Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1730: Medical miracle

The unruly girl who had her teeth cured by Li Tian recently hesitated whether to continue to pay Li Tian. After all, she thought about it and found that although the man hates him, what he said is not necessarily false.

After all, it is possible for teeth to continue to grow after they are adults. This ability is owned by everyone who really doesn't see them.

The drugs used are indeed not comparable to ordinary drugs.

But she has given 200,000 yuan. If she is allowed to continue to pay for it, it will make her feel a little uncomfortable. After all, it is just treating teeth.

In the eyes of most ordinary people, teeth are not a major problem.

Even many ordinary people don't even see toothache.

The unruly girl is so serious about her teeth, she belongs to the category of people at the top of the gold spire.

Today, she is going to her cousin's house with her mother. She was a stubborn girl who didn't want to go. After all, she was so old, she was not a child, and she liked to visit relatives.

Adults either like to stay at home and don't want to go lazily, or they are traveling, alone, or with friends.

Of course, I went to my cousin's house this time to show off and show off her new teeth.

Although he was tortured by that nasty Li Tian while treating his teeth, it was fortunate that everything passed.

She used to look good, but her teeth were not beautiful. When she was a child, she was afraid of pain, so she didn't try to get it.

Sure enough, at the cousin's house, all the relatives were stunned after the unruly girl showed her teeth whitening.

"Is this a porcelain tooth? It's the same as the real one."

The unruly girl is very proud. "This is true."

Undoubtedly, her words almost immediately stunned all the relatives and friends around her.

Finally, the discovery was really true, which undoubtedly surprised everyone even more.

Normal people know that if an adult’s teeth are damaged, there is no way to grow again.

However, when asked about the secret, the unruly girl smiled and said nothing.

However, in the afternoon, everyone was not surprised by the stubborn girl's teeth.

Although in their family, this girl is undoubtedly the most beautiful and the most beautiful, but this girl has been so beautiful since she was young, and everyone has long been tired of aesthetics, so we can't talk about her beauty every time.

The cousin of a savage girl has a popular face, and she has acne during puberty. Although not many, it still affects her appearance very much.

In the morning, the acne on her face was still very obvious, but after washing her face in the afternoon, all the acne marks disappeared magically. Not only that, even the acne marks were gone.

At the dinner table, everyone was eating the new vegetables from the rich agricultural garden and the delicacy made by the new meat, and then they tasted ordinary food with chopsticks.

Everyone is sighed with the changes made to the world by the enterprise of Rich Agricultural Park. In the past, their family repelled this new and new food for fear of any side effects.

However, after a few years, people who often eat agricultural products from the rich agricultural gardens have become healthier.

Not only is it twice as delicious, but it also has twice the nutritional value, and it is not easy to gain weight. How can such food not make people stronger.

So now every meal of their family is also indispensable, and apart from the rich agricultural garden, the vegetables in other agricultural gardens cannot be replaced at noon. The threshold for new vegetables is too high, so far no one can imitate it.

However, when talking about it, some people noticed the cousin of the nasty girl.

Her face has changed too much, if the stubborn girl's face is 91 points.

Her cousin is 59 points for the public face, which is the score after adding acne.

In the morning, she was still at 59 points, but suddenly she reached 69 points in the afternoon, and she was pretty girl who was about 70 points immediately.

The biggest change is the skin on her face. In the morning, there were many acne marks and some stubborn acne, which disappeared in the afternoon.

Everyone hadn't noticed just now. At this moment, everyone had noticed. Even the stubborn girl and her cousin were shocked.

"Gosh, your face?"

"This is amazing, come on, let me see, what's going on?"

The relatives were surprised to ask, only to realize that today, it is the first cousin of the young girl who bought the A series of acne products produced by Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group.

Basically, I don't need to ask the doctor. The age of the unruly girl cousin, and some symptoms of acne, are undoubtedly the A series.

I only got the express delivery in the morning, because the same city, the order was placed almost last night, and it is here today.

Before receiving relatives, she took a medicine orally, then used A series facial cleanser, and then applied A series ointment.

Generally good ointments are colorless and tasteless, while A series acne creams are just like perfumes. They are not cheap, but the smell of a bottle of perfume for thousands of dollars.

It's too tough. For a set of 68 yuan, the product that can be used for one year is so excellent.

Not only the product is good, the packaging is also very delicate, open it and it says more than 688 yuan.

However, it was 68 yuan.

This company makes such a touching product and price, it is hard not to get rich.

General companies are too rich, and many people will curse them, and they want to close down immediately. So many companies are forced to do charity, just to change the corporate image.

The philanthropy of the Rich Agricultural Park has already reached the top ten in China, but Li Tian has been very low-key. Tomorrow Foundation is now the top ten charity foundation, but few people know that this foundation is related to the Rich Agricultural Park.

Therefore, Rich Agricultural Park does not rely on charity, but purely relies on high quality and low price, excellence, and the ultimate craftsman spirit, so that users across the country and even the world can truly sigh that such enterprises should get rich.

It deserves to be all over the world.

When other companies try their best to raise the price, the more expensive the better.

And the rich agricultural garden is 10 times better than other products, and it is 5~6 times cheaper. It can truly sell to users with zero defects.

This company never takes making money as its first starting point.

It pays more attention to pro-quality, and the price that ordinary people can afford.

And, try to achieve national unity.

Of course, some cities with high incomes will raise some prices accordingly because of labor costs, rents, etc., but the right to control prices is always in the hands of Rich Agricultural Park, which is necessary.

When the family members of the unruly girl learned that the cousin used the products of the Fuo Pharmaceutical Group related to Fu Fu Agricultural Park.

Almost everyone in the family was shocked.

"I'm going, did I hear it wrong? Isn't the rich agricultural park just doing agriculture? Although I heard that the seafood and fruit markets have also started to open up new businesses in the past two years, and the praise continues, they still belong to agriculture and animal husbandry. The scope of the industry."

When the cousin of the unruly girl took out the packaging box of the A series of acne products she bought from Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group.

Everyone was stunned.

"It's really Rich Pharmaceutical Group..."

"I seemed to have heard from a few CEOs before. I heard that Li Tian, ​​the chairman of Rich Agriculture Park, and Zhao, the talented beauty of the Zhao family, cooperated. The initial investment was more than 50 billion..."

More than 50 billion--

The unruly **** the side was stunned.

Last time I thought that Li Tian was the lion's big mouth, and the investment of more than 50 billion yuan was too scary and too rich.

"Unexpectedly, a new product was developed so quickly, and the effect is so powerful. If you apply it in the morning, it will be better in the afternoon. This medicine is amazing."

"If this is a high-end luxury brand, it is estimated that it is cheap to sell 10,000 boxes."

Most of them already know the style of Fu Agricultural Garden, which has always been known for its high quality and low price.

Even so, for such a beautiful packaging box, it would cost two or three hundred yuan to say it, otherwise it would be owed.

However, when the cousin of the unruly girl said that it was only 68 yuan and there was no need to grab the volume, everyone was shocked.

The young girl opened the official website of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group for everyone to see. The website is of course exquisite and concise, but there are a few general ideas at the top.

Focus, professionalism, and create a good medicine for the common people.

Such slogans are very familiar, and many drugs on TV advertisements probably also have slogans of these kinds of tests.

If this group is not hung with the word "rich", I am afraid that everyone will not believe it, it is a dog skin plaster.

However, the cousin of today's unruly girl, this is a living example, simply too strong.

Today's miracle is not only here, but also with more and more pimples across the country.

From the A series to the F series, in just one day, more than 100,000 patients suffering from acne have been cured nationwide.

At that moment, almost all major websites across the country boiled.

Local and authoritative media all come out to report first.

Whether it’s Weibo, search, or Moments, short videos, etc., almost all of them are information about Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group’s series of acne products.

People who didn't know why at first thought it was an overwhelming advertisement.

But then discovered that it was not.

From the initial 100,000 acne patients who were cured in one day to uninteresting medical experts, the news media have followed up reports. Countless people have confirmed the magic of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group's acne products.

This is simply a miracle in the history of acne, destined to become a milestone day.

It’s amazing. I’ve never seen a magic acne removal product with such obvious effects and no side effects.

[I'm going, really or not, this is too awesome. 】

[Doesn't the rich agricultural garden grow vegetables? 】

[Big brother, this is Rich Pharmaceutical Group...]

[68 yuan, you can't buy it and lose money, you can't buy it. 】

[Upstairs, I advise you to delete it quickly, otherwise you will be scolded to death in a while, no kidding, this product, just now the United States, Japan and other advanced skin disease research institutes have issued research announcements, it is indeed an unprecedented acne product , The key is that there are 6 series of targeted treatments, which makes acne nowhere to go. 】

[Too awesome, my wife is too proud. 】

[The point is, it’s so cheap...]

[I heard that it is also on the shelves abroad. It is 10 times more expensive than in China, 688 yuan. In the United States, it is close to 100 US dollars. 】

【Unlike our country, where the supply is sufficient, orders are sent within seconds. 】

[Ma Ye, from now on, Rich Pharmaceutical Group is my idol! ! 】

Rising to a certain level, Fu Rao Agricultural Park, including Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, has reached an unprecedented level in China.

Pride, the pride of everyone.

Products that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, these existences can only be so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that only medicines, cure diseases and save people.

In the past, agricultural products, no matter how delicious and nutritious they were, were actually painless to most people.

It's a big deal if you don't eat it.

But the medicine is different. People who have not experienced acne can never realize the stubborn existence that can't be obtained by squeezing or washing it in the past, and the things that affect confidence. Now in just one day, it is as easy as shaving. It can be done completely.

From then on, teenagers with low self-esteem because of pimples on their faces no longer exist.

And Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group's direct market value soared to more than 100 billion just because of these 6 acne products, directly from 50 billion investment to profit.

This is the root of the brand image.

If Li Tian changes to another brand, this effect will never be achieved in a short time.

As for the daunting girl, when everyone was shocked by the impact of the A series of acne products on her cousin.

She stopped hiding, and told the truth. "Actually, my teeth were made in Fu Yu Dental Hospital."

"Rich Dental Hospital?"

Everyone was no doubt surprised again.

"Does Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group still do dentistry?" Even the elders who are worth more than 100 million yuan can not calm down at this moment.

If it is said that turning pimples into beards is as easy to treat.

So, letting adults grow new teeth is not a new medical miracle.

What a huge and advanced medical team is behind this rich enterprise.

As everyone knows, the real core R&D personnel of the entire Furao Agricultural Park and Furao Pharmaceutical Group is Li Tian.

Seeing the elders so shocked and sighing, the unruly girl smiled bitterly: "But dentistry seems not as smooth as acne removal products. I also just broke into it before Fu Yuo Dental Hospital opened...Technology It is indeed imperfect, the treatment process, I am dying of pain... and also..."

Thinking of that hateful Li Tian clamped her head with his legs, grinding her teeth like a pig, that posture was extremely shameful.

Everyone looked at the unruly girl.

She went on to say: "The man said that the cost of my new teeth was about 100 million yuan, but I felt that he was cheating me, so I gave him 200,000 yuan."

A billion...



Everyone is undoubtedly silent again, medical research is really costly.

Everyone only sees that the acne-removing products of the rich medicine series are cheap, and the research and development costs and investment in them are not bottoming out.

In fact, Li Tian directly complied with "Shen Nong Medical Book", and only he knew the formula. The cost is really not cheap, and the price is 68 yuan, which is basically not profitable, but foreign pricing can make money.

The money earned abroad was used as a welfare subsidy for the domestic. In the rich agricultural park industry, Li Tian did the same in his later period.

There are some medicines in dentistry that are no longer available on the earth. Li Tian extracted and copied them from fossils, and added the fast-moving medicine, so the cost is naturally expensive.

The two are not the same.

If Li Tian can overcome the problem of fast-moving potion, in fact, Fu Yu Dental Hospital can also open.

But this problem is really difficult.

Li Tian couldn't use the precious quick-forward potion to grow new teeth for everyone, and it was not enough.

However, the normal growth of the ointment is too slow, and it can also cause problems such as tooth growth deformity.

These problems have not been resolved, and Li Tian does not plan to open a dental hospital.

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