Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1621: Graze cattle on the green grassland

  Because of herding sheep, Li Tian built a fertile agricultural park animal husbandry branch here. The establishment of a company is naturally not a simple matter.

   Therefore, Li Tian must stay here for a while. After completing this task, he just turned on the system.

   Even if there is no beautiful woman with him, Li Tian is not at all ambiguous when he should be busy.

   Li Tian uses a good luck card, just click to start to confirm the draw.

1 piece. 】

  Cash red envelope. 】

  Cash red envelope. 】

   1 piece. 】

1 piece. 】

1 piece. 】

   large bottle. 】

   The upgraded version of the fast-forward potion in large bottles is naturally very important.

   Its appearance can satisfy Li Tian's research on animals and plants, and it can shorten a lot of time in time, which is quite useful.

  Using a task card, Li Tian must continue to complete the task, and he wants the system to be continuously upgraded.

The classification of    sheep roughly includes: sheep, lake sheep, goat, rock sheep, etc. Famous breeds are: Boer goat, small-tailed Han sheep, high-legged small-tailed Han sheep, Dorper sheep, Saanen milk goat, Nanjiang yellow sheep.

   The two larger categories are sheep and goats.

   The sheep has full body, dense body hair and short head. Temperament is timid, docile and easy to domesticate.

   can provide humans with meat and fur products. Sheep meat is fresh and tender and very delicious.

   Internationally, there are many sheep hybrids, which is not a new type of industry anymore.

  Of course, sheep are mainly used as wool to produce clothes, and Li Tian also plans to do this if they are raised in large quantities.

   Just high-quality wool can be used to provide He Yun's engraving card assembly factory.


  Goats and sheep are very different. Goats have 30 pairs of chromosomes, while sheep have only 27 pairs of chromosomes. The mating of the two kinds of sheep has no reproductive ability.

   There are many differences in external characteristics.


   Li Tian felt that perhaps after this task, it was the research of the new goat.

   Even if Li Tian has a fast-moving potion, it is not so easy to study new organisms. Cross-breeding also takes time, and there is a good laboratory.

   So Li Tian will consider building a laboratory first for research, but before that, Li Tian still has to prioritize other tasks, which can be completed quickly.

   So Li Tian used another mission card.

   Seeing this new mission, Li Tian has almost nothing to say.

   This also came too fast.

   are obviously tasks that cannot be completed immediately.


   But Li Tian's inventory of task cards is almost scarce.

   And even if the research starts by then, one can imagine that the demand for fast-forward potions is still very large.

   Otherwise, there is no way to maintain various studies.

   You must know that the things that Li Tian needs to study at present can already be lined up, from new apples and new watermelons, to newborn oysters and new native chickens. Now two new sheep and new goats have come.

   Li Tian is undoubtedly a big head, even if he has time to 5 times the card, it seems too difficult.

   If Li Tian had no system plug-in, facing so many tasks, almost his hair would be pale.


   And now there is only one mission card in Li Tian's inventory.

   Li Tian used to worry about the task card not being able to use, but now it’s better, it’s not enough.

   Li Tian can only pray that this task will no longer be a more difficult scientific research task, because Li Tian has no way to complete it.

   Li Tian, ​​who saw this task, was undoubtedly stunned.

   Although from kite-flying to sheep-herding, they have now become cow-herders, and 10 is not a small number, but with Li Tian's current ability, it should not be bad.


   This task is obviously much simpler than the previous two.

   So Li Tian naturally has to do this task first.


   Two days later, on the side of the big star Sun Xiaoxiang, she sent the 200 million yuan in cooperation with Li Tian, ​​and Zhou Ruihan was responsible for this matter.

   The relationship between Zhou Ruihan and Li Tian, ​​Sun Xiaoxiang has already understood, she is not afraid of biting too many lice now, and she has no special emotions towards Zhou Ruihan, the work is still the same as before.

   But Sun Xiaoxiang still couldn't help asking: "That Li Tian, ​​is he still herding sheep on the green grassland?"

   This may sound strange, but it is true.

   Even today Li Tian is already a prominent figure in society, but one person flying a kite and one person herding sheep, it is estimated that not many people will believe it when it spreads out.

   However, waiting for the answer to Sun Xiaoxiang is yes. "President Sun, Li Tian, ​​he... now I heard that he might be herding cattle."


   This may be the funniest joke Sun Xiaoxiang has ever heard. It is not addictive to herding sheep, but now she is herding cattle again——



   Sun Xiaoxiang doesn’t seem to ask this boring man too Tian, ​​there are actually many people who follow him.

   such as the elders of the ancient tribe.

   Today’s Li Tian’s identity is different, and the elders of the ancient tribe also secretly came out to see what Li Tian looked like outside.

   However, what surprised the ancient tribe elders was that according to what they knew, Li Tian had made good results in many fields in the outside world, and it should be very good.

   But the scene before me was really shocking.

   The existence that was invincible by the ancients and can even fight against the great elder, with one hand, carved out a zoo existence...

   A group of ancient elders disguised as tourists, but at this moment they saw Li Tianren herding cattle on the green grassland.

   Feed the cow...

   Such a powerful existence, whether it is the outside world or the ancients, Li Tian can be described as a legend, but the results before him are really unacceptable.


   Especially that Li Tian still looks at ease.

  It seems that herding cows is also a relaxed thing.


   "This, this result is something we didn't expect..."

   The elders of the ancient clan looked at each other a few times, and they all could see from each other's eyes that they were dumbfounded.

   "I have to say, from another level of interpretation, this Li Tian is also a god."

   An elder also gave a very high evaluation.

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