Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1696: Cockroaches are ferocious

With a superb boyfriend like Li Tian, ​​there is almost nothing impossible to do.

Two days later, Li Tian successfully used the new mission card.

[Congratulations on obtaining the special task: The task requires that the city is plagued with cockroaches, and it is required to eliminate at least 10,000 cockroaches. 】

[Complete the task: reward 100,000 yuan in cash, 1,000 lucky draw points, and 1,000 system experience points. 】

This task was relatively abrupt, and it was a result that Li Tian did not expect in advance.

But now that the task appeared, Li Tian couldn't do it without asking.

Say goodbye to classmate Xiaojing temporarily, after all, she still has to go to school, and Li Tian is not good at letting her drop out of school and go out with her.

Classmate Xiaojing expressed her disappointment.

Li Tian gave her a mobile phone number and said that if he missed him, he would call directly, and if he wanted to, Li Tian would show up directly next to her to accompany her.

Classmate Xiaojing hesitated for a while and then agreed, but when she separated from each other, she asked: "Li Tian, ​​your next task will not be to destroy the earth, right?"

Li Tian couldn't laugh or cry after hearing what she said. Indeed, in some science fiction movies, aliens are indeed going to destroy the earth.

It's not unreasonable that classmate Xiaojing has such worries.

"No, don't worry about that."

Tell classmate Xiaojing that he is a kind-hearted alien and will not harm kind and innocent people.

Li Tian kissed her sweet lips before leaving, and then told her that he would definitely come back to visit her.

Li Tian went to do the task. The first stop was a building that seemed to have some old buildings. Li Tian's mind looked through 500 meters directly, and he could see a lot of cockroaches in the house and the sewer.

The vitality of cockroaches is stubborn, and some even reproduce too fast, directly blocking the sewers.

However, there is no one in the house of the people who are blocked, and the residents should have moved out.

After all, it is an old community, and there are many supporting facilities that are not particularly perfect. If you have some money on hand, you will go out to buy a house.

Because of birth, wealth distribution and other issues, the gap between rich and poor will naturally be large, and there are many people who can buy a house.

On the contrary, if you can't afford it, you can't really afford it.

Many families still live in this old community, some of them are not willing to move because they are used to living and have feelings.

And most of them can't afford to buy millions of houses around them.

Therefore, if Li Tian can solve the cockroach problem in this community at one time, he can also improve their living environment for a short time.

It's a great thing.

But if you want to solve it for a long time, it will be very difficult. After all, Li Tian is just passing by, and he cannot stay here for long. Moreover, cockroaches multiply very fast. In this place where the four seasons are relatively warm, there is a slightly suitable area for cockroaches to live. , Then it will inevitably be in groups soon.

Li Tian found a few vicious dogs at the gate of the community, but it didn't matter. Li Tian appeared on the roof of the community at the extreme speed. He took a deep breath and then took out a magic flute.

The Magic Flute is not disposable, and although it cannot be used permanently, it is used a lot.

The weird sound of the flute rippled through the entire community, and then we could see the next extremely terrifying scene.

I saw that the cockroaches came out in groups, as if they were under control.

Behind the door panel of every household, the garbage dump, utility room, sewer, etc. outside.

Just like a horror movie, at this time, there are not many people in the community, but the densely packed cockroaches finally gathered in one place, and then headed toward one place mightily.

And that place is the river.

This scene was filmed by passers-by, so there is almost such a report [the cockroach is fierce]——

Wherever he goes, whether it is a vicious dog, a cat, or other animals, he hurriedly avoided, for fear that he would encounter accidents.

However, what surprised countless people in the end was that the cockroaches collectively entered the not-so-turbulent river, and they all drowned.

Although this report is very curious, it has also become popular. Many netizens have launched their whimsical ideas. They also said that because of factors such as volcanoes and crustal movements, everyone's discussion is very interesting.

On Li Tian's side, he only solved the cockroaches in a community, and he has successfully completed the task.

I heard from my mind: [Congratulations on completing the task, the reward of 100,000 yuan in cash, 1,000 lottery points, and 1,000 system experience points have all been distributed, please pay attention to it. 】

Li Tian was relieved.

To be honest, he felt that he might control cockroaches to do some big things.

When he just completed the task, he accidentally encountered a vicious wounding incident.

It was the bully bullying incident. Li Tian controlled another group of cockroaches to form a monster, scaring the bullies and fleeing, but the matter was far from over.

Knowing that the bully had hurt human lives for special reasons, but escaped the sanctions because of the lack of some rules, but he did not be honest and continued to be arrogant.

This kind of social scum is everywhere.

Li Tian directly controlled the cockroaches and ate their men’s most precious things, and since then became eunuchs, while also eating their eyes and ears...

Let them live in darkness and fear all their lives.

This group of people who hurt her, while still able to escape the law, continue to bully others' scum, God and the system ignore him, and let Li Tian meet as their end.

Li Tian doesn't kill people, but it doesn't mean that he will ignore the bad guys.

There is a saying in Spider-Man, how great his ability is, how great his responsibility is.

Li Tian’s philanthropy, and his severe punishment when he encounters bad people, the system has always given reminders, and Li Tian has always done so.

The news of severe punishment of scum is not as popular as the cockroach committing suicide, but in a special department, this is an incredible case.

The cockroach is fierce, not a joke, but a messenger of justice.

The parents of the girls who were killed by the scum, learned that the scum had been retaliated by the cockroaches, and now it is better to live than to die.

Lu saw the injustice and roared, this was just a matter of effort after Li Tian had superpowers.

He sat on a rooftop, received the magic flute, and turned on the system: [Current system level is 49, total experience: 156651]

Seeing this number, Li Tian almost held his breath, because Li Tian's system can successfully break through the 50-level mark only by completing one more task. How could this kind of result not make people happy?

After Li Tian uses a good luck card, click Confirm to start the draw.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 1,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one [Good Luck Card]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one [Dangerous Prediction Capsule] 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning [5 times a day card] 1 card. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning [5 times a day card] 1 card. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one [random special task card]. 】

[Congratulations on the lucky draw for winning a large bottle of [Evolved Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations on the lucky draw for winning a level 49 system item [72 variable experience card]. 】


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