In the past half month, Li Tian and Ren Keyun have been chatting more or less on WeChat, but there seems to be some indescribable barrier, so the topic has not been able to continue the conversation.

Usually it's early.

Good night, go to bed early.

You too.

That's it, it's simply boring, but still in contact, and strangely, the chat time between the two parties has not been on the same line.

It is about whether the younger sister should be taken to the big city to attend the wedding of Li Tian's old classmate.

She has class tomorrow and can't go.

Moreover, Li Tian hasn't made her mark now, so she doesn't want her sister to follow her and be looked down upon. At that time, they pointed to his nose and took a look. It was that man, useless, but his younger sister was pretty.

I guess that feeling is uncomfortable.

Soon it was night and it was very quiet outside. Winter is not like summer after all. There are no bugs and toads at night. People walking outside can feel absolutely quiet.

Except for the sound of a few dog barks, coming from a distance, it seemed not so quiet under the night of such a huge moon.

Even if he is leaving tomorrow, he did not give up practicing Kung Fu tonight.

Even when he quickly displayed 108 footwork, he couldn't help but think that with his current skills, he could be a beauty bodyguard.

In order to write a good novel, Li Tian took the time to study the hot wireless novels. Among them, he has also seen the bodyguard of the beautiful president. Generally, the male protagonist is particularly dangling, and those who pretend to be pigs and tigers stay next to the beautiful president, all kinds of ambiguous , The beauty like a cloud embraced her.

Li Tianjue felt that he had reached the core element now.

That's right, it is-poor!

The next day, Chen Yuluoyan's sister and Li Tian set off together. On this day, Wang Xiaoxiao looked at Li Tian next to Li Yuxin curiously.

Today's Brother Li Tian, ​​is dressed in handsome clothes, his hair is simply styled with hair spray, and his sitting and walking postures are much more serious than usual.

Although in many novels, the male protagonist is rough, first attracts the attention of others, and finally pretends to be forced to slap the face, to obtain the surprise and heart of the beautiful women.

However, this is the real world. He is not so stupid. He wore a shabby suit to attend the wedding of his old classmates. Isn't that a brain shortage?

Wang Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice, and Li Yuxin smiled and explained briefly.

Wang Xiaoxiao is like Dong Feidong, but she thinks Li Tian today is very charming. People rely on clothes, horses and saddles. Li Tian has a temperament that ordinary people do not have. Even if she knows that he is a farmer, she feels it at first impression. His extraordinary.

When he came to the small town, Li Youshan had to take a plane, and this small city did not actually have an airport. He had to take a few hours by car to the next city before he could fly.

It is a model of living suffering.

Li Tian directly stopped a taxi and came all the way to the high-speed rail station. Now small cities are going to develop, generally there are new cities and old cities.

The old city roads are narrower, houses are a bit more crowded, and there is more traffic.

The new city road is wide, the greening is well done, and the high-rise buildings are built to make people sigh the beauty and magnificence of the modern city.

The high-speed railway station is very modern, which is several grades higher than the ordinary railway station in the old city, and the glass is transparent everywhere.

Li Tian's first visit was the same as the first time a countryman entered the city. He didn't understand much.

Fortunately, he has a thick face, so if he doesn't understand, he asks a nice lady.

It may be that Li Tian’s outer packaging is well done, coupled with the hard practice of "Breathing, Breathing and Nasing Six Characters Jue", it makes him seem to be born with a temperament that people want to get close to. The ladies are also very happy. Explaining to Li Tian, ​​they naturally could not guess Li Tian's true identity, but he was actually a small farmer.

After getting on the high-speed rail Li Tian's first feeling is that it is new, spacious, bright and clean.

Unlike ordinary trains, I remember that one year, just before the New Year, God, for several hours, Li Tian was crowded and had nowhere to hide.

The smell inside is also unpleasant, but the beer and mineral water in the car, peanuts and melon seeds eight-treasure porridge. Here, the legs are closed, the salesperson's voice is still memorable in retrospect.

In the car, Li Tian wondered if he would meet acquaintances, such as beauties, school girls, white-collar workers, female college students, and beautiful female nurses.

Generally, the hero has an affair in a car, especially the first time, but in fact, Li Tian thinks too much.

Only the uncle, the aunt, and your uncle are all around.

Of course, if you just look for it, there will be bear children who are not pleasing to your eyes—(the best little farmer system..110110272)--(the best little farmer system)

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