Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1827: Like, like, super like

When I dreamed of being so harmonious and happy before, I was simply too happy.

He Yun's mother saw that He Yun had been paying attention to the outside affairs and saw the happiness of her daughter's mouth. Naturally she understood when she was a mother, but she still joked: "What's wrong? Worried that they might fight? "

He Yun couldn't laugh or cry: "Mom, how is it possible."

"Haha." He Yun's mother couldn't help but laugh. She also said with emotion: "Back then, you wanted to be an internet celebrity, and you showed up on live broadcasts every day. Don't you know, your dad and I were really worried. ."

"Where did you think that now you will bring back such a proud boyfriend."

Yes, as an internet celebrity anchor, what kind of men you will meet every day is simply too normal.

As a parent, how can you not worry about it? Although Li Tian was not short of money before, it is definitely not a proud existence.

Now, it's obviously different.

Li Tian's achievements in medicine are beyond the reach of many great men in their lives. As a parent, his daughter is naturally very proud to be able to take this destined name and be brought back by men loved by countless people.

Before Li Tian came, he would play chess with his old husband, but now they have been discussing medicine.

The old man was also more and more satisfied with Li Tian, ​​and even wanted to be his son.

In the evening, I arranged for my daughter and Li Tian to sleep in a room, and then the father-in-law and mother-in-law also fell asleep.

Before going to bed, the old man still said with emotion: "At the beginning, my daughter insisted on becoming an internet celebrity, and thought that her whole life was over. I didn't expect to find such an extraordinary boyfriend back now, so happy."

The old professor has studied knowledge for a lifetime and has made some achievements. He is respected in academia, but he is also destined to be unable to achieve such a great cause as Li Tian.

In He Yun’s bedroom, the surroundings are still familiar. He Yun looks at Li Tian next to him. After all, this is in He Yun’s home. Li Tian is still relatively honest. He did not do any affectionate exercise with He Yun, just simple. Holding He Yun to sleep.

He Yun snuggled in Li Tian's arms and said happily: "Li Tian, ​​do you know, tonight you see how much my dad likes you."

Li Tian kissed He Yun and said, "Don't you like me?"

"Like, like, like it super."

Haha, Li Tian also smiled proudly, and then continued to sleep with He Yun.

The next day, Li Tian's mission to Lao Zhang's family this time was completed.

The system prompts: [Congratulations on completing the task, the rewarded 200,000 yuan cash red envelope, 2000 lottery points, and 2000 system experience points have all been distributed, please pay attention to check. 】

He Yun is still sleeping happily. He often hears someone say that as long as he can eat and sleep, it is a kind of happiness.

Only those who cannot sleep or sleep well will feel unhappy.

The way He Yun fell asleep at this moment was obviously happy.

As a man, Li Tian can make his woman happy, he feels that his life is enough.

Immature men always want to have a woman quickly, but they don't know that after owning it, there is no meaning and no longer work hard to manage happiness.

And mature men often know that owning is just the beginning, and the happiness of the next business is the most important thing.

Li Tian turned on the system.

[Current system level 59, total experience value: 328651]

The lucky draw starts after using the Lucky Card.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Good Luck Cards]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Dangerous Prediction Capsules]. 】

[Congratulations on winning 2 [random special task cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 bottles of [Evolution Version Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations on obtaining 5 special items [Time Double Card (6 times)]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a level 59 system item [Horror Haunted House]. 】


On the other side of Li Tian, ​​in the laboratory, he thought his AIDS medicine would wait for a while.

Unexpectedly, the carcinogenic drugs found in the tomb last time worked so well.

Because HIV has some special features, it is not a simple matter of just a few days of medication.

Not only does it take one month of medication, but also daily injections of biological agents.

Double down, this disease will be completely eliminated by Li Tian in about a month.

After Zhao Ruxue learned that Li Tian had successfully developed a drug to treat AIDS, she was also stunned. You must know how many people heard about the disease. However, Li Tian can be completely cured in one month, which is simply medical treatment. A miracle in history.

"Li Tian..."

Li Tian looked at the extremely beautiful and extravagant woman in front of him, and smiled: "I know, you must adore me especially at this moment."

Zhao Ruxue couldn't laugh or cry. Where did Li Tian get his confidence?

But what she said was true.

"Li Tian, ​​although I cannot reach the level of admiration, I am really surprised how you did it."

Li Tian did not hug Zhao Ruxue politely.

If He Yun was the woman Li Tian liked when he was down, then Zhao Ruxue now is the most beautiful and moving goddess when Li Tian's life just emerged.

Knowing Zhao Ruxue in junior high school was the highlight of Li Tian’s life. Later, when we met again, Li Tian had successfully obtained the system. Although Li Tian’s ability was not so terrifying at the beginning of the system, when facing Zhao Ruxue , Li Tian still has the courage.

Because he knew that as long as he worked hard to upgrade the system, the future would be promising.

And now, Li Tian finally succeeded in getting Zhao Ruxue.

Therefore, when such a wealthy goddess took the initiative to find Li Tian, ​​Li Tian first did not want to discuss work matters with her, but life matters.

Li Tian stepped forward to hug Zhao Ruxue and moved his feet.

Zhao Ruxue blushed naturally, and she said: "Li Tian, ​​you are getting worse and worse. I'm here today to discuss business with you."

Li Tian smiled naturally: "Between you and me, this kind of thing is business." As he said, he hugged Zhao Ruxue's face and kissed.

Zhao Ruxue was helpless. This Li Tian was really shy and respectful when he treated her as a goddess.

Now that it’s good, it’s not that Li Tian doesn’t love her anymore, but just do whatever he wants.

He seemed to be making up for the regret that he could only see but couldn't get, and now he has to do something to Zhao Ruxue's beautiful body, this bad man can be satisfied.

In the evening, Li Tian looked at Zhao Ruxue in his arms and smiled: "I know, you came because of work."

Li Tian smiled and said: "I have already arranged for work. This medicine can be purchased nationwide at the latest tomorrow. Because injections are still needed, we will still cooperate with major hospitals in the city.

Zhao Ruxue said: "You don't need to tell me this, I know, you must be super proud now."

Li Tian couldn't help laughing immediately: "Why, don't you wrong me."

Zhao Ruxue couldn't laugh or cry: "Will I wrong you?"

Li Tian immediately relented and said: "No, my goddess Zhao Ruxue is the sky, what you said is correct."


Although Zhao Ruxue is usually dignified and generous, she sometimes can't help showing the appearance of a little girl when she encounters a man such as Li Tian.

After Li Tian completed the drug development, he naturally completed the task again.

[Congratulations on completing the task. The 200,000 yuan cash red envelope and 2000 lottery points have all been distributed, please pay attention to check. 】

Li Tian is not welcome, he just entered the system to check it.

[Current system level 59, total experience value: 330651]

The system is constantly upgrading, and what Li Tian cares about is that, to sum up, today's system tasks are closely related to life.

Simple but substantial.

Li Tian uses the good luck card and clicks to start the draw.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Good Luck Cards]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Dangerous Prediction Capsules]. 】

[Congratulations on winning 2 [random special task cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 bottles of [Evolution Version Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations on obtaining 5 special items [Time Double Card (6 times)]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a level 59 system item [Horror Haunted House]. 】


Li Tian and Zhao Ruxue lived a happy life. The people he arranged to release the news of the perfect solution to AIDS on the next day. For a while, almost all the people on the earth were shocked.

In the past, other people only heard of how powerful Rich Pharmaceutical Group was, but they didn't know how powerful it was.

But now, almost everyone is shocked.

"Gosh, I'm not mistaken."

"AIDS, the disease that has shocked countless people, can now be cured in just one month."

"It's terrible, it's terrible."

"Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group is going against the sky!"

Today is destined to be the highlight of the world's attention. It is only because Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has created an unprecedented history that shocked countless people.

And the hospital has long queued up.

A month's time, said that it is not long, and that it is short.

Before and after, at least 10,000 yuan is required. This is the result of discussions between Fu Medicine and major hospitals. Otherwise, it will not be cured without 100,000 yuan.

10,000 is not a small amount, this 10,000 includes meals, hospitalization, etc. On average, more than 300 yuan a day.

For big cities, it is only half a month's salary, and most people can afford it.

Only a very small part will have no money.

However, Li Tian's magical powers are vast. Since he has developed the cheapest and most magical medicine, he will not leave patients without money for treatment.

Therefore, he dispatched his Tomorrow Foundation to specialize this column. As long as the patient applies for help and the investigators verify that the patient is indeed in financial difficulties, the Foundation will reimburse all the money for medical treatment and hospitalization.

Really achieve a full range of services that can be cured.

Of course, some patients who are greedy for petty gains and want to save 10,000 yuan will not agree if the family can come up with the money out of the survey.

Tomorrow foundations are well-known and strict throughout the country. After all, they are private equity foundations, which can be free from the control of the public. They are all from Li Tian Company and some people who want to do charity.

Therefore, in addition to helping the poor, moral character will also be included in the assessment. If the character is not good, you are a total bastard, even if it is poor, the foundation will not pay a dime tomorrow.

If it's silly, it's okay, Li Tian has so many horrible haunted houses, just to send them off.

The money Li Tian made from his hard work did not come from the wind.

Even if Li Tian is not short of money, if the villain wants to take 1 cent from him, it is impossible. Instead, it will attract Li Tian's attention, and then it will end up in death.

Li Tian will not kill people, but it is not once or twice what makes a bad life worse than death.

Li Tian will not be a person with a sense of justice, but he is jealous of evil.

Therefore, Li Tian resolved all the dark things in private.

On the bright side, almost 100% praise.

When more and more people learned that the Tomorrow Foundation was founded by Li Tian, ​​the founder of the Fortune Group, not only the people across the country were shocked.

Some of Li Tian's girlfriends who did not even know were also shocked.

You must know that many years ago, the foundation will have begun to show up tomorrow, helping children in poor villages to go to school.

Today, Tomorrow Foundation is already the first in the country, the most powerful foundation in the world, even if it not only helps poor children across the country go to school, but also helps families with major diseases, as well as families with natural and man-made disasters.

As long as the character is good, motivated, and full of kindness to life.

No matter how poor or hard it is, even if it invests a few million, the Foundation will not be ambiguous tomorrow.

Moreover, the files of each person being helped are extremely clear, and sometimes there are some troubles, and Li Tian handles it in private.

Except for some bad guys and villains.

There are still very few, with only one in ten thousand probability, that it was poor but kind at the beginning, but after getting rid of poverty, it turned to a crooked road. Li Tian also solved it himself.

Li Tian doesn't think how kind he was once, but now he is walking a crooked road and thinking about harming people all day long. This kind of scum, Li Tian's horrible haunted house, makes him worse than death.

Since then, there has been one less evil in the world.

Of course, this kind of thing is very rare, so Li Tian solved it with a little shot.

No trouble, the foundation will be extremely healthy tomorrow.

The interior is even more rigorous, and no one dares to use power for personal gain.

Tomorrow Foundation can be said to be more stringent than Li Tian’s internal management of Fortune Punishment is not something ordinary people can bear.

So, either don't come, just work hard when you come, don't think about going wrong.

In Li Tian's company, as long as Li Tian is not dead, no employee can go wrong.

Because Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group has successfully developed new drugs, internationally, the reputation of Li Tian has reached the highest level in history.

Some people have already compared Li Tian with Einstein, and even Li Tian still wins.

Today, Li Tian is not only in medical school, but also in many colleges and high schools, he has been directly erected a statue of a great man.

Because Li Tian's medical achievements and helping all mankind overcome incurable diseases have made unprecedented achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.

At a young age, he has been written into the history book and became the greatest man of this century. _

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