Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 325: 5000000

Although Li Tian was different from other gentle and gentle brothers just now, he was still arguing and bickering with such a beautiful country as her.

However, for some reason, Zhao Ruxue just likes Li Tian's feelings, because it makes her feel that Li Tian is real and not fake at all.

Zhao Ruxue met too many people, and there were too many people. Most of them are one set on the surface and one set behind the back. Had it not been for Zhao Ruxue's cleverness and caution, she would have been killed countless times by those around her who were unprepared.

In a high position, a document can determine the quality of life of thousands of people, and she is also under pressure that ordinary people can't imagine.

She also looked at her wantonly as Li Tian just now, with a pair of bright beautiful eyes that looked Li Tian up and down like a radar.

"Why did you ask my company to draw up a false contract?"

Li Tian didn't want to talk about this topic, but because Zhao Ruxue was not an ordinary woman to him after all, she said lightly, "I have some money...Of course, for people of your social status, it is just a small amount of money. But some sources are unknown."

Li Tian sharply raised his tone to explain. "Of course, the money was earned by my hard work, not black money, but I can't explain it temporarily, so I claimed that rich people invested in me. However, this lie has never found a suitable company."

After explaining, Li Tian went on to say, "Just treat me like telling a joke, don't take it to heart."

On the other side, Zhao Qi was unwilling to be lonely again, and wanted to mock that Li Tian was laundering money and must have done something terrible and illegal.

However, her red and tender little mouth just opened, and Zhao Ruxue's sharp eyes like cold snow smashed over. Those eyes seemed to say that if you talk more, I will throw you off the plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters.


The scared Zhao Qi shrank her neck, her cute little face, and turned aside.

Zhao Ruxue took a deep breath, and then suddenly said, "That night, you obviously saw me, why didn't you look for me later and you just left."

Li Tian was taken aback, never expected that Zhao Ruxue would suddenly talk about this.

To be honest, Li Tian didn't even think about looking for Zhao Ruxue. It is true that seeing Zhao Ruxue at Yang Cailing's wedding was surprising, happy, and exciting, but after those emotions, some were only silent and some were only lonely.

This is the real society. Li Tian still has no ability to go to heaven and earth. If a bullet hits his head, he will die.

In the material society, money is almost the only thing that measures a person's ability, but it is this kind of thing that he does not currently have.

Even if it is a little bit, compared with Zhao Ruxue, who is loved by all business celebrities, the gap is too big.

Li Tian is not a person who likes to be inflamed, so he really didn't even want to go to her at all.

He does like her, but she can't compare with others.

Li Tian would not even bother to bother, he was such a person.


At this moment, Zhao Ruxue seemed to particularly want to know the answer, so her eyes turned out to be bolder than Li Tian just now, and Li Tian blushed.

"Well, I think it's not as good as you. Besides, you are such a good person, I don't want to run over and be a green leaf for you." Li Tian bit his head and told the truth.

To Zhao Ruxue, Li Tian is a very special person.

The same is true for Li Tian. He is willing to show his inner heart to her. This is an instinctive trust.

Zhao Qi would laugh at him, question him, and think he is a liar.

However, Li Tian instinctively felt that Zhao Ruxue would not.

Ten years ago, the two of them were able to stay together often because they appreciated and trusted each other.

as predicted--

Today, ten years later, after listening to Li Tian's explanation that he didn't want to explain, Zhao Ruxue actually felt relieved.

"Li Tian, ​​I agree. After getting off the plane, I will arrange for someone to draw up an investment contract with your company. Is 5 million enough?"

"Cousin—" Zhao Qi was reluctant. She felt that she was incompatible with this old man, not to mention 5 million, even if it was 5 yuan, she didn't want her cousin to give him.

"you shut up."

Zhao Ruxue is very strict with Zhao Qi.

It was all because of my cousin that caused me to misunderstand Li Tian as a **** from the beginning. At this moment, sitting next to him, the familiar feeling of ten years ago spontaneously emerged, so how could a man with a higher eye be a playboy.

Even if he is a playboy, the man who was raised by her Zhao Ruxue's beauty back then, in this world, how many beautiful women at the level of national beauty and fragrance let him spend?


Li Tian was a little frightened, can rich people really be so rich? The tone of this 5 million is the same as 500 yuan.

"I don't need money, and I don't have a company. I just do it myself in the countryside..." Li Tian said nervously.

Zhao Ruxue couldn't help but say that at this moment, she showed the style of acting as a domineering president. "If you want to develop in the long term, you must register a compliant and legal company and become an effective taxation legal person. Only in this way can some relevant national policies protect your assets and business. Moreover, there is no false investment in my company~www.wuxiaspot .com~ will not sign a false contract, 5 million, which is the minimum investment amount. If it is not enough, it can be increased by 50 million, or 500 million."

Zhao Ruxue paused for a while, as if thinking of a key issue in Li Tian's words just now.

"If you have not registered a company in the farming and planting industries in rural areas, then my 5 million can be your first fund for registering a company. Don’t be so surprised to look at me, company registration, legal representative, I can arrange a series of processes such as tax payment and tax payment, I can arrange the top domestic registered company team to help you operate. During this period, you only need to keep signing and signing, and then it is fine. If you don’t understand, I will send the company’s legal counsel to carefully explain."

In fact, with Zhao Ruxue's strength, as early as this morning, all the information about Li Tian had arrived in her office drawer.

So, in fact, Zhao Ruxue knew all the information on Li Tianming.

Although she is very embarrassed about what happened to him now, she is still very pleased to see Li Tian's poor and humble personality. Therefore, what she said at this moment was entirely from her sincerity, and she didn't even want to pity him at all. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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