Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1872: 2 Xiaowu Guess

Obviously, they didn't talk to each other just now, but now they have completely changed their appearance, making people dumbfounded.

But isn't that the case in the emotional world?

After all, the two are childhood sweethearts, and the two have no guesses.

Because the journey was too far away, Gu Yuling's whole body was numb, and even when he got off the car, he almost collapsed to the ground.

If it weren't for Li Tian to secretly use a powerful spiritual energy to transmit to her, I am afraid that Gu Yuling at this moment will have a nose and tears.

But even so, she was still uncomfortable. Fortunately, when she was uncomfortable, Li Tian was by her side to shelter her from the wind and rain, so that everything could survive.

"Li Tian..."

Li Tian smiled and said: "Don't be too moved, I haven't forgave you completely for the crazy things you did today."

Gu Yuling immediately said: "Humph! Stingy."

Seeing that Li Tian seemed to want to continue to criticize her, she just rushed to say: "You did not forgive me, as if you thought I forgave you."

Gu Yuling continued: "Don't forget, you were the one who sorry me first."

Li Tian suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

"In this case we are even."

Hearing that Li Tian said this, Gu Yuling was smart, she immediately said: "Today is even, but what about in the future? You will continue to be your sea king in the future, but I can only guard the empty room alone? Li Tian, ​​don't you Think you are too much, too shameless!"

Li Tian said helplessly: "If you say that again, I will just let go!"


Gu Yuling exclaimed, if Li Tian ran away at this time, she would definitely fall to the ground in a super embarrassed manner.

Li Tian smiled and said, "Since you don't want to lose your support, then, from now on, you must be obedient."

Gu Yuling said aggrieved: "Obviously we have both been sitting for so long, and I will almost be paralyzed, but you are fine, it's too unfair."

Li Tian smiled and said: "The world is not fair, it's just that everyone is trying to find a relatively fair result."

Li Tian continued, "Do you still feel that you and me are the same?"

With that, Li Tian disappeared instantly.

When Gu Yuling was panicked, and his legs were weak, and he was about to fall, Li Tian suddenly appeared again with two ice creams.

From beginning to end, Gu Yuling's body was only tilted a few centimeters, but Li Tian had already bought ice cream from a cold drink shop a few hundred meters away.

Maybe Li Tian was too fast and didn't communicate with the clerk at all, but after putting down the money, others just took things back, otherwise this little cute fell directly on the beach.


Gu Yuling looked at the ice cream in Li Tian's hand in shock. Her big beautiful eyes blinked back and forth and said, "Gosh, how did you do it just now?"

Li Tian smiled calmly: "This is simple."

With that, I opened the ice cream package and started to eat it for Gu Yuling.

Gu Yuling felt the ice-cold and delicious ice cream slowly melted in his mouth, and then there was the last bit of unwillingness to say: "But, when I think of you being with me, I'm also with another girl. I am I feel uncomfortable."

Li Tian hugged Gu Yuling's soft willow waist and smiled: "What are you afraid of? I'll tell you the truth. There are more secrets in me than you think."

Gu Yuling looked at Li Tian in shock, as if not knowing him at this moment.

Li Tian said: "Believe me, even if I am out there, I am not simply looking for it. Everyone I meet is destined to me and I cannot give up."

"Not one?" Gu Yuling felt that she was discussing this with Li Tian at this moment, which was simply too shameless.

However, this has happened, and it can only be so.

"Li Tian, ​​I never dreamed that I would one day be in such a romantic place and discuss such a shameless topic with you."

Li Tian kissed Gu Yuling's cheek and said, "Although the words are shameless, what I can guarantee is that if you want to see me, you can do it anytime, anywhere."

"..." Yunxuan Pavilion

Gu Yuling didn't know what to say.

a long time.

After her legs and body finally got better, she can eat ice cream side by side like Li Tian.

Looking at the sea at dusk, there is really a different scenery.

Gu Yuling smiled and asked: "Li Tian, ​​you are so romantic now, can you love me forever?"

Li Tian nodded. "Of course, and forever."

"Men's mouth, deceitful ghost."

Li Tian took Gu Yuling and said, "I am different."

Gu Yuling laughed and said: "Yes, especially shameless."

Li Tian also smiled.

The feelings between the two, after experiencing these episodes, it was obvious that Gu Yuling became more helpless and dependent.

By 10 o'clock in the evening, Gu Yuling's parents had already made several calls.

After all, Gu Yuling is their baby girl, who has not returned so late, of course, as parents, they are more anxious.

Li Tian smiled and said, "In that case, let's go back."

Gu Yuling looked at the stars in the sky, and the sea breeze was blowing, and he was a little bit sad.

But what was placed in front of her was a super-realistic question: "Li Tian, ​​how are we going back?"

Li Tian smiled and asked, "How do you want to respond?"

Gu Yuling looked at Li Tian's electric car and looked disgusted. If Li Tian took her to and from school in the electric car, she would naturally feel that it didn't matter.

After all, the road is relatively short and convenient, so there is no need to worry about traffic jams.

Of course, it refers to small congestion. If it is the kind of impermeable congestion, even electric vehicles will not help.

"I don't want to take an electric car to go back. The whole journey is a few hours, it is simply torture in torture."

Li Tian just laughed when he heard it and said, "Okay, I understand. Next, you close your eyes and I will perform a magic trick for you."

Gu Yuling said: "I don't want to shut it down. What kind of magic you want to use, just do it under my nose, don't pretend to be a ghost."

Li Tian also smiled. "All right, but what you see next is tight-lipped, don't say anything."

Speaking, Li Tian brought Gu Yuling to his electric car.

Gu Yuling was extremely curious, she just wanted to see what tricks Li Tian had.

The next shocking scene appeared. I saw that Li Tian seemed to take out some and took it to his electric car. It was like a magical magic movie special effect. Although the electric car is not particularly large, But it disappeared in an instant.

"Li Tian, ​​is this amazing too?"

Li Tian smiled and said, "There are more magical."

Li Tian said to Gu Yuling: "You first get the sand on the soles of your feet... Okay, it's about to start, grab my hand."

Gu Yuling didn't close her eyes the whole time, because she really wanted to know how this Li Tian did it.


As if traveling through time and space, when Gu Yuling's eyes adjusted to the surrounding environment, she unexpectedly appeared in her room with Li Tian at the same time.


Looking at the familiar bedroom, from the smell of the seaside to the smell of the bedroom, Gu Yuling was completely dumbfounded at this moment. Latest URL:

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