Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 216: Hairtail

"The Best Small Farmer System (

Perhaps when they were with a mysterious invisible woman, the two of them were always doing more important things, so she suddenly said something up and down, which really made Li Tian feel suspicious, but as a man, in order not to make her sad, Li Tian still laughed: "Really, what kind of romance do you want to have with me?"

Seeing this Li Tian was already talking, while he was holding him expertly, the mysterious invisible woman was particularly helpless and said, "So, what do you want?"

Li Tian said very well: "I want everything."

"Huh, greedy man."

As the mysterious invisible woman said, she pushed Li Tian away slightly, although of course she would not refuse to have **** with Li Tian, ​​but not now.

Sure enough, she came to Li Tian for a reason.

It was not as simple as ordinary Fenghuaxueyue. It turned out that the mysterious and invisible woman found a prophecy from the remains of her ancient family.

This thing is quite magical. Li Tian asked with interest: "What prophecy?"

Like the destruction of the earth in 2012?

Back then, this prophecy was quite popular, and now so many years have passed. There is no doubt that many of the ancient prophecies about modern times are just imagination.

Just like modern people predict the future.

Everyone can extend it from the fields of technology, medicine, transportation, biology, culture, etc.

I guess what it will look like in 100 years or 1000 years. It is conservatively estimated that 60% will guess wrong, and 30% may have some acquaintances. For example, after a thousand years, humans will still eat with their mouths, which will not be a thousand years later. How much will it improve.

Of course, maybe 10% of the guesses are right, and this guess is written down and left for posterity. After the archaeological discovery, the posterity was shocked to think that there was such a great prophet in the two thousand years of ancient times.

Therefore, Li Tian's racial prediction of the mysterious invisible woman is actually scientifically rigorous.

Because if their clan can really be so powerful, it can be predicted, why is there only a single pass now?

And now she is still a girl, not even a man.

On the other hand, the mysterious ancient tribe, because their ancestors occupied a secret realm, ordinary people could not enter at all, and their clan rules were strict, and it was forbidden to cause too much trouble outside.

Therefore, it has been preserved so far, and the population is still thriving. Except for martial arts and Qimen Dunjia, technology and culture are a little bit behind modernity and a little behind.

But as assassins, they are invincible.

The mysterious invisible woman seemed to see Li Tian’s distrust. She said, “Actually, I don’t really believe it. If the ancestors are so powerful, why are they in my generation...”

"Forget it, but it turned out to be a new discovery. I still hope you accompany me to explore it."

The mysterious invisible woman looked at Li Tian.

In the moonlight, Li Tian looked at this beautiful woman with a smile and asked, "Why do you think of me?"

The mysterious invisible woman didn't escape, she bluntly said: "After all, you are my man. I used to be alone. Now if there is something new and interesting, I think of you the first time."

Li Tian was slightly moved, he hugged the mysterious invisible woman and smiled: "It turns out that this is what you said."

"What? Isn't it romantic?"

"No! Very romantic!"

As Li Tian said, arrangements were started. The research on hairtails on the island continued. The reason for the continuation was not just because Li Tian had already researched half of it. At this time, if it stopped, the gains would outweigh the gains.

Moreover, although Li Tian's time double card is sufficient, he can't sit back and forth.

So what should be done is to work hard.

Just as rich people will work harder to earn money, no one will dislike too many good things.

The mysterious invisible woman is not in a hurry here, she can truly spend a few days with Li Tian on this familiar island.

Comparing her beauty, she is at the level of the big star Sun Xiaoxiang. She used to wear a mask, which was extremely mysterious.

But now, her beauty and the enchantment of a **** woman will be uncontrollable if any man sees it.

Of course Li Tian would not dislike the mysterious invisible woman who accompanies him to sleep.

Two days later, Li Tian's new hairtail was successfully researched.

[Congratulations on completing the task, rewarding 300,000 cash red envelopes, 3000 lottery points, 3000 system experience points, all have been distributed. 】

Li Tian knew that to complete the task this time, the system was going to be upgraded.

Can't bear to be happy.

Even if Li Tian has had the system for too long, but he is still happy.

Sure enough, the moment the system was turned on, colorful fireworks bloomed.

[The salary system is upgraded to level 71, total experience value: 553651]

Level 71 system, Li Tian recalled before, when the system was level 1 and level 2, it seemed to be very far away.

Then there is the system level 50. At that time, it was really hard to break through the level 50.

Because before the 50th level, Li Tian's main business has always been agriculture, star, writing, live broadcast, etc. are side jobs.

But now, the three major disciplines of agriculture, medicine, and technology are still the main businesses.

The previous sideline business has been transferred to the cloned world. In the cloned world, Li Tian live broadcasts and sings as an idol star.

After all, in the clone world, Li Tian is 18 years old, very handsome and more in line.

Li Tian used the Lucky Card to start an excited lottery. He wanted to know what he would get when the system was level 71.

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning the 20,000 yuan cash red Congratulations to the lucky draw for the 20,000 yuan cash red envelope. 】

[Congratulations on winning 3 [Good Luck Cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 2 [Dangerous Prediction Capsules]. 】

[Congratulations on winning 2 [random special task cards] in the lucky draw. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning 3 bottles of [Evolved Fast Forward Potion]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one system item [Golden Key]. 】

[Congratulations on getting one system item [Back to the past]. 】

[Congratulations on the lucky draw for obtaining 5 props [Time Double Card (10 times)]. 】

[Congratulations to the lucky draw for winning one level 71 special item [Spaceship]. 】


Li Tian was stunned, what kind of fairy reward is this, it's too exaggerated!

System Level 71 actually rewarded Li Tian with a spaceship. It was incredible, simply incredible.

However, when Li Tian checked the explanation, although he was still shocked, it was obvious that he could accept it better.

First of all, although this [Spaceship] can indeed travel through space, it is a mini version. It is not a giant spaceship like that in a sci-fi blockbuster. It can only sit on a few people, the size of 2 RVs. The sparrow is small, but it has all the internal organs.

At the same time, this spaceship is different from [Luminous Stone].

Although it is not a one-time use, it has a number of times of use. One ship can only be used a few times, and then it is automatically destroyed.

Although there are various restrictions, Li Tian still feels super shocked. He never thought that he would have a mini spaceship.

For super rich people like Li Tian, ​​airplanes and yachts are no longer luxury items, but spaceships are definitely.

And it is a super toy that I am very proud of.

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