Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 331: It's too pretty

After all, there are still Zhao Ruxue and Zhao Qi in the car, and Li Tian is not too quiet in his feelings. After knowing his data, he opened station b and found the short video that his sister had uploaded last night, although this short video Contains advertising, which promotes my brother's novel "Fantasy World".

However, it has rushed to the first place in the ranking of station b.

872,000 broadcasts, more than 12,300 bullet screens, and a comprehensive score of more than 1.1 million. Do your best to the first data, click to enter, like 100,000 +, coins 200,000 +, collect 100,000 +, forward 20,000 +.

It is simply terrible data. It is this kind of data. Last night, more than 20,000 collections were diverted to Li Tian's novels, and today it was more than 20,000 during the day, which adds up to more than 50,000 collections.

This kind of terrible data increase, no wonder the editor can no longer sit still.

Even if there is a collection of tickets and collections, others will slowly do it for fear of being seen by the editor. After all, this behavior is very bad, especially in the new book period. There are many new books in the same period, which will form malicious competition.

Moreover, the data collected is often very watery. After all, although the data is up, few people really stay to read novels.

But Li Tian's book is too arrogant. One night and one day, he directly blasted more than 50,000 collections, and the great **** opened a new book without his data.

If it is not for the editor to read the comments, and the data id is true, and the value of the reward data has exceeded several thousand, the editor in charge will really block his novel directly.

If this kind of data brushing culture is cultivated, everyone will go crazy brushing data. Will the author rack his brains, work hard, and scratch his hair?

and so!

Even if the data of Li Tian's novels exploded with thousands of recommended votes, the reward list, hot search list, and recommendation list are all scary, but because of the fact that there is a data brush, any list is cancelled.

In other words, although the data of Li Tian's novels is appalling, no one can see his novels on any list.

This is a very severe punishment. After all, this kind of novel, if it can appear on the list grandiosely, it will be too much harm for other authors who write novels with great care and are recommended crazy, and PK is on the list again and again. It's too unfair.

"Yeah! Isn't this cospy? What a beautiful little girl, dressed up like an anime character...Huh?"

After taking a peek, Zhao Qi just exclaimed and immediately discovered the problem. "Isn't this your sister?"


Li Tian ignored her. Indeed, the younger sister is too perfect. The role-playing is usually a photo shoot, and the post-production photo editing is required. However, my sister is better and went directly to the video. With the help of her experience in short self-portraits on Douyin, the short role-playing videos she shot are also exquisite. Popular characters are selected, and the most charming original anime performance is performed by real people.

Coupled with her face value, that kind of perfect face value without modification, but beautiful and earth-shattering, it is difficult to think about it in the second element center b station.

Li Tian took a screenshot of some important information and returned to qq again, telling the truth, explaining the reason to the editor in charge.

He writes novels very carefully and hard, but because of his lack of fame, he was already on the street when he was recommended by PC in the early stage, and he tried to push the water. In other words, in theory, Li Tian’s book is not qualified for pk, that is to say, it can attract A large number of readers collect and follow good recommendations, don't even think about it.

If the quality of the novel can't write the earth-shattering effect, it is almost cold.

It can only fend for itself. After all, in the online literature world, there are too many new books and new authors every day.

Li Tian was just one of them. There was no way. Li Tian didn't want to give up. He felt that he could rescue him. Therefore, he asked the Internet celebrity sister to help him advertise.

After listening, the editor was surprised.

‘Your internet celebrity sister, she is a little too pretty--’

Ahem, of course this is not the point. The point is that the effect of this ad is too exaggerated and too scary.

The editor in charge agreed not to seal the book. However, with the crazy data brought about by this advertising effect, there is no way to make his novels on the list. He can only wait for a period of time. It is completely supported by real readers' votes, rewards, and book reviews. Only with real data can we consider arranging to board the major lists.

Although Li Tian had some regrets, he could understand.

After all, most readers like to look for books on the list, open his book one point, and find that they are all sightseeing groups at station b. It is estimated that they will come in with a stupid expression, and then go out with a stupid expression.

At the same time, the influence on novel websites is not good.


Li Tian took the opportunity to talk to the editor in charge of his wishes and wanted to put it on the shelves when it was about 300,000 characters.

It's not that Li Tian is eager to make money on shelves, but that his super special mission has been delayed for a long time.

Recently, his main task is difficult and cannot be completed in a short time.

Random tasks do not appear again.

It just so happened that the number of words for the super special task was approaching, and of course Li Tian wanted to finish the task quickly.

The editor in charge hesitated for a moment and said okay! Arrange for you to be on the shelves at 12 noon next week 5! During this time, you will save more manuscripts, and I will arrange a strong push for the novel next week.

Generally, the editor in charge will not discuss the recommendation issue with the author. After all, there are dozens of website and app recommendations However, there are thousands of online novels. At the same time, great gods and new and cutting-edge works should occupy one third of the key points and good recommendations.

The rest of the books really can only be promoted by relying on layers of pk.

So it's difficult.

The editor in charge will not talk about recommendations with hundreds of authors on a one-to-one basis. Moreover, for general recommendations, the editor in charge cannot be the chief editor. He can only submit it to the chief editor, and only the chief editor has the right to make decisions.

And some special major recommendations are generally the responsibility of the operations editor.

So the situation is also a bit complicated. It’s not that the editor in charge wants to recommend to you, but you can give it at will. It depends on your novel achievements. Obviously, after my sister’s diversion advertisement last night, although there is suspicion of brushing data, even 50,000 collection , Leaving only 1,000 readers, which is not a lot for newcomers.

Therefore, Li Tian's editor still pays more attention.

I am willing to give him a good recommendation of 300,000 words to force it on the shelves. (Needle Farmer System: 110110272)--(Needle Farmer System)

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