Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 2056: winery

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Li Tian's ability to develop new wines without alcohol is indeed beyond bound.

Cup by cup, the peerless beauty first tasted, and then slightly said: "It's really good, it's delicious, and you won't get drunk no matter how you drink it."

Although wine does not have the ability to make people drunk above, this in itself is a huge reduction in wine.

However, after all, there are still many special people, or special occupations, or special times, who can’t drink alcohol with alcohol. At this time, ordinary drinks are not addictive, so of course fine wine is essential. Something out.

For this reason, Li Tian plans to open the first winery.

Let alone whether you make money from selling alcohol, first of all, alcohol will cause many traffic accidents, so it is impossible for Li Tian to do this kind of business, even with a long wine culture.

Others can do it, but he does not.

However, now that Li Tian has a whim to develop alcohol-free wine and wine that will not be drunk. To put it bluntly, it is the taste and taste of the wine, which is actually the effect of the drink.

And drinking too much harms the body.

Generally speaking, beverages cannot replace boiled water. It contains sugar and various additives. There is no major problem once or twice. However, if you drink it every day, if you do not drink boiled water, your body will accumulate and eventually harm your body.

However, the new wine developed by Li Tian is different. It has its own cleaning function, such as how much sugar and grape nutrition the human body needs to consume in a day, then after a certain amount, the remaining nutrients will not remain in the body to accumulate, but directly Exclude from the body.

This kind of advanced function can only be done by people like Li Tian who open system plug-ins, others simply can't.

Of course, Li Tian wouldn't make such publicity either. After all, this function would be enough. If this kind of publicity, there is a problem with consciousness and the influence is not good.

The slogan will still be reminded: [Although the wine is good, you will not get drunk without alcohol, but don’t be greedy]

This is more humane and conforms to the public's psychology.

Alcohol-free, non-drunk wine will soon be available.

Because Li Tian’s vineyards are not limited to this part of the experimental area, they add up to too many all over the world, and they can easily be achieved by expanding production.

When countless consumers found out that Rich Group had even out of the winery, the wine was suddenly shocked, and then they went shopping frantically.

There is no need to think about the new products of Rich Group, just buy with your eyes closed.

If you want to buy products with product problems, it is simply more difficult than buying lottery tickets.

almost impossible!

Fortune Group's requirements for product quality are simply too strict, even if it does not make money, it must improve the quality.

"Oh my god, I just found out that I bought them all, only to see that there is no alcohol and can't get drunk."

"I Ditian, this is too in line with the corporate value of the rich group, this company has never produced products harmful to the human body."

"I just couldn't help but taste it. It was even better than the 82-year-old Lafite I treasured."

"Upstairs, bragging, watch out for leaks... Is Lafite in 1982 that anyone can drink casually?"

"I don't know if it's bragging, but the quality of this wine is really high. A top wine taster in my circle of friends is full of praise. A good wine can harvest the taste of the public and top tasters at the same time. Absolutely."

"As long as it is a **** fan, it is still the same sentence. As long as it is a product of the Fortune Group, you can buy it with your eyes closed. It is a loss if you don't buy it the first time."


The praise and reputation of Li Tian's products can be seen. Of course, the sales are also very strong. In a short period of time, it is the highest quantity sold in the world.

Easily break through trillions of market value in just a few days.

Rich winery's products are too differentiated. Without alcohol, you will not get drunk, and the taste is better than real wine.

The market value is too great.

Even many places promote this kind of wine. Just like the promotion of new energy vehicles, the goal is to be environmentally friendly.

The same is true for Fu Fu Group's wine. Without alcohol, you won't get drunk, and there won't be too many accidents. It's simply a great product.

Peerless beauty also sighed.

"Li Tian, ​​your business is invincible."

Li Tian smiled and said, "Low-key, low-key."

Control the production and product quality problems, and Li Tian doesn't need to worry about the rest.

With peerless beauties, I don’t just soak in the laboratory blindly.

The world is so big, you can take her around and take a look.

Peerless beauty doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what kind, life is like this anyway.

On the other side, Li Tian still needs to accompany her beautiful girlfriend.

Among them is Shi Jinglin, this beauty is currently in the clone world and has not yet found another one.

But Li Tian believes that fate will definitely make him find it successfully.

Therefore, Li Tian is not in a hurry.

However, the company should be accompanied here.

"Li Tian."

Shi Jinglin and Li Tian met very early.

At first, her mother's 100 million investment in Li Tian is still fresh in her memory. Of course, Li Tian and Shi Jinglin are not together because of gratitude, but because of fate and Shi Jinglin's beauty.

For men, UU reading has little resistance to beautiful beauties.

Although Li Tian is relatively scumbag, after being able, his girlfriend is like the concubine next to the emperor.

But under the effect of the time double card, Li Tian also did his best to take care of each of them.

"Sorry, I haven't come to accompany you recently."

Li Tian walked over and took Shi Jinglin into his arms.

Shi Jinglin blushed and said, "Don't win the newlyweds, I think this is also good."

When she said that, she pointed to her face and said: "For example, if I am an ordinary couple and have been together for so long, I will not blush easily."

Li Tian bowed his head and deliberately said, "Really, come on, let me see."

With that said, this cheeky man kissed Shi Jinglin's little cheek directly.

Women are vulnerable, and time is especially scary. There is almost no woman in the world who is not afraid of getting old.

However, as long as it is a woman next to Li Tian, ​​this trouble will be wiped out.

Because Li Tian will give them the practice method, and at the same time, with Li Tian for a long time, he will also be infected with spiritual energy. Not only will people become more beautiful, their skin will become more and more smooth and smooth, and the body will become healthier and healthier.

Little don't win newly married, when together, of course it is honeymoon-like affection.

After the happiness and sweetness, what is left is that the two enter the laboratory together. At first, the two met in the laboratory.

Shi Jinglin looked at Li Tian and said, "Next, are we going to start researching liquor that is alcohol-free and not drunk?"

Li Tian has successfully developed wines that won’t be drunk with peerless beauties. Now naturally, he has to start researching and developing white wines without alcohol. In his career, he must be as perfect as possible.

Li Tian smiled and nodded. "let us start."

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