Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1896: 1 move

When Li Tian came back from the cloned world, he really looked like this in the real world.

Because I met another Zhao Qi, this Zhao Qi made people feel very different.

Li Tian walked forward and held out Zhao Qi's round and beautiful face with a smile: "Let me see how my little cutie is so beautiful."

Zhao Qi blushed and said: "I haven't seen you for a few days, not only has it created a new miracle, but at the same time it is so sweet."

Li Tian smiled and said, "Of course, you man, I am omnipotent."


Although Zhao Qi said this, she really had to admit that Li Tian did possess some kind of magical power, whether it was from his agricultural actions and his medical skills.

Today, the technology industry is advancing even more.

It's simply too fierce, it makes others unimaginable.

The two were also old husbands and old wives, and soon became in love.

Afterwards, Zhao Qi lay in Li Tian’s arms and asked: "Li Tian, ​​how did you do it? The threshold of chip technology is so high, you actually succeeded in doing it, and directly filled the gap with one stroke. ."

Li Tian smiled and said, "Don't praise me, I will blush."

Zhao Qi laughed directly. "You have such a thick skin, I don't believe you will blush."

Li Tian laughed.

On the other side, after Li Tian created the miracle of the chip, he did not stop.

He will continue to study agriculture and medicine. He has accumulated a large amount of fast-forward potion in my hand, which is used at this time.

Li Tian's medical research has done so much: Acne series A~F, myopia, dentistry, presbyopia, muscles and bones plaster, hepatitis B, rheumatism, surgery, warts, colds, bone hyperplasia, gray Nails, hand and foot ringworm, tinea corporis, tinea cruris, erysipelas, appendicitis, paralysis, polio, leukemia, cataract, bronchitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, diet pills, AIDS, heart disease, lung cancer, diabetes.

This time Li Tian intends to study a more common one: vertigo.

Vertigo syndrome

Dizziness refers to dim vision or black eyes; dizziness refers to the sense of rotation of the body or external scenery and unstable standing. The two often occur at the same time, so they are collectively called vertigo. Those with mild vertigo will stop when they close their eyes. Severe dizziness, such as riding in a car or boat, or accompanied by nausea and vomiting, palpitation, sweating, or even deviated limbs.

Inner ear vestibular and labyrinth infections, inner ear vestibular neuritis, hypertension, hypotension, anemia, leukopenia, cerebral arteriosclerosis, neurosis, etc.

There are many reasons for dizziness, such as colds, poor rest, and decreased resistance.

There is a certain difference between dizziness and dizziness. Generally speaking, dizziness does not have the external environment or the sense of motor rotation.

It is necessary to prescribe the right medicine for vertigo.

Prevention is to exercise.

Because this disease is just like a cold, I don’t know when it will appear. Therefore, Li Tian intends to produce a medicine, when he needs to take it, swallowing it will relieve symptoms immediately.

If it is caused by illness, it can be cured by medicine.

If it is due to malnutrition, it can even improve the body.

Next time you feel dizzy and dizzy, take it immediately, and the symptoms will be relieved within a few minutes.

There are so many strange diseases in this world. As long as one of them acts on the human body, it will be extremely uncomfortable, and even some diseases will make life worse than death.

Li Tian worked day and night, and finally succeeded in research and development.

For a while, the entire network, and even the official websites of major hospitals across the country, will help recommend this new drug.

Every time a new drug appears in Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group, it will immediately cause a huge sensation.

This time is no exception. Any software hot search is all news about Fu Rao Group's new drugs.

It caused countless netizens to scramble to speak.

"My goodness, my recent circle of friends are all domestically produced 5nm chips, and they are all proud of this."

"Unexpectedly, just a few days later, my current circle of friends has all become the news of Fuao Group's new drugs." Zhongyuan Book Bar

"It's too awesome. I originally thought that the mind of Fu Fu Group would be used in Fu Fu technology. After all, the research and development of chips is incredible."

"Yes, it's a company full of admiration."

"It's beyond description. I usually get dizzy when I overdo my brain. Now with this medicine, I'm not afraid of dizziness anymore, and there are no side effects."

"The emergence of the Rich Group is really a milestone in human history."

Countless netizens are super excited, there is no way, it is simply amazing.

The others on Li Tian's side are on He Yun's side.

He Yun is extremely gentle, and the little blogger from the clone world doesn't know how gentle he is.

"Li Tian, ​​congratulations."

Li Tian smiled. He grabbed He Yun's little hand and said, "Are you congratulating me on my achievements in technology chips and new medical drugs?"

He Yun nodded.

Li Tian smiled and said: "Today you have a day off, I will cook for you."

He Yun hugged Li Tian and said, "It should be you who have a rest. I am here. You have contributed too much to this world."

When other pharmaceutical companies were helpless, Li Tian was able to come forward with Fu Rao Pharmaceutical Group.

Not to mention the chip.

Li Tian hugged He Yun and smiled and said, "Although what you said is not wrong, how do you say it? Let's be practical. Does your cooking taste delicious?"

Hearing that Li Tian said this, He Yun thought for a while, and realized that Li Tian was right. He just smiled. "Well, you can do it, but I can always help on the Li Tian smiled and said, "Of course this works. "

The two had a romantic dinner together, of course, the most delightful thing was the whole romantic process.

At night, of course it was the moment of love between Li Tian and He Yun.

Li Tian's girlfriends are all beautiful.

In the clone world, Li Tian can't take advantage of it, but it's obviously different here.

When He Yun was tired to sleep, Li Tian turned on the system.

[Congratulations on completing the task. The 200,000 cash red envelopes, 2000 lottery points, and 2000 system experience points have all been distributed, please pay attention to check. 】

Li Tian just turned on the system.

The completion of the task this time is undoubtedly medical.

However, Li Tian himself had some surprises. His system actually won. The splendid fireworks burst out all over the screen when the system was turned on.

[Congratulations on upgrading the system to level 63, total experience value: 380651]

Li Tian couldn't wait to start the lottery with his good luck card. Every time the system was upgraded, he would be rewarded with system items.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning a red envelope of 10,000 yuan in cash. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Good Luck Cards]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Dangerous Prediction Capsules]. 】

[Congratulations on winning 2 [random special task cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 bottles of [Evolution Version Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one system item [Golden Key]. 】

[Congratulations on getting one system item [Back to the past]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 5 system props of level 63 [Time Double Card (8 times)]. 】


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