Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1779: 8-claw fish

The success of Jiwei Shrimp is no different than making people feel happy, and Li Tian started research on new seafood.

What is good to study?

Just octopus.

Octopus, also known as octopus, is called Octopus in English. It is a kind of mollusk, which evolved from cephalopod molluscs. The body is generally small, and the eight tentacles are thin and long, so it is also called the "octopus".

The benefits of eating octopus: 1. It can supplement the body with rich iodine, because as a seafood, octopus is rich in iodine, which has obvious benefits for the synthesis of thyroxine. 2. It can supplement the body with high-quality protein, and the benefits in improving the body's immunity and increasing muscle content are also very obvious. 3. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine diet, it can nourish blood and nourish yin. For people with blood deficiency, amenorrhea, dizziness, and uterine bleeding, proper consumption of octopus has good benefits of nourishing blood and nourishing yin.

Therefore, as the top of the biological chain, human beings are not without reasons. There are so many kinds of creatures in nature as energy supplements, and it is difficult to think whether it is strong or not.

New projects are being carried out quickly, and Li Tian has always worked vigorously.

[Congratulations on the new task, the task requires to continue to develop new seafood, at least one kind is required. 】

【Complete the task: reward 200,000 yuan in cash, 2,000 draw points, and 2,000 system experience points. 】

Li Tian did not come in order, but the result was not bad, and it didn't make people too disappointed.

Then he started to open the system and complete the study of Jiwei shrimp, he had to take a good look.

[The current system level is 55, the total experience value: 268651]

It was about to be upgraded again, and Li Tian was particularly excited when the system could be upgraded.

Use the lucky card to start the draw.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Good Luck Cards]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Dangerous Prediction Capsules]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 4 [5 times a day card]. 】

[Congratulations on winning 2 [random special task cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 bottles of [Evolution Version Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations on obtaining the special item level 55 [Clairvoyance] once. 】


Li Tian has accumulated a lot of clairvoyance, and he decided to use it once.

There is a deep sea that is so big that even the most advanced detection submarines cannot reach it. Li Tian just used clairvoyance to take a look.

No, I found a treasure by accident.

No treasure is formed naturally. The history of mankind has been for too many years. As the saying goes, the predecessors planted trees and followed by others to enjoy the shade. The treasure was obviously stored by the pirates before, but it was sunk into the sea due to various historical reasons. .

Everything in it is priceless.

Li Tian is welcome, and jumps into the sea.

The nuclear submarine can't reach the place, but Li Tian can. He keeps deepening, and finally the aura of his whole body helps him resist the huge pressure from the depths of the sea, and finally uses the storage card to wash a large number of babies, and then put them in. .

This time can be described as a surprise.

When Li Tian came back to continue researching and developing new octopus, unexpectedly, a mysterious invisible woman came over, and Li Tian immediately gave these treasures to her.

The mysterious invisible woman was extremely surprised. She asked, "Li Tian, ​​did you run to the tomb?"

Of course Li Tian would say. "No, how could I go to the tomb."

"Then where do you come from these babies?" Xincheng

Li Tian smiled and said, "I got these from the seabed."

The mysterious invisible woman is extremely beautiful, she frowned and said: "It's impossible, I've explored this sea area, and I haven't found any treasures!"

Li Tian smiled and pointed to the place he was going to explore.

"The sea is very deep and vast. How did you find it?"

The mysterious invisible woman was extremely surprised.

Li Tian smiled and said, "Coincidentally..."

At the beginning, this island was bought by a mysterious and invisible woman, but now Li Tian found a part of the treasure, which is considered a courtesy exchange.

Of course, they are so close now, Li Tian's is hers, and hers is Li Tian's. In fact, there is no need to see each other so closely.

Li Tian likes beautiful women, of course, because they look good, so he and the mysterious invisible woman soon became in love.

On land, Li Tian continued to study medicine.

Medicine is extensive and profound, and there are many diseases waiting to be cured.

Li Tian has studied major and minor diseases, so this time he decided to develop one of the most common drugs.

This time I want to cooperate with Shi Jinglin. The most difficult time for Li Tian was when Shi Jinglin helped him find the address of the Fuhuao Agricultural Park branch outside her hometown. At that time, she also used almost all of her savings for several million, and the cars were sold. Now, her mother also took out a total of 100 million yuan to support Li Tian.

Although it has returned dozens of times now.

However, Li Tian has no other people in the pharmaceutical industry except Zhao Ruxue and Sun Xiaoxiang. Li Tian wants to give Shi Jinglin another opportunity to make money.

"Li Tian, ​​are you true?"

Shi Jinglin was very happy.

Li Tian stroked her extremely beautiful face and smiled: "Of course it is true. When did I lie to you?"

Li Tian directly gave her all the contracts, which were related to the investment contracts of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group's new drugs, the construction of factories, and so on.

A lot of money needs to be invested. It is conservatively estimated to need more than one billion, but the fool also knows that Li Tian's ability is too great. In the beginning, Li Tian worked hard to upgrade the system to level 50, and now he has finally achieved something~ Only one miracle in the history of medicine has been created.

Shi Jinglin was so moved.

Li Tian's ability to give her such an opportunity was almost like picking up money for nothing.

Because what Li Tian studied this time is the most common cold medicine in pharmacies.

The common cold refers to the "common cold", also known as "cold", acute rhinitis or upper respiratory tract infection. The common cold is a common acute upper respiratory viral infectious disease, mostly caused by rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, Echo virus, Coxsackie virus, coronavirus, adenovirus, etc. The clinical manifestations are nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, fever, cough, headache, etc., mostly self-limiting. Most of them are distributed, with frequent occurrences in winter and spring, and more often at the turn of the seasons.

Almost everyone can't get rid of this disease. Not only that, but it is very normal to catch a cold 2 to 3 times a year.

If Li Tian develops an absolute cure for colds, there is no doubt that the global market will be tens of billions.

Popularity is almost predictable.

So Shi Jinglin worked non-stop during the day, and their entire Shi family was extremely excited by the opportunity Li Tian gave this time.

Li Tian's influence today is simply too great.

At present, the general treatment for colds includes taking rest, drinking plenty of water, eating easy to digest, and paying attention to ventilation. Medications can be used to relieve symptoms.

And Li Tian makes a kind of jelly beans, just like a small milk piece the size of a fingernail.

It is non-toxic and harmless, and has no side effects.

Common cold medicines can cause symptoms such as drowsiness and general weakness, as well as certain toxins, which can aggravate liver function.

In Li Tian's study, only one tablet is needed. Not only does the body not affect, but the nose ventilates, the head no longer hurts, no dizziness, no nausea, the whole body is instantly full of strength, and the cold is cured within 10 minutes.

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