Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1785: Urbanization

There is currently no way to completely cure the disease of bone hyperplasia. Even if the hyperplastic bone is removed by surgery, there is no way to be sure that it will not continue to grow.

Moreover, with drugs, what can be done at present is to help reduce pain.

Even if the hyperplasia does not affect your life, you don't need treatment.

This is all the current treatment methods, the medicine just reduces the pain.

So the treatment of this disease is really quite complicated.

Since Li Tian chose to gnaw on this bone, he would inevitably work hard. He started with various medical literature and then with various pathologies.

It is extremely difficult to cure this disease 100%. It seems that biomedicine must be started.

Start with genetic DNA.

First of all, it is certain that this disease must be hospitalized. Even for Li Tian, ​​it is impossible to say that just taking a little medicine can be completely cured. This is simply too difficult and unrealistic.

He was hospitalized for a series of examinations, and then prescribed the right medicine. Li Tian developed a biological potion, which can eliminate excess bone tissue in the body, and will not run around all over the body. If there is a disease, just enter that place.

Then according to the correct arrangement of the body's DNA, this disease can be completely cured from the body's genes.

It sounds complicated, but it becomes even more complicated when experimenting with patients.

Fortunately, this series of methods does not require surgery, and the drugs developed by Li Tian can basically achieve zero pain.

Just before, there was a hospital that Li Tian cooperated with, so I can use it at this time.

The hospital is huge, and it can't be built if you want to.

Some cities have plans that only stipulate a few large hospitals.

Moreover, hospitals and dentistry are completely different. Li Tian was able to quickly open dental hospitals across the country before, but now he cannot at all, because the hospital is a big supermarket, not only for dentistry, but also for otolaryngology, internal medicine, surgery, infection, etc. If you are sick, you can find a corresponding department in a major hospital.

Therefore, a large hospital needs a lot of professional medical talents, which cannot be solved by Li Tian alone.

Fortunately, with the current prestige of Rich Pharmaceutical Group, there are many collaborators and everyone is very humble. How to solve and conquer a medical problem with this pharmaceutical group is also a supreme honor for them.

With Zhao Ruxue, the cooperation is progressing very smoothly.

As of 2018, the number of cities has increased from 193 to 672, and the number of organized towns has increased from 2,176 to 21,297.

With the progress of urbanization, the urban population will increase.

Humans are social animals. Only by living together can they create countless business opportunities and jobs.

If they all live on rural land, in fact, there is no way to raise so many people, and it will only cause everyone to be poor together.

Therefore, urbanization is an inevitable trend, and this time for the treatment of bone hyperplasia, one or two prefecture-level cities have cooperated, and they are all super-regular large hospitals.

It can be viewed on the homepage of Furao Pharmaceutical Group. If it is city A, then the local patient will search for City A. On the bone hyperplasia page of Furao Pharmaceutical Group, the partner hospital and the photo address can be displayed, and then navigate directly. Can pass.

Because of the cooperation with Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, the treatment costs will not be particularly expensive.

It is conservatively estimated that hospitalization and treatment can be cured in one week, and the total cost will not exceed 1,000 yuan. Huaheng College

Because this disease is more complicated, it can't be solved by simply taking medicine. It is necessary to take pictures for close observation at all times.

There are two kinds of medicines to treat this disease, one is the medicine that is taken orally to perfect DNA in the body.

The second is to inject the painful area, a biopharmaceutical that can eliminate bone hyperplasia in a small area.

Neither medicine should be used indiscriminately, and the right medicine should be prescribed according to professional testing.

So as to achieve the least impact on the body, the fastest and the easiest cure.

When we worked together, an experimental hospital in a big city already had 1,000 patients in 7 days, almost painless treatment, and no surgery.

That is, when the needle is injected, there is a slight pain when the needle is pierced, and then the effect of the medicine will not hurt.

The whole treatment is very short for this operation. The first 3 days can basically eliminate all kinds of bone hyperplasia perfectly.

The drugs that repair DNA in the body are also particularly powerful, and they are all right medicine.

The reason why normal humans do not have three ears and wings is because human genetic DNA is a very correct program code, and viruses, like computer viruses, can damage the normal human system.

Cause various diseases to appear.

Bone hyperplasia is also one of them. DNA is repaired, which means that the possibility of recurrence of the disease is prevented from the source.

The topical use of a biopharmaceutical is to use the biological effects of the local area, and the direct trial operation generally eliminates the diseased tissue.

Li Tian also intends to use this method in the treatment of various tumors in the future, so that the diseased area can be eliminated without surgery.

Of course, it must be taken orally and externally used to completely eliminate the pain and achieve zero recurrence.

This principle sounds complicated, and the research of drugs is even more amazing. Only the rich pharmaceutical group in the world can perfectly develop them and send them to major cooperative because of biopharmaceuticals Just like vaccinations, the syrup contains living bacteria, which requires very high preservation and transportation. Therefore, at present, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group only cooperates with the two largest local hospitals.

Basically, it can cover the whole country, without going to other places, the city can be cured in 7 days, and the treatment cost will not exceed 1,000 yuan. This is all negotiated during cooperation.

Patients can also log in to the official website of Fu Medicine, the column on the home page about bone hyperplasia, which is extremely detailed, about the treatment, about the cooperative hospital, and professional expert doctors.

They are all well documented. If the doctor's treatment is the result, the hospital will bear the extra cost.

And if it is because the patient does not actively cooperate with the treatment, there is no way.

The relationship between doctors and patients, like big and small countries in the world, has a honeymoon period, but it is impossible to live in harmony all the time. So even in today's society, wars have never stopped in some small countries.

Because sometimes interest and various intricate relationships are difficult to solve casually with ideal naivety.

When the bone hyperplasia can be resolved, countless people are cheering.

Many families have elderly people, and some elderly people will suffer from this disease. There are many main reasons. I am also worried that the elderly will be too old and can not afford to toss, so many have not received formal treatment. Most of them take medicine to temporarily relieve The pain is fine.

Now, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has developed two drugs specifically for this disease, but they are all over-the-counter drugs, which are not available outside pharmacies. They only have to enter a large hospital and be hospitalized. This is also for patients' consideration.

It's like extracting and filling teeth. Can you extract and fill your teeth without going to a dental clinic?

Therefore, if you want to cure bone hyperplasia, you still have to be hospitalized.

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