Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 2103: 2 worlds

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After Li Tian updated the new weather function of Neverland, he certainly still had a lot to do.

Although he deliberately wanted to differentiate the two worlds, there was one thing that was not wrong, that is, because of the existence of system tasks, Li Tian would still choose to continue working.

And constantly challenge yourself to complete more tasks.

In this cloned world, Li Tian returned to his hometown at other times, eating, drinking, and having fun in the home of his neighbor, Gu Yuling.

Gu Yuling looked at the big star Li Tian in front of him, and was full of emotion.

She helplessly said: "Li Tian, ​​how do you say it is such a big man, is it really okay for you to nest in my little girl's house like this?"

Li Tian just smiled and said, "What's so bad about this?"

"I don't dislike you anyway..."

What this said undoubtedly made Gu Yuling want to go crazy on the spot.

"You fellow, you are too much!"

Seeing that Li Tian was indifferent, Gu Yuling of course also wanted to find what Li Tian cared about and began to talk.

"Your Neverland, is there no way to update this time? Otherwise, why would you only update a small function like weather."

Li Tian admitted indifferently, "Yes, it's very troublesome. I can't find a solution. What do you think?"

Gu Yuling rolled his eyes. "How do I know, I'm not a genius."

"Hey, let's have fun."

Speaking of Li Tian, ​​he rushed to Gu Yuling.

In this world, Li Tian is less than 19 years old, and Gu Yuling is one year older than him.

"You bad guy, don't mess around." Gu Yuling blushed and struggled.

Of course, Li Tian has a 10-time doubling card, so he can naturally do a lot of things.

Today, he set foot on a seemingly ordinary town.

That's right, when Li Tian has achieved great success through big stars and Neverland, plus his previous mobile phone business, of course Li Tian will also use these resources to help him find people.

That's right!

In the real world, Li Tian has many girlfriends, so Li Tian needs to find them.

Even if Li Tian will not develop new girlfriends, he will naturally not give up on these old girlfriends. He will work hard to find them all again, even if there is no way to develop a groundbreaking period in the real world. Love, but Li Tian will continue to take them as his own.

Li Tian will protect them for life.

So, this time he set foot on this town alone, because he has investigated a girlfriend he might be looking for.

In order to confirm, of course Li Tian had to come in person.

The world is too big, this small town is really too insignificant on the huge map.

Li Tian is particularly handsome in this world. Although his clothes are not particularly exaggerated, he is definitely more attractive than ordinary people.

So Li Tian walked on the street and naturally wanted everyone to watch.

"This guy is handsome."

"Looks like a foreigner."

"It should be from the city..."

At first, everyone didn't recognize him. Although he was a top star, this time he was dressed normally, even if he didn't use super powers, people who didn't look at or understand him carefully would not recognize him at all.

However, there will still be young people in the small town. The young people quickly recognized Li Tian, ​​and when they were about to call in surprise, Li Tian naturally immediately used his superpowers in order not to cause trouble and onlookers. Illusion space.

At this time, the young man passed by Li Tian and didn't care about Li Tian anymore.

Li Tian smiled and continued to find the person he wanted with peace of mind.

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