Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1556: Here comes the plug-in

Yang Yanran knew about the relationship between Li Tian and Yang Chaoxi, so she simply asked, and did not say much, because she was afraid that her unintentional behavior would destroy the relationship between Li Tian and Yang Chaoxi.

After all, Li Tian's situation is a bit special. A man like him has many girlfriends. Although everyone is living in harmony at present, who knows what will become in the future.

So Yang Yanran just asked about it out of concern, but she would never get involved too much.

On Yang Yanran's side, she found that it took Li Tian to write a song longer than she thought.

Finally before the dead of night, Li Tian came out of the music room.

Yang Chaoxi greeted him immediately. "Brother Li Tian, ​​I have prepared the food, you must be hungry."

Yang Chaoxi didn't care about her songs for the first time, but cared whether Li Tian would be hungry, so when Li Tian first came out, he was very touched to hear such words.

"Well, it's okay, not particularly hungry."

Although Li Tian said so, he went to dinner with Yang Chaoxi.

The food is made by Yang Chaoxi with great care, even if it is not as good as Li Tian's craftsmanship, but it tastes quite delicious.

During the meal, Li Tian told Yang Chaoxi the song he had just written.

When this girl heard this, she was stunned.

Originally, she thought it was because Li Tian couldn't write it for so long. She knew that when Li Tian said the reason, Yang Chaoxi was shocked and had nothing to say.

Brother Li Tian wrote 7 songs in such a short time, yes, it was an album directly.

After a long time, the air in the entire room seemed to be a little anxious. At this time, Yang Chaoxi reacted to Li Tian and said: "Li Tian, ​​I don’t know what to say, how can you? Can it be so powerful?"

That’s right, the reason why Li Tian stayed for so long was mainly because after he got the master of lyric and composer, he naturally wanted to make some achievements instead of just one or two songs, so Li Tian was full of inspiration. At that time, I wrote 7 songs in one go.

"Fortunately, it's just so good."

Li Tian wrote it through a plug-in. When he usually acquires other skills, he uses a plug-in. The first is to find various materials on the Internet to learn. Songs belong to mass entertainment. It is not too easy to find suitable materials. Then after learning it, start write.

With a plug-in, the fluency of writing is not too good.

I chatted briefly with Yang Chaoxi for a while. After eating, I didn't waste time, just started recording songs.

When Li Tian helped Yang Yanran compose the music, and after it was written, a professional teacher had to come and make it.

There is no doubt that Li Tian who came to the plug-in is invincible. When the first beautiful love song "Meet You" echoed in the music room, Yang Chaoxi was shocked again.

In fact, when she was memorizing the lyrics, she was already moved by the poetry-like lyrics, because Yang Chaoxi knew that Li Tian had written her.

Write about her luck after meeting Li Tian...

Some love will only make people sad and sad.

But some sincere love can make people feel happy.

Life is like this, luck is often with the person next to you.

Yang Chaoxi knew that her brother Li Tian was a great writer, so she would not be surprised to write such a moving lyrics.

However, I never expected that the songs written by Li Tian were simply superb.

You know, many online songs now sound good, but if you look carefully, the songs rarely have a sense of innovation. Some songs are even tampered with, combined with each other, and just listen to it.

But I can't get it.

Because the origin of the song is unknown, it can't make it to the stage.

However, the songs that Li Tian took out at the moment were obviously different. Not only did they lack the slightest reference, they were purely innovative songs, but they were also so beautiful.

How did you hear...

You only need to listen to it once. The kind of enjoyment that comes from the ears is directly transmitted to the heart, which is the feeling. You only need to listen to it once to know that the song will be very popular.

"Brother Li Tian..."

Seeing the shock on Yang Chaoxi's beautiful face, he walked over and touched her face with a smile: "I know what you want to say, let's record the song."

Li Tian has created too many miracles, not more this time, but not more this time.

So he understands Yang Chaoxi's inner shock at the moment, but Li Tian just wants to finish the task quickly, this is the most important thing for him.

Even if Yang Chaoxi is very hard, learning a new song is still not so fast.

This is because she has a good musical foundation and a high talent.

I remember that when Li Tian and her went to KTV to sing, they discovered this, so Li Tian suggested that she could develop into a singer in the future.

And she did not disappoint Li Tian.

This song "Meeting You" was written specifically for her by Li Tian. It contains her story and mood, so Yang Chaoxi learned very fast. At about 12 o'clock in the evening, she finally successfully recorded it.

Li Tian was very happy, he praised Yang Chaoxi's efforts.

The song was perfectly recorded using the music version and video recording method, and Li Tian immediately called and used the relationship of the star Sun Xiaoxiang to quickly promote the song to the entire network.

For a time, QQ Music, Netease Music, and short video platforms all appeared this song by Yang Chaoxi.

Many people's mobile phones and computers have received related impeachment.

Everyone was very curious to watch.

[What the hell? Isn't this Yang Chaoxi a cover singer? 】

[Give me a new song "Meeting You". The title of this song is so familiar, it seems that several singers have sung it. 】

【what? It’s not the original singer... the photo of this singer is pretty, click to listen...]

Most of the male viewers feel that "female internet celebrities" are very beautiful and are willing to listen.

For women, because of the name of the song, girls are more longing for love, so the name of the song "Meet You" is very pleasing.

However, when they also felt that this was a cover song.

First of all, the music that catches the ear is to make them feel stunned.

[This music is so fresh and refined. Was there such a nice song before? 】

Look at the song information which turned out to be an original song.

[I'm going, so great. 】

[The more you listen, the better, who wrote this, the lyrics and songs are amazing! ! 】

[Today's music scene can still write such goosebumps songs, it is definitely a master! 】

Short videos are also very popular. Even though it is 12 o'clock in the evening, when the short video of the song quickly became popular, almost 10 people watched it and 9 people liked it.

The singer is beautiful and the songs are also nice.

And it's not ordinary, and the lyrics also make people feel a unique feeling, moving, memory and longing.

In just one night, Yang Chaoxi's fans went from over one million to over two million.

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