Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1821: Half a meter

When Zhao Waner put on the anti-bacterial clothing in the laboratory, dressed up very decently, and then looked at Li Tian next to her, her little heart was beating, which was really exciting.

She never dreamed that one day she would be able to collaborate with Li Tian to do research in such a serious laboratory.

Watching Li Tian prepare a lot of things, he has already begun to permeate the incredibly fragrant smell before starting to make it, which makes people silent and unable to extricate themselves.

The next step is to start production. Zhao Wan'er doesn't know what many ingredients are, but Li Tian knows it. He is very skillful in matching and then meditates.

Zhao Wan'er didn't dare to bother. Although she seemed useless, like a vase, it was still very useful to help.

Li Tian's research is extremely serious, and he doesn't dare to be sloppy. He always does research like this.

As more and more ingredients are added, the fragrance developed by Li Tian has become more and more noble, and mosquito repellent materials are the focus.

Zhao Wan'er didn't dare to get out of the air, so she looked at Li Tian quietly, for fear that her breathing was too loud and disturbed him. Fortunately, what Zhao Wan'er was worried about did not happen.

Li Tiange developed it very quickly.

Zhao Wan'er thought it would take at least a few months.

You know, the development time for any bottle of perfume is more than that.

But Zhao Waner followed Li Tian's research and development for three days. In such a short time, she successfully developed this perfume.

The mosquito-repellent ingredients included in it allowed Li Tian and Zhao Wan'er to go to the deep mountains and old forests, where the mosquitoes are most dense. After spraying, it immediately diffuses an irresistible fragrance. The fragrance is pervasive and touching.

But under such a noble fragrance, no mosquitoes came to bite.

"We will sleep in this barren mountain tonight." Li Tian said.

Zhao Wan'er also nodded.

Li Tian didn't use any superpowers, he just sprayed the mosquito repellent perfume he developed, and then there were almost no mosquito bites around him. It was a little amazing.

At night, Li Tian sprayed some more nearby, as if a natural gas mask was formed around it, and no insects could get in.

Zhao Waner lay beside Brother Li Tian, ​​watching the clouds in the sky turn Yunshu, she said: "Brother Li Tian, ​​I feel so happy now."

Li Tian also looked at Zhao Wan'er next to him and smiled: "Me too, well, let's go to sleep quickly."


Looking back on the three days of developing mosquito repellent perfume, Zhao Waner felt that her life had also sublimated and became very meaningful.

On the day of the mosquito repellent perfume launch event, a lot of people came to the scene, and it could even be said to be crowded.

Li Tian and Zhao Wan'er came to the stage together, saying that this is a product they developed together, whose function is to repel mosquitoes and smell.

Although Li Tian felt that the practicality of mosquito repellent was more important, he still felt that he needed to make some changes to perfume.

Because everyone has a special preference for fragrance, Li Tian directly launched 9 fragrances for different tastes.

The reporters at the scene were crazy, 9 models, a bottle is not expensive, only 10 yuan, all 9 models are only 90 yuan.

It can be used for a year for less than 100 yuan.

Everyone tried first, and then they were all stunned.

"Gosh, this perfume is too fragrant."

"It's so shocking and exciting, how can there be such noble and perfume."

"I feel that my 1,000-dollar perfume is not as elegant and noble as this 10-dollar. It is worthy of the rich pharmaceutical group. I will serve this strength."

"FuRuo Pharmaceutical Group never makes noble things, only the best and cheapest things. No wonder it is so loved."

"The mosquito repellent effect can't be tested here, but this kind of fragrance is just so intoxicating. No one should grab it with me. I bought these 9 bottles."

In the audience, the star Sun Xiaoxiang dressed up and stood inside. Seeing this picture, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This Li Tian, ​​no matter what he develops, is so popular."

At first glance, perfume is a very good selling thing. Sun Xiaoxiang wanted Li Tian to study it, but this guy was too annoying.

Now I have to add the effect of repelling mosquitoes, and I still have to pay 10 yuan a bottle. Now I open Taobao, and a bottle of toilet water is more than this price. It is really nothing to say.

However, even at a long distance, Sun Xiaoxiang was able to ask about the fragrance. Indeed, Li Tian's ability is terrifying.

Thousands of big-name perfumes are just this kind of smell, maybe at most there are some differences in the materials.

There is also a difference in processing technology.

A day later, the mosquito repellent perfume has no doubt exploded again, and most buyers bought almost 9 bottles together.

Very few will be bought separately, but after use, the next order is also 9 bottles.

It's not just cheap, but it tastes great.

The mosquito repellent effect is also invincible, and there is no toxin. It is nothing for adults to bite mosquitoes, just children.

You can use mosquito repellent to kill insects at home, generally to avoid mosquito bites, and mosquito nets.

But there is really no way outdoors.

The mosquito repellent perfume developed by Li Tian is a magic weapon to solve this problem. As long as you spray some on your body, not only will people smell refreshed, but also mosquitoes will not dare to approach from 1 meter away, because the smell is simply unbearable. of.

All major platforms and official products have reached 100% praise. This industry is solely owned by Li Tian and Zhao Waner.

Zhao Wan'er didn't dare to ask. Although she had never done business before, she also knew the popularity of the products developed by Li Tiange in the world.

This perfume may not be easy to buy abroad, but with the addition of mosquito repellent, there is no doubt that it is a hit all over the world.

As long as the mosquitoes are not extinct, especially in places where there are more mosquitoes, they will undoubtedly be sold out.

Because the mosquito repellent effect of Fu Rao Group is so good, it is completely different from the traditional mosquito repellent. If the mosquitoes forcibly approach this perfume, they will faint directly within half a meter.

Therefore, even if the mosquitoes are not afraid of death, they will not be able to get close to the human body for half a meter.

This is the mosquito repellent perfume of Rich Group, the effect is so good that it explodes.

The global order will soon exceed tens of billions ~ ~ At a price of 10 yuan a bottle, it is a miracle to be able to achieve this sales volume.

But this miracle was not the first time for Li Tian to create it.

Zhao Wan'er could see that her account balance continued to increase, and in just one or two months, it had grown to an astronomical level.

Zhao Wan'er quickly found Li Tian and said nervously, "Brother Li Tian, ​​I can't ask for so much money."

Can't afford it.

Li Tian touched Zhao Wan'er's chin and smiled: "Is there anything we can't ask for, this mosquito repellent perfume was developed by us together."


But she is just a handyman, so what can be done there.

"It's nothing, come today, don't leave." Li Tian just picked up Zhao Wan'er. _

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