Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1627: This is how it feels to be a human

This feeling is too terrifying, and Li Tian cannot accept it, so Li Tian must immediately cut off this terrifying result.

   First of all, his immortality is not permanent, and there are side effects. After completing the task, he does not need to continue to bear the loss of the most basic human emotions and six desires, which is terrible.

   Even if Chengxian's aura can be experienced for an hour at a time, Li Tian can't hold on for 10 minutes now.

   He can't bear the feeling that he has become desperate and has become a machine. He can be quite sure that this feeling is definitely not what he wants.

   So Li Tian landed directly from the sky. At that moment, others were like meteors that had just been successfully crushed by him.


   came from my mind:

   If it was Li Tian before, he would definitely feel a little happy in his heart, but now he has lost his breath, his body is like a machine, and he can't feel the emotions at all.


   There is no doubt that this way of becoming immortal was definitely not what Li Tian wanted, so when he fell from outer space to the sky above the blue sea, Li Tian immediately cancelled the immortal mode.

   Now he is not ready to start becoming a fairy, the state of cutting off his emotions is definitely not what Li Tian wants.



After the body successfully hit the vast sea, the indescribable huge shock wave exploded directly above the sea. The sea water that hits directly reached a height of more than 100 meters, which is equivalent to the height of 30 multistory buildings. The sea surging away directly around.

   This is after Li Tian has faded into a fairy mode, otherwise, it is even more terrifying.


The   chengxian mode is indeed invincible, but Li Tian is afraid that his emotions will disappear forever. He doesn't want to be an undesirable robot. He doesn't want to be like that for the sake of becoming a fairy.

   I feel like I have become a star in the sky. What is the meaning of this kind of immortality?


  The turbulent sea gradually calmed down after a long time. Then, Li Tian slowly floated up from the depths of the sea, along with countless marine fishes.

   At the moment Li Tian hit the earth from outer space, the high pressure and heat generated directly cooked countless marine fish, and even some of them were directly broken into bones.

   Even if Li Tian's clothes are surrounded by fairy spirit, Li Tian's clothes are still in tatters when he loses his fairy spirit.


   Li Tian just floated on the surface of the sea, even the most terrifying creature in the sea did not dare to approach this terrible human being at this moment.

   The fairy qi in Li Tian's body gradually disappeared, leaving behind his original pure aura.

   Reiki began to link the whole earth through the sea.

The biggest difference between    Reiki and Xianqi is.

   Reiki and the inner power of the earth are connected, but Xianqi is not. Xianqi is the power that surpasses the earth.

   If you use mobile phone memory to describe it, Reiki is about 16G of power, and the phone’s memory may be 32G, so the earth can hold Li Tian very high.

   But Xianqi directly broke through the 64G memory, the earth's 32G could not hold it at all. Only the Milky Way, the 128G memory, can hold Li Tian.

   Then there is the entire universe 256G, and Li Tian can freely travel in it.

   But becoming immortal in the state of losing human emotions and six desires has no meaning at all...


   Time passed slowly, the night sky was so bright, the situation that Li Tian was most worried about was slowly passing by.

  In his body, the aura in his body has been perfectly connected to the earth, and then all the emotions of family, love, desire, happiness, sadness, sadness, touch... and so on that were temporarily lost have all returned.

   At that moment, Li Tian, ​​who was obviously very strong, couldn't help but burst into his face.

   "Yes, this is what it feels like to be a human..."

   If there is no feeling, then what is the point of being a god?

  Why, those who became immortals in history have disappeared in history because they have been separated from the root of mankind.

   There is no desire, no desire, they cut off their emotions, the earth can't accommodate them...

   To put it nicely, it is called ascending through the air, and ugly, it is because they have been abandoned by the earth, and they have lost their emotions, they can no longer understand any feelings they once had...

   Eternal, but sad.


   At this moment, Li Tian just released the spiritual energy in his body to form a link with the earth.

   has never personally felt that the earth is his mother, at this moment, he is so moved.

  成仙, it means to grow up and leave this mother...


   Li Tian, ​​who became an immortal for the first time, was full of emotions in his heart. His body is like a mobile phone system that has been done again, and he even feels that his emotions and emotions are updated.

   is not as familiar as the old systems that grew up...


   Until a dashing figure flew directly on the surface of the sea, she was filled with the breath of a heroine, but her long sword was immortal.

   She is the Lily girl who is very far away from here and has lived in seclusion for a long time.

  Because Li Tian landed from outer space, the shock wave caused by the sea was too big. The Lily Maid worried that she was doing her best work and stepping on the sea.

   There are vast oceans and no reefs. After Lily Maid stopped, she dropped a small bamboo and the bamboo floated on the sea. Lily Maid stood on the bamboo and looked very chic.

   Unlike Li Tian, ​​Li Tian's aura can already float directly on the sea.

   Therefore, the aura in Li Tian's body is a level higher than that of Lily Maiden.

  Of This is also the result of Li Tian's hard work for many years. He didn't have this ability before.

   "Li Tian, ​​why are you?"

   The acquaintance between Lily Maiden and Li Tian is full of stories, with constant twists and turns. Even if there is feeling between the two now, her face still looks a little cold.

   But her cold is different from Li Tian lying on the water.

   Li Tian is the kind of emotion that has not fully recovered.

   So he looks as cold as a sculpture.

   "Li Tian..."

   Lily girl obviously felt something, but she didn't know that Li Tian was still in outer space a few minutes ago.

   When Li Tian was an immortal, his speed exceeded the speed of light, and he could enter outer space in an instant.

   But in the process of his landing, he canceled the fairy mode, so Li Tian would be an ordinary landing, and the process would be too slow.

"It is you…"

   Li Tian seems to be recalling the memory of him and Lily Maiden from his brain, and then, his cold eyes began to slowly restore the color of human emotions.

   Then he sat up, scratched his hair, and shook his head.

Just like shaking some beverages before drinking, Li Tian also wants to make his memory and body perfect, and then in the next second, Li Tian's extreme speed appeared in front of the Lily girl and gave a strong hug. She said affectionately: "It's nice to have you..."

   This is human emotion and temperature.

   The Lily girl was taken aback, she asked in surprise: "Li Tian, ​​what's wrong with you..."

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