but even so, as long as you can persist in the rich agricultural park, the quality of life is not improved by a little bit.

This world is like this, you have to pay for whatever you want.

Li Tian got money, beauty and status, but so far he has been very busy every day.

He also wants to rest and play freely every day.

But he can’t. Long ago he had no chance. He was in a state of despair. He was not well-educated. He was almost 30 years old. He didn’t achieve anything. He had no cars, houses and girlfriends. …

On those days, he didn't want to go back again.

Given the opportunity, even if he is busy, he will not slack off.

He will continue to work hard for ten years.

When the renovation of new toilets in more than a dozen villages is completed.

In Li Tian's mind, there was a voice immediately saying: [Congratulations on completing the random task, rewarding 1 million cash red envelopes, 1,000 lottery points, 1,000 system experience points, and all of them have been distributed, please pay attention to it. 】

Li Tian let out a sigh of This time I did a new toilet renovation task, and the money invested was about the same as the last time I sold mobile phones.

But the feeling in my heart is different.

If you can't afford your beloved mobile phone, giving you a discount is just icing on the cake.

The replacement of so many toilets, clean, tidy and convenient, is a real help to the people. This is a charcoal in the snow.

When Li Tian turned on the system, the splendid fireworks burst out all over the screen.

[Congratulations on upgrading the system to level 38, total experience value: 96651]

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