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The new system level gets new system props, not only that, but also allows the last system props [popular card] to continue to be obtained, which is simply a very happy thing.

And at this time, it was natural that Li Tian would start to study the item cards of the new system.

【Icing on the Cake】

[As the name suggests, after using this card, you can get the icing on the cake. 】

Although this feature does not seem as precious as sending charcoal in the snow, it is undoubtedly very good.

So Li Tian just started to use it.

And used this blessing-like ability on Neverland.

In the cloned world, the emergence of Neverland is undoubtedly almost the same as the rich agricultural park in the real world, and both are relatively important industries.

But Zhang Yu also has some differences.

In the real world, Rich Agricultural Park means a bit bigger and stronger. After all, it had to feed itself and its employees at the beginning. It needs money. People can't just have ideals, but they must also consider the problem of real food.

Therefore, with Zhu Lian's help, Li Tian can be regarded as transmitting the values ​​of striving to be the first to the entire rich group, regardless of later medical treatment or technology.

Therefore, after crossing into the cloned world, Li Tian didn't want to continue doing this. He planned to open up a different path.

Therefore, his philosophy of Neverland's corporate values ​​is to be yourself, not to fight for nothing.

Everything is to do the best software.

Because there is no shortage of money, there will be no shortage of money like the rich agricultural garden in the real world.

Secondly, Xiao Yan now has enhanced abilities, and naturally pursues a different direction in everything.

Neverland is like its name, dreamy and too idealistic.

After using the icing on the cake, Neverland has successively received many praises and awards from home and abroad.

Originally, this is what Neverland deserves.

It's just that Neverland never does various relationships, so in theory, if Li Tian didn't use the icing on the cake function, then so many awards this time would not belong to Neverland.

So just like its name, the icing on the cake.

Although there is no substantial help, but it looks good.

The time has come to the next week, because Neverland already has: music, short videos, TV series, movies, animation, novels, shopping, education, maps, so many functions, so Li Tian has spent every day very much. Enrichment, although he keeps opening plug-ins, there are still many problems to be solved.

So there is almost no time to rest.

And this time the Neverland 10.0 version update, careful people will find that this update jumped directly to the 10.2 version update, what does this mean?

Li Tian has made many internal changes.

And this update also attracted the biggest controversy in Neverland's history.

I saw that almost all the traffic rankings on the entire network are related to this update of Neverland.

The second and third have only more than 8 million discussions.

But Neverland’s more discussion directly exceeded 200 million.

Yes, this is only on a website,

All the discussions on Neverland 10.2 on all websites add up to directly exceed the traffic level of 10 billion.

This is not to say that there are really 10 billion people on the entire network, but that many people have multiple accounts.

For example, it is not fun to talk on Weibo, and then to the short video platform, and then in the circle of friends, chat groups and forums, because they are too excited, often one person will discuss on multiple platforms.

So this has caused almost all the top rankings on the entire network to discuss the 10.2 update of Neverland.

However, this version of the update is indeed sufficient for this qualification.

Because of the update of this version, it turned out to be a [game] that many parents hate.


"God! I was shocked--"

"Is this still the Neverland in my mind?"

"Being able to make such useful tools as education and maps, and winning so many awards, the game division was updated in less than a week."

"Neverland is killing it? Doesn't it know how many children's parents hate games? Because of games, how many children are killed..."

It is this almost one-sided negative criticism that makes Neverland almost suddenly the world's most popular software.

People all over the world know that there is such a magical software, which is simply incredible.

But soon sane people immediately discovered the operating mechanism of Neverland.

"Don’t rush to scold you! As parents, everyone can understand the update that Neverland is so disappointed. However, please stand in the company of Neverland and consider, since Neverland plans to fully develop, the game is not It may be missed."

"Also, indulging in games does hurt one's health. But, when there were no video games, people didn't learn well. Isn't it because of games? People who don't want to study hard always have various reasons."

"Rather than banning all video games, it is better to have stricter control. Everyone takes a closer look at the game version of Neverland. It is obvious that Neverland has also realized that the game will bring huge public opinion, so it has added two consecutive small updates."

"Nowadays, Neverland’s games are very comprehensive. Obviously, they are all developed by Neverland. They are competitive games, development games, open world games, casual games, etc."

"It can be seen that these games have been in development since Neverland 1.0 was updated, so they will show a full bloom effect when they are launched now... The most obvious is the diamond rewards in each account. I don’t know what it is for."

"Now that the 10.2 version is updated, dozens of high-quality games are launched at once~www.wuxiaspot.com~The thousands of diamonds accumulated in each account before are now available."

"So, Neverland's game has been planned for a long time. And the 10.2 version has a new and very new account review system, which is the most stringent on the entire network."

"Not only does the account need real-name verification, it must have an ID card to log in, but it also requires a face scan every time you play a game."

"If the scan is a primary school student, then the game time can only be played for one hour a day. Even adults, after the face scan, can not play more than 5 hours a day."

"This face scan is simply a nightmare for countless children. For other games, children can steal their parents' ID cards or buy other people's numbers online to play. In short, there will be various ways."

"But today's face scanning system is too difficult. This is the same directly as scanning face payment. It is impossible to use a picture or high-definition video to fool through. It is so strict that even the strongest hackers do not take it. A little way."

"So, parents who are burned with anger and reason, please calm down first. Your children play games of other companies. There are still loopholes and can play for several hours."

"Neverland, there is no possibility of cheating at all, and when children are playing games, they will scan regularly for an average of an hour. If there is a bad adult, it is almost impossible to scan with your own face, and then give your children unlimited play. .Because every one hour, if the child is scanned, it will not be allowed to play immediately."

"If you try to cover the camera, it will be even worse. The game will stop immediately. So, parents of children, don't worry."

"Neverland's game anti-addiction mechanism is the first, no one dares to say the second."

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