Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1833: You girl

Completing the task is of course the thing that Li Tian is most happy about. Watching his rewards gradually fill up the entire system inventory, this is a particularly fulfilling thing.

Although Li Tian is already a middle-aged man in his thirties, this kind of childishness is still very cool.

It is said that men are young children, mainly because of the pleasure of collecting favorite things.

Generally, people of any social class will have more or less hobbies of their own in their work and leisure time.

New vegetables were successfully developed here, while Li Tian continued to accompany many of his girlfriends.

It seems boring to run back and forth like a task, but it's actually quite interesting. After all, every girlfriend feels different.

It's not like an ordinary person, who only accompanies one wife for a lifetime, and it will naturally get tired after a long time.

When love slowly fades, most couples finally rely on responsibilities together.

Li Tian is different. Because he doesn't spend much time with his girlfriend, the trivial things that kill love in life just become less important.

Moreover, his girlfriends are different from each other, so naturally there is no new feeling.

Just like eating fresh peaches every year, they are still peaches. If you eat them every day, you will naturally get tired.

However, if you eat it again every other time, you won't get tired.

On the contrary, after eating other chicken, duck and fish, there is a particularly wonderful freshness.

This freshness is because people and objects are different.

For example, using mobile phones every day, the freshness has passed, and naturally it feels meaningless. But if one day suddenly updates the new system, wow, it's amazing.

I played with another mobile phone and waited for a while to bring it back to play, and the freshness came again.

Moreover, people and mobile phones are more advanced, and there are some unlucky people whose days will get worse.

But most people will still cross the better.

And beautiful women sometimes find that 30 years old are more beautiful than 20 years old. Although this is a minority, it is not uncommon.

And Li Tian's women almost all have the "Breathe, Breath and Na" taught by Li Tian. Coupled with often being with Li Tian, ​​they will naturally be taught a lot of aura, and they will be more beautiful and more vivid over time.

Basically, the beauty of the original 90 points and 95 points, the longer she accompanies Li Tian, ​​the better her appearance, even the big star Sun Xiaoxiang.

Also, people will grow.

For example, Xiaodian, although he was an adult when he met his uncle Li Tian, ​​he looked particularly kawaii.

So even if she devotes herself every time, Li Tian keeps her principle and never touches her.

It was only recently that really made her change from a girl to a more mature woman, and this growth is positive, so almost every year, a little bit brings a very unique freshness to Li Tian.

And it is this kind of freshness that makes Li Tian and them feel very good every time they are in love.

This time, Li Tian came to Zhao Qi for one of the 24 hours, and it was ridiculous to say that Zhao Qi was still Li Tian’s first girlfriend in his 30s.

At that time she was stubborn and self-willed, she was like a little devil, because Xiao Yan had spiritual energy in her body, and she wanted to drink blood, which was a bit unprecedented.

Later, I experienced a series of things, experienced setbacks, and later grew a lot.

Now it is becoming more and more mature.

Although the body and temperament of Tong Yanju was getting less and less, but this did not affect her charm. For attracting men, Zhao Qi rose from 90 points to 95 points.

More and more directors, more and more considerate.

Of course, Zhao Qi also likes Li Tian very much. For Li Tian's arrival, she is super happy and said: "Li Tian, ​​why are you here?"

Li Tian smiled and said, "I miss you, so I just come to see you."

Zhao Qi immediately didn't believe it and said: "Hmph, I don't believe it, you must be lying to me."

Li Tian immediately smiled and said: "How is it possible, I like our little wife so much, I really miss you, the conscience of heaven and earth."

"Come on, baby hold one."

Although Zhao Qi could not avoid some blushing, she still agreed to hug Li Tian and feel Li Tian’s gentleness as her boyfriend, and then whispered in Li Tian’s ear: “Why don’t I believe you so much? It."

Li Tian held her round face in both hands and smiled: "So, how do you need me to prove it?"

Zhao Qi thought about it for a while and smiled: "Rongben Palace considers it carefully."

After that, Zhao Qi simply said like Conan possessed: "Honestly, did you do something sorry for me?"

Li Tian hugged Zhao Qi directly, then walked to her bedroom and said, "Huh, you little fellow, you are a bit dishonest, and you dare to doubt me and see how I teach you."

Zhao Qi couldn't help laughing at once. "Hahaha, I was wrong, let me go."

After the two had fun, the show of affection began until the time came to night.

Li Tian was a bit dishonest. After Zhao Qi fell asleep, he secretly turned on the system and then used the mission card.

[Congratulations on getting the special mission...]

The mission request is actually related to the mother-in-law's family.

Regarding this, Li Tian was also dumbfounded. It seems that this time he was really hitting the bar. If that is the case, then Li Tian is not welcome.

So when Zhao Qi woke up, Li Tian just told her about this.

Zhao Qi was stunned. Her class was holding Li Tian's arm, lying down and sleeping too comfortable, she didn't want to get up at this moment.

"Li Tian, ​​you are so capable now, you actually want to be a guest at my house?"

Under normal circumstances, the man rarely thinks of his mother-in-law's home, after all, it is not his own home. Even if the wife's parents are enthusiastic, they will feel uncomfortable.

Not to mention Li Tian, ​​a lot of dark history, like many girlfriends, and even many people have discovered. If it weren’t for his achievements in agriculture and medicine, I’m afraid he can just open the Internet at this moment and search. His dark history and various scandals.

Of course, this kind of scandal is shameless, but it makes countless men envy it.

After all, this is the dream of countless men.

Of course it was in private, no one dared to show it directly and unrestrainedly.

Li Tian looked at Zhao Qi and smiled: “I’m not thinking about it. We haven’t been to our mother-in-law’s house for a long time. Besides, your husband, I’m so good now, and I will definitely praise me for being good. You man my private life."

Zhao Qi immediately stared at Li Tian and said, "So you have such a wishful thinking."

Li Tian smiled and said, "So, do you agree?"

Zhao Qi immediately smiled and said, "It's worth saying more, of course I agree."

The man likes to bring his beloved girl to his home, to see his family, to see the familiar place where a man lives, and of course his hometown.

The same is true for the woman, as long as she is the one she loves, she definitely wants to take it back to show her parents. After all, this is also the boyfriend that the daughter has grown up.

Of course, if it's just for fun, then you definitely don't want to take it home.

Similarly, if the other half is not good enough, I know that I will not be treated with a good face when I bring it back, and I don't want to bring it back.

Of course, Li Tian didn't feel that he was very good now because of his cheeky, he could go to the woman's house and do whatever he wanted.

But because of system tasks.

He is now very eager to know what the golden key he obtained at level 60 of the system this time is and how to use it.

Only after upgrading to level 61, Li Tian could fully understand the answer.

With this in mind, Li Tian certainly has a lot of expectations for the new system's tasks to be completed immediately.

Zhao Qi knows that Li Tian's achievements have been remarkable since he entered the medical field over the past year.

So she was also very curious. If she took the current Li Tian home, her parents would be particularly surprised.

I think back then, Zhao Qi could be with Li Tian as a little princess if it weren't for her parents' prevention. Then, with Zhao Qi's desire to control, maybe Li Tian would only be her girlfriend in this life.

It is a pity that when Li Tian and Zhao Qi were together for the first time, it was only worth 1 million to break up, and Zhao Qi's family did not even show up.

For the second time, I just showed up a housekeeper, 10 million...

Looking back now, it also makes people feel a little sigh.

Therefore, Zhao Qi is still holding back her breath. She wants to tell the parents who have despised Li Tian that my old lady’s vision is correct. Li Tian has become the greatest person in this century. She was still one of the greatest figures in this century. , Is now the first.

Even those tech giants that change people's lives are not as great as Li Tian today.

Because Li Tian’s pharmaceutical group conservatively estimates that no more than 2 billion users have been cured worldwide, from childhood acne, myopia, obesity, to heart disease, leukemia, and AIDS.

Now all can be resolved, this is simply a miracle in history.

Li Tian watched Zhao Qi get up early in the morning, and then began to dress up, but couldn't help but laugh and said, "What are you doing?"

Zhao Qi smiled and said: "It's rare to go home to show off, of course you have to dress up better."

Li Tian smiled as one of them: "You really are there."

Li Tian doesn't pay much attention to appearance. After all, his girlfriends are as beautiful as flowers. He is a big man and he can do whatever he wants.

But Zhao Qi is unwilling, she is very motivated, so Li Tian must be equally motivated.

Therefore, Li Tian will eventually be brought to her makeup mirror by Zhao Qi, and then put on a good makeup.

Not to mention, this little Nizi's makeup skills are still two-fold.

After Li Tian put on makeup, the whole person's feeling was completely different.

When they came to Zhao Qi's parents' side together, Zhao Qi's father saw Zhao Qi greet Li Tian, ​​and he was immediately excited to meet him in person.

"Oh, it turns out that Li Tian is here. Hurry up and sit inside. Zhao Qi, you really are. Don't hurry up and make a call in advance when Li Tian is here. Let us prepare well."

Seeing the attitude of her father today, Zhao Qi couldn't help but smile and said, "Parents, what do you mean? Li Tian has never seen you like this before."

Seeing that the baby girl dared to make jokes, Zhao Qi's father immediately couldn't say: "You girl, how do you talk."

Zhao Qi smiled and said, "I'm just talking righteously."

"Go go, go, don't disturb me talking to Li Tian."


When Zhao Qi saw her father like this, she was extremely despised. She didn't know who it was back then, and she was against her love with Li Tian. If it weren't for Zhao Qi's insistence later on, I am afraid that Li Tian would not have taken the initiative to come on the door.

Zhao Qi didn't talk to her father too much, but went to see her mother.

However, what makes Zhao Qi depressed is that her mother also went to see Li Tian like a fan seeing an idol.

"Mom, how come you are like this?"

Zhao Qi's mother smiled and said, "What's wrong with me? Isn't this all right?"

Zhao Qi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Tell me, I thought that Li Tian was good and has potential back then."

After hearing this, Zhao Qi couldn't laugh or cry. "Mom, are you confused? How opposed you and my dad back then..."

Pata, Zhao Qi was beaten by her mother. "You child, no big or young, did you talk to your mother like this? Look at you, dressed up and dressed up, now unlike in the past, you must abide by women's way and don't let Li Tian dislike you.


Zhao Qi suddenly widened her eyes, she understood, and she shouldn't come back this time.

Li Tian's ability nowadays is really too caused Zhao Qi's parents to look differently.

It is also good for Li Tian.

And Zhao Qi can only be depressed.

Li Tian has been here before and often cooks in the kitchen.

Now Li Tian repeats the old tricks, but Zhao Qi's father hastened to stop him. "Don't, don't, cooking with fire is dangerous. In case of injury, we can't afford it. Li Tian, ​​you are different now. You can be called a great man like no one has come before. ."

Zhao Qi’s father is so polite, maybe in addition to shocking Li Tian’s achievements now, maybe also

I want to make up for the mistakes of the year. After all, when Li Tian was still in despair, he was really not worthy of his precious daughter.

I don’t know that Li Tian’s achievements in agriculture and the medical industry in the past few years have been a miracle.

Moreover, Li Tian has benefited too many human beings and his merits are too great. The more he understands the reasons, the more he understands the importance of Li Tian.

But Li Tian was still cooking the food himself that night. He smiled and said, "I know the old man takes me seriously, but I am not a normal person, so I can't be confessed all the time."

"I used to like Zhao Qi, and I will also love her in the future. I gave it to our family last night. This was my willingness."

Zhao Qi has not been in a good mood since returning home, and at this moment she is finally happy.

She even dared to jump directly on Li Tian's body and kissed Li Tian in public.

The older generation of people on the side laughed uncontrollably.

Perhaps it is the straightforwardness of the daughter, or the sincerity of Li Tian.

Slowly, Zhao Qi's parents stopped offering Li Tian as a god, but chose to treat him with a normal heart.

The family enjoyed Li Tian's top chef's craftsmanship.

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