Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1838: New world

Becoming handsome and younger is what many middle-aged uncles and aunts dream of!

Now it is finally realized in Li Tian, ​​but with this situation, Li Tian is undoubtedly unable to be really happy.

Because here is not the real earth, just a plane mirrored the earth.

Li Tian glanced through the things in this room. Everything was the standard of a normal otaku. Inside the mobile phone, the computer, and even the drawers, there were all kinds of anime beauties.

Li Tian didn't care much, then turned around and went out.

This is a room in a certain community. Li Tian's mother is still called Dong Shi, but in this mirror plane space is an executive from a small company, and she is barely a strong woman.

Li Jianping runs his own fruit store. There are already three chain stores in the city. It can be seen that this family, also called Li Tian, ​​is obviously different from the Li Tian family on the other side of the globe.

In another plane where Li Tian was born and raised, their family are all native farmers.

So this change also makes Li Tian feel a little strange.

"What's wrong? My good son, why is he in a daze again?"

Dong's natural appearance of a very professional woman dressed up is completely different from Li Tian's original impression.

Li Tian smiled awkwardly. This feeling is really the same as a dream. If it hadn't been for the system to be upgraded to level 61, he would never have dreamed that there would be another Li Tian who was exactly the same as himself on another plane of the earth.

It's just that the status and family status are different.

At this moment, Li Tian suddenly worried: If someone else came here, wouldn't it be possible that Li Tian here has reached his plane.

He has many girlfriends, and when he crossed over, he was still holding a beautiful woman in his arms, wouldn't he be green...

This is something Li Tian cannot tolerate.

It seems that the host’s violent mood swings have been detected, and the system that usually seldom speaks even reminded: [Host rest assured, when you cross over, the original world space and time are static, complete the task and go back, the worlds on both sides, one of the world Will follow still. 】

Li Tian was extremely surprised and said: [What does this mean? 】

The system continued: [It means that there is actually only one you on both sides of the world. This side was cloned when the system was level 60, and there was no one before, so the host does not have to worry about being green. 】

[Even if you finish the mission and travel back, the cloned world will still follow time and space, waiting for you to come back. 】


Xiao Yan was stunned, this was too mysterious.

How could it be so powerful? In other words, the world that Li Tian came into was not available before. So Li Tian didn't go across to steal someone else's body, but the young and handsome Li Tian himself was himself.

And there is only one him in the two worlds, he leaves here, here will be the same as the game, tentatively, and then wait for Li Tian to return.

[System, such a powerful world, what are you going to do when you let me pass through? 】

The system did not answer, and even stopped issuing tasks to Li Tian.

The system is really cold, and only when Li Tian has strong doubts will he respond.

This is the first time Li Tian wondered what his system is?

It kept releasing tasks, and then allowed Li Tian to upgrade, and then even cloned a world, allowing Li Tian to travel through and start his second life.

and many more!

How could this feeling be deja vu.

That's right, it's the time double card. The principle of the time double card is this. It takes twice as long as the average person. The average person has 24 hours a day, and Li Tian has 48 hours, so he can do more.

Later it reached 6 times.

Nowadays, as the system is upgraded, the system is no longer satisfied and only gives multiple times longer. Even the space and the world have been cloned for Li Tian again.

It's just that the golden key is still needed to be able to open it. It seems that the current new world is not Li Tian who can come casually.

However, the system explained Li Tian's worries, he was just worried about getting bold.

And full of curiosity about this new world.

Now not only has he changed, but his parents' identities and jobs have changed. Does that mean that Zhao Qi, Zhao Ruxue, and the big star Sun Xiaoxiang, whom Li Tian was familiar with before, have all changed.

It even feels that this world is the second life, just like playing a game to open a trumpet!

This feeling is simply wonderful, it feels like a second spring.

"Son, don't scare mom, why are you in a daze for so long? Did you catch a cold?" The Dong family, who became a strong woman, cared very much about his son.

Li Tian smiled. "Mom, I'm fine, you can go to work."

"Are you really okay? Do you want to see it in the hospital."

Li Tian smiled and said, "I'm really fine, Mom, you go quickly, or you will be late for work soon."

Dong didn't understand how his son suddenly became mature and sensible.

Although this world was cloned when the Li Tian system was at level 60, but because the character identity settings have changed, in this world, in the memory of Dong and Li Jianping, Li Tian is a person who usually does not like to go out. Otaku.

"Don't say I'm going to work, you're going to school, I'll drive you."

Dong said that he just picked up the car key.

This scene made Li Tian a little surprised. In his impression, his family had always been poor when he was young, how could he drive a car.

Even though Li Tian developed later, the conservative rural mothers in the world did not take the initiative to learn to drive, but my dad did it, and rarely went out after buying a car.

The biggest conceptual difference between the rural people and the urban residents of the older generation is that the older generation spends almost all their lives working around the house.

People in the city always want the whole world to see.

Li Tian was in a daze, and smiled bitterly: "Mom, you go, I can..."

Li Tiangang was about to say that I could take a taxi, and his mother immediately smiled and said, "Oh! I almost forgot, my son has grown up, so you have to seize the opportunity."


Mother Dong still looks like I know it well.

Li Tian can't laugh or cry.

It seems that there are indeed many differences in this cloned world.

After the mother Dong left, Li Tian went to wash up and looked at his new self in the bathroom mirror. This feeling was too real, the water droplets falling from his chin.

go to school!

Just kidding, his genius doctor, Chairman Li Tian, ​​came here, not for school. He plans to skip class today and go to this new world.

However, at this time Dad Li Jianping was also up.

It turns out that the dad in the world is thinner, he is obviously a lot fatter here, and he is more blessed.

"You are up, son."


Dad Li Jianping came in skillfully to brush his teeth and wash his face, and said, "Is there anything you want to do after school at night? I can't ask for help from my shop. Two employees have asked for leave to go back. There is not enough staff. Recently, business is good, so busy."

Li Tian wanted to refuse, but perhaps this is a cloned world. The feeling of family in his bones made Li Tian adapt quickly.

"Yeah! Yes."

Li Tian wanted to say that he could go now, but he thought he couldn't say he played truant.


While Dad was still washing slowly, the door outside the house was suddenly knocked.


Obviously there is a doorbell, but in such a violent way.

Obviously very skilled, not the first time.

"It's that girl again, knocking on the door like she did, and it is estimated that the door will be changed again in half a year."

Li Tian smiled bitterly: "Which girl is it?"

Li Tian had some speculations vaguely.

He walked over with some expectation.

"Don't knock, I will open the door immediately."

"Li Tian, ​​are your parents at home?" The female voice outside the door was very pleasant, and she felt gentle.

Li Tian said casually. "Hmm not here."

However, the violent woman immediately said, "Then you can open the door for me, Li Tian, ​​it is clear that you came to see me for school today, but what time is it now? You have to wait for me to find it. you!"

Li Tian smiled bitterly, who is this?

In his original world, it stands to reason that there should not be such a female character.


However, as soon as the door opened, Li Tian was dumbfounded.

What the **** is this?

The freshman version of Li Yuxin?

"What do you look at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

In Li Tian's original world sister Li Yuxin was indeed adopted, but Li Tian always regarded her as a sister, and Li Yuxin in this cloned world was obviously older than Li Tian.

Not only was Li Tian half a head taller, but even the figure of the upper circumference was a few times bigger, and it was still beautiful as a fairy, but it was undeniable that he had completely changed from a little fairy to a royal sister.

Li Tian immediately asked awkwardly: "Are you Li Yuxin or Gu Yuling?"

The violent woman immediately frowned and asked, "Who is Li Yuxin? Li Tian, ​​you won't even forget your sister's name, of course your sister is Gu Yuling."

Okay, Li Tian came across and was disturbed for the first time in a calm mood. He directly yelled at him as his elder brother for many years: "No matter how big or small, you want me to call your sister?"

However, what Li Tian never expected was that this girl even started directly.

She ran directly, and when she raised her arm, she jammed Li Tian's neck.

And Li Tian's entire handsome face was directly buried in the fullness of Gu Yuling, Li Tian's face blushed, this woman really is.

Gu Yuling arrogantly said: "Li Tian, ​​it seems that you haven't hit the house for three days."

At this time, Li Jianping, the father of Li Tian in the world in the house, came out to see such an intimate scene, and said with emotion: "My son's peach blossom luck is really good, which is enviable."

Li Tian and Gu Yuling have been neighbors since childhood.

Gu Yuling has been beautiful since she was a child, she has a good figure, and is a well-known big beauty. Although she has a temperament, she is 19 years old and Li Tian is 18 years old. She is a well-deserved sister. She has taken care of Li Tian since she was a child.

I don't know how many young boys in the community are so envious.

They usually can't even touch Gu Yuling's hands, but this Li Tian grew up in a hug with Gu Yuling.

Almost the entire community knows that this is very good for childhood sweethearts.

Li Tian touched Gu Yuling's willow waist and said, "You quickly let go."

"Don't let go, apologize to sister quickly."

I apologize to your sister--

In another world, Li Yuxin was taken care of by Li Tian, ​​who was a teenager.

At this time, it was completely reversed.

What a shame!

"Okay, very good, Li Tian, ​​you really have grown up. It seems that I will teach you more lessons."

Gu Yuling originally planned to continue to hold Li Tian's neck, although this world has just been cloned, but in Gu Yuling's memory, this guy is a timid otaku, usually bullied by her casually.

Although the two were childhood sweethearts, although they didn't say clearly, they were feelings for each other, so sometimes there would be physical contact, and Gu Yuling would not object.


Today is different. Gu Yuling blushed suddenly. This guy has become bolder, with dishonest hands and feet.

The two have not determined the relationship between men and women. How could this damned Li Tian eat her tofu?

He must be taught.

However, at this time, Gu Yuling suddenly discovered that Li Tian's power had suddenly increased, and then the entire Gu Yuling was directly embraced by the princess.

"You, Li Tian, ​​what do you want to do."

Li Tian looked at the beauty in his arms and smiled: "I'm going to school soon, what else can we do? Let's go to school."

"You guy, you have eaten the gall of the bear heart and leopard, as soon as I come down."

Li Tian said: "I don't, unless you call my brother, I will let you down."


Gu Yuling yelled angrily: "I have been your sister since I was a child. I am one year older than you. How dare you let me call your brother? You are looking for death!"

However, Li Tian hit Gu Yuling's **** directly. "Don't obey, you should fight."

It's okay, the tiger's **** can't be touched, Gu Yuling directly became irritable and said: "Li Tian, ​​I will fight you hard today."

Gu Yuling is a violent woman, and she has some strength.

But she couldn't think of it. Li Tian, ​​who she bullied from childhood to adult, is different now.

She couldn't beat it completely, but was taken advantage of.

When Gu Yuling was about to be hysterical, Li Tian suddenly asked: "You like to trouble me so much, is it because you like me?"


Even if it was a violent woman, she was stunned at this moment, and then her pretty face turned red, and she even started to stammer. "Li... Li Tian, ​​why would you say such a thing? You... you are so different today."

Li Tian grabbed Gu Yuling's little hand and smiled: "Didn't you just say that, I've grown up. When I was young, you protected me, now and in the future, it's my turn to protect you."

Gu Yuling's face was redder than that of Red Apple. She was surprised: "Li Tian, ​​why are you so skilled..."

Of course This Li Tian has countless beauties in his original world.

Li Tian clicked until the end, and he smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about business. I have sent you to the school. You can go to class. I will go out and go around."

Gu Yuling suddenly grabbed Li Tian's hand and said, "You can't go there either. Come to class with me."

When approaching the school gate, Gu Yuling suddenly blushed and said: "Li Tian, ​​you really grew up today, you know, girls are relatively precocious, let alone your sister, I am 19 years old this year, I have never I have never talked about a boyfriend, I am just waiting for you."

With that said, Gu Yuling, who was still half a head of Li Tian in the world, lowered his head and kissed Li Tian on the cheek, and then went to her own class.


Li Tian was in a daze. Could it be that in this cloned world, in this world of clones, would he have to be a group of beautiful women like Yun's wives and concubines? Latest URL:

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