Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1987: Fresh rice eel and toothpaste

After Li Tian received the new reward, he hugged classmate Xiaojing safely to sleep.

Soon the third day, Li Tian began to study the more common things in the new countryside.

New native chicken, new teal, new pig, new carp, new crayfish, and new loach have been developed before.

The new grass carp is a new product developed this time.

Nowadays, Rich Agricultural Park is all-encompassing. As long as customers want to eat, they can buy almost any delicious food that is common in life.

[Congratulations on completing the task: reward 200,000 yuan in cash, 2,000 draw points, and 2,000 system experience points. 】

Li Tian was in a good mood, just using a new mission card.

[Congratulations on the new mission: Mission requirements, please continue to develop new common aquatic products for livestock, and complete at least one. 】

【Complete the task: reward 200,000 yuan in cash, 2,000 draw points, and 2,000 system experience points. 】

Life is often one difficulty after another, one after another multiple choice questions. There are difficult, and there are also very difficult, maybe this is life.

If there are no problems, it is like a game. If there is no difficulty, no one wants to play.

The game is about different difficulties, interesting, annoying, and finally get rewards.

Life is the same, except that rewards are replaced with more common money.

With money, plus some fate and sincerity, you can harvest love.

With money, a little finger, and time, you can buy your favorite mobile phone.

With money, coupled with learning driving skills, you can finally buy Xinyi's car.

With money, plus personal selection, you can buy a house...

Therefore, these are also rewards for life.

Li Tian continued to complete the task, seemingly full of boring and difficulties, but as long as he successfully overcomes it, he will eventually be able to reap unexpected upgrades.

What is the new research point?

Li Tian has researched a lot of things, but there are still many things waiting for Li Tian to explore. His life is only a few decades. If Li Tian didn’t use the fast-forward potion for foul play, it would be difficult to accomplish so many tasks in such a short life. .

Li Tian suddenly thought of a kind of fish, so he decided to leave it alone.

Rice field eel, also known as eel. The body is slender and snake-like, with a body length of about 20-70 cm and a length of up to 1 meter.

They often live in muddy water bottoms such as rice fields, small rivers, streams, ponds, canals and lakes.

The nutritional value of rice field eel

1. Monopterus albus is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin A, and is high in protein and low in fat, which can improve eyesight.

2. Monopterus albus is rich in eels, which can lower the blood sugar of diabetic patients. It is a natural hypoglycemic food.

3. Rice field eel is rich in DHA, which helps brain development.

4. Monopterus albus contains lecithin, which can repair brain function and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

The ancestors studied what species in nature can eat and what species cannot eat, and they have been passed down from generation to generation.

Naturally there is a reason.

Li Tian started collecting rice field eels from all over the world, and then decided to start research.

On the other side, Li Tian began to study medicine.

This day, Shi Jinglin inspected the work together with Shi Jinglin. Shi Jinglin was very excited and said: "Li Tian, ​​the cold medicine we worked together is selling really well."

Li Tian took her by the hand and hugged and hugged her when there was no one. Life was a last resort.

Shi Jinglin is so familiar with Li Tian, ​​of course she wouldn't mind getting close to him. 398

Then Shi Jinglin continued: "We have occupied more than 50% of the national cold medicine market, and it is still rising."

50% is already very much. First of all, Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group seldom publicizes it on a large scale, and some people don't know it.

And cold medicine is a common medicine in life.

Although the effects of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group are super fast, the common cold medicines usually take effect within a day, and a mild cold can be cured in a day.

Only a bad cold will be more troublesome, so some buyers don’t know, while others feel that it’s unnecessary. The medicines they used to take often have feelings, so they want to continue using them.

If you really have a cold for many days and haven't gotten better, then take the cold medicine of Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group.

After all, medicines will have drug resistance. Colds, hot spots, and cold spots are almost inevitable, so use them at critical times.

So in a short period of time, 5 out of 10 people can buy the cold medicine of Rich Pharmaceutical Group, and the national market share is still rising, which makes people ecstatic.

After Li Tian and Shi Jinglin deal with some work and company matters during the day, they naturally become romantic at night.

Shi Jinglin is of course the most beautiful age for a woman, all over her body, if she wants, she can make all kinds of expressions that tempt men.

Li Tian is of course the most important person in her life, so Shi Jinglin has almost no reservations.

The last cool thing is of course Li Tian.

Li Tian is not just a person who is simply greedy for pleasure, he will work hard.

With the time double card, others can arrange their time very well and reasonably.

On this day, others were in the pharmaceutical group, and the entire group of employees admired Li Tian.

It is generally believed that Furao Pharmaceutical Group has an absolutely powerful medical research team.

But the insiders clearly understand that Tian is the core of the entire group.

This is exactly a character like a myth.

Li Tian is still planning to study new drugs in the laboratory. Now Li Tian's research is not only for the consideration of countless patients, but also not only for company discovery, but also Li Tian's own task.

Just like playing a game, he still wants to upgrade the system.

He wants to pursue endlessly.

In the capital market, in the upper class, many people who have made money are looking for a few beautiful women to spend their old age.

However, in fact, there are many more, and I will spend my whole life on the road of creation and pursuit.

Struggling all my life.

Li Tian is like being the latter, because he has time to double the card, he can handle life and work well.

However, in the laboratory, what Li Tian did not expect was that he was planning to research new medicines. However, when he saw some information, many people who bought or used Furao Pharmaceutical Group also hope that Furao Pharmaceutical Group can develop or develop products for people’s livelihood. .

For example, people need to wash their face every day with towels for acne removal. Even if they are cleaned with acne products, if the quality of the towels is not good enough, there will be mites on the face.

There are pillow towels, quilt sheets and so on.

Li Tian feels that it makes sense. Although these have nothing to do with Li Tian's system tasks, they are also troubles that can be thought of in life.

Li Tian decided to study three livelihood products first.

The first is toothpaste. Li Tian's dentistry is very advanced. However, the subsequent brushing care is also very important. Even iron will rust. Of course, good toothpaste can protect teeth more.

With toothpaste, of course, a toothbrush is indispensable. A good toothbrush with a good toothpaste, of course, can achieve a strong combination.

After that, the face towel plus pillow towel, and matching washing powder, etc.

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