Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 26: Old school reunion

"Oh it's you?"

   Li Tian expressed his surprise. Why do you always meet old classmates every day?

   In Li Tian's time, Wang Yongle, a rich second generation, was still not as popular as Li Tian. At least Li Tian had the opportunity to walk side by side with Zhao Ruxue, the school flower of the year, like a couple of gods.

   Therefore, Wang Yongle still wants to have a few more words with Li Tian.

Even if he has been sitting in the car and has not gotten off, it is somewhat impolite. However, today's rich second generation is too popular. Li Tian and Li Youshan are not in the same class as him. People can take the initiative to greet you, which is already seen in the past. Classmate friendship is on.

However, Li Tian didn't have much interest in the two of them. His system reached level 3, and there were two level 3 tasks that he didn't do. He still has to go home in a hurry to earn money~ but there is no precious time to stay here with them. Blindly.

   Of course, the most important reason is that, despite the changes of yesterday, Li Tian's whole body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

   But after all, the time for Xianyu to stand up and rise is still too short, much worse than Li Youshan, let alone the rich second-generation Wang Yongle.

   is standing here, carrying heavy objects in his hands, as a foil for them?

   Looks like Li Tian, ​​who is innocent in his bones, and disdains it.

   Just in time, the bus is coming.

   Li Tian smiled at the two of them, and said without any nostalgia: "Um, the car is coming... I'm going back."

   "Hey, wait, leave a contact information!"

  Wang Yongle was a little reluctant. He stuck his head out of the car window, but he just couldn't bear to get out of the car, as if it was a shame for him to land on both feet.

   "Li Youshan has my mobile phone number. Just ask him." Li Tian didn't stop, but the pace of getting into the car slowed down.

Then Wang Yongle looked back at Li Youshan, who had a flattering look, and then suddenly thought of something, a head stuck out all the way, and said to Li Tian: "The class reunion one week later, you have to attend, you won’t come. But it’s not interesting enough!! You were always absent in previous years..."

   Classmates reunion in a week?

   I remember Li Youshan mentioned it when I cut my hair yesterday. Li Tian looked down at his outfit. Although he was not as good as Wang Yongle, he was also a bit human. Moreover, he also had the best little peasant system and the "Six Characters Jue of Breathing and Breathing". He was naturally tough.

   "Okay, I'll contact you by phone then."

   After finishing speaking, Li Tian got on the bus.

   It was strange to say that there were quite a few people in the car this time, and after a short wait, the car started to drive into the small village.

  Wang Yongle wanted to come down several times, but when he saw Li Tian's bus ride, he might feel a loss of face and never got down.

   "Li Youshan, although this Li Tian is not as unbearable as the poor farmer you mentioned, it is really not so good."

Although Wang Yongle was emotional, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, with a hint of sarcasm: "Back then, he studied well, he was the man of the school... But now, he has no money, he is not a fart, and he is almost 30 years old. , And squeezed the bus, tusk, Li Tian, ​​who was so energetic, no longer exists."

   Li Youshan hurriedly flattered and said: "That is, that is, compared with Shao Wang, he Li Tian is now a small farmer——"

   "Hahaha~" Wang Yongle laughed twice. “I’m hosting a classmate gathering this time, in fact, just want to see the Banhua Yang Cailing, who was once soaked by me, and now she is going to marry her teenage uncle, whether she still has the capital of the year. However, I didn’t expect, Li Tian, ​​this guy has returned to his hometown to be a small farmer~ interesting and interesting, unexpected joy!"

  Wang Yongle is very excited. "One week later, I must let Li Tian participate. This time I will call all the old classmates in our class. I was not the only one who dissatisfied Li Tian. Nowadays, there are many good ones. Of course, The highlight is Banhua Yang Cailing. Let her see if Li Tian, ​​who she liked in her school days, is now a thousand miles away from the old man she is about to get married."

Wang Yongle lit a cigarette and continued to feel comfortable: "She slept with me back then. The first time she gave it to me, it shows that she has good eyesight. I just don’t know how she would think of this current Li after so many years. Tian, ​​I really look forward to it."

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