Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1750: Myopia eye drops

Most people suffering from myopia will have such troubles. Not only is it inconvenient to see things, but it is also super inconvenient when wearing glasses.

Moreover, if you don’t pay attention to protecting your eyesight, there will be more serious risks. Therefore, Li Tian feels that not only young people, but also many text workers, or students who often need to read books and touch screens, prevention of myopia is very important. Important subject.

So this is as important as treating pimples.

There are several treatments for myopia on the market.

1. Wear glasses

2. Surgical treatment

3. Drug treatment

4. Other treatments

Other treatment methods that are harmless to the eyes and have a certain theoretical basis, such as fog vision, binocular imaging, combined vision augmentation, distant view, and ciliary muscle exercise can be tried.

What Li Tian has to do is the third type, medication.

Eye drops are one of the most commonly used drug formulations for eye diseases. For many eye diseases, eye drops have a direct and rapid therapeutic effect. With the changes in people's lifestyles and working conditions, people spend more and more time with their eyes, such as watching computers, playing mobile phones, watching TV, playing video games, etc., which are prone to visual fatigue and dry eyes.

The eye drops studied by Li Tian are specifically aimed at myopia, and the treatment of other eye diseases is not included.

Just this one function.

Li Tian is about to maximize this function.

Super ophthalmologists, together with "Shen Nong Medical Book", combine the two, Li Tian's research on myopia eye drops and research on anti-acne products are actually similar.

The traditional eye drops, visual fatigue and dry eyes.

Both of these diseases are mainly manifested by dry eyes and discomfort, so many people turn eye drops into daily "essential medicine." In fact, eye drops, in principle, can be used without any need for routine use.

Therefore, Li Tian does not intend to introduce this type of eye drops.

Different from acne, acne is a 6 series, which is a perfect solution.

As for the eye drops, Li Tian is currently targeting myopia. After the second time, he will make a special prescription eye drops for the hyperopia of the elderly.

With two plug-ins in hand, Li Tian's research speed is of course super fast, and he was successfully developed almost quickly.

I have previous experience in the promotion of rich acne products.

When the rich myopia eye drops were launched, it instantly detonated the world.

Because Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group accepts the attention of the whole world, after all, compared with agriculture, everyone pays more attention to the pharmaceutical industry.

【OMG! I am still shocked by the dental technology of FuRuo Pharmaceutical Group, which can make the broken teeth grow again. It is simply too advanced. 】

[Unexpectedly, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group once again brought us an incredible surprise. Myopia eye drops, 10 yuan a bottle, my God, it's too cheap. Now it takes more than 20 yuan to choose a bottle in a pharmacy. It is indeed a rich pharmaceutical group. 】

[And have you noticed that Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group is completely different from conventional treatments for visual fatigue and dry eye. The eye drops on the medicine bottle clearly illustrate this point, which is called [Myopia Eye Drops]. 】

[If it's other pharmaceuticals, I would never believe it, but Rich Pharmaceutical Group Pharmaceuticals, I believe. 】

[Brothers, I have already placed an order, and 30 million pieces have been sold on the official website. It took only half a day, **** it, it's too strong. 】

[Many people line up to buy offline, and I have to say that the productivity of the rich pharmaceutical group will be available as long as it is listed. 】

【The treatment methods of myopia eye drops and acne-removing products are designed specifically for myopia. The drug is very strong. No matter the degree of myopia, as long as one drop every morning and evening, it will be effective within 24 hours. 】

[In addition to genetics, myopia is mostly caused by staring at something close for a long time. Therefore, if you need to stare at textbooks and screens for a long time at work, then Rich Pharmaceutical Group needs more eye drops. Up. A bottle of good preservation can be used for about half a year, because the rich medicine group eye drops are different from the general ones, it does not need to be dripped every day...The instructions are not recommended to be dripped every day. You can stop after the myopia is better, and wait for the eyes for a long time Reading has some symptoms of myopia, you can drop it again...]

【Same as pimples, just use it. However, because of physical and living habits, it will be longer, just use it again. 】

[Understandably, it is impossible to do it just once. After all, some problems are caused by long-term reading. Even if you have surgery, if you stare at the books for a long time, problems will still occur. 】

On the first day, even if Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has a great reputation and credibility, everyone still has some concerns.

However, by the next day, this reaction disappeared instantly.

Almost all praises, not only that, many high-quality schools even named students to buy.

Because it is relatively cheap, 10 yuan a bottle, even the good school pays out its own money to the children.

[Mom, it's so effective. I have myopia of more than 1,000 degrees. I woke up after sleeping. The whole world is clear and beautiful. This feeling. 】

[I was so excited that I wanted to cry, I will never be called a four-eyed boy again, and bye bye glasses——]

[Really complied with that sentence: Maybe it’s not your peers who will bring you It’s really a god, and a nearsighted one strongly recommends... I have to say that the rich group is too big, not only subverting the agricultural industry, Now entering the pharmaceutical industry, from acne to dentistry, and now to myopia, every time is a miracle. 】

[From now on, I will not chase stars, I will chase the rich agricultural park. 】

[One word: cattle! 】

Many of Li Tian's girlfriends found out, and they were full of emotions. Although only they knew that Li Tian would always do some nonsensical things in private, but never expected that it would be so powerful in key industries.

Here, the big star Sun Xiaoxiang, she has nothing to do today. This year is more leisurely. Many celebrities rushed to grab food with Internet celebrities, and went to live broadcast and bring goods.

Sun Xiaoxiang didn't like it, so naturally he wouldn't do it.

That's because she has money and she has many other industries. Recently, she had invested in a game company, but when she saw Li Tian's eye drops, she sold more than 100 million bottles a day.

And let the female secretary Zhou Ruihan investigate, the current foreign orders have reached 1 billion, which means that in just a few days, it is tens of billions of sales.

Although one bottle can be used for half a year, it is so cheap that most buyers will buy several bottles a year.

Therefore, Sun Xiaoxiang told Zhou Ruihan. "We don't invest in the game industry. Although we make money, we do harm to children... We invest in the pharmaceutical industry."

The medicine Li Tian studied really makes money!

At present, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has only launched three products, acne, dentistry, and eye drops, but international organizations have counted trillions of valuations.

too terrifying!

Every product of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group is subversive, but the key is that even if the formula is given to competitors, it is difficult to be copied.

Like rich agriculture, it seems simple, but the threshold is too high.

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